Training Her Throat

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“Are you ready to begin?”

“Through this website, I managed to get laid with 3 different women in a two week span. Honestly, I haven’t found something similar working that accurately. Plus sign up is free!”


– Matt B.

Dave lifted Cindy’s chin up so that her eyes were locked on his. She swallowed hard and nodded. She was definitely ready. Her pussy had been wet and throbbing all morning while she was getting ready to go to Dave’s apartment for her official slave training. They had been dating for a month or so, and they were now ready to sink completely into their slave/Dom dynamic.

“Is that how you’re meant to respond to me?”

“I’m sorry, sir.”

Dave’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her. “Now, are you ready to begin?”

“Yes, sir.” Cindy trembled with anticipation.

The first toy Dave brought out from his “toy box” was a small, perforated ball gag. It wasn’t too challenging. At least that’s what Dave thought. He was surprised when Cindy struggled to widen her mouth big enough to accept the ball gag.

“Good girl,” cooed Dave. “I know it’s going to be uncomfortable at first. Remember to tap me three times if you need a break.”

Dave stood up, leaving a naked Cindy at his feet. 

“Crawl over here,” said Dave, walking over to the couch. “You can remain kneeling on the floor.”

Cindy obeyed. Her chest was heaving up and down as she let her jaw adjust to the ball gag. Dave turned on the TV and flipped through the shows while Cindy’s chin quickly became coated with drool. It spilled out from lips, uncontrollably, and it dripped down to her chest and tits. Her jaw was quickly aching.

Once Dave had decided on a show, he leaned forward and gently stroked his fingers under Cindy’s chin. He smiled at her. “You’re doing such a good job.” He patted her head and smoothed down her hair. “Just a few more minutes, and then we’ll give that pretty mouth of yours a break.”

Cindy had become calmer and used to the ball gag. Somehow, she had managed to fit it comfortably between her lips, which had managed to stretch out around the toy. She wondered what Dave had in store for her next.

“You know, this is going to be valuable training,” said Dave, pulling his cock out from his pants. He fisted his shaft for a few strokes, groaning quietly. “I want you to be able to take this cock all the way down your throat with no issues.”

Cindy’s eyes moved downwards to his cock. Dave was well-endowed, more than any other cock she had ever seen. It was going to be difficult to learn how to take him completely into her mouth with ease.

When Dave finally removed the ball gag, Cindy was grateful. She worked her jaw open and closed, moving her mouth side-to-side to work out the aches. 

“Get up here,” said Dave, patting the couch beside him.

He had Cindy lie down on her back as he leaned over her and began to kiss her. Their lips colliding helped dissipate the last bit of discomfort she felt in her jaw. 

Dave pushed her head roughly to the side and began to kiss the side of her neck. He eventually slid down to her small, perky breasts, sucking on each nipple. When he reached her pussy, Cindy let out a shuddering gasp.

“This is your reward for being so good,” Dave said, his eyes looking up at hers. 

His tongue slid over her clit like velvet. It felt amazing, and Cindy instantly relaxed. She began to tremble, closing her eyes and getting lost in the moment. Being Dave’s slave was amazing, even better than she had anticipated. 

When she came, she bucked her hips upwards, unable to stop herself, but Dave reached up to press her pelvis back on the couch. He tongued her clit through the entirety of her orgasm until Cindy was no longer gasping for air.

“Thank you for letting me cum, sir,” said Cindy feebly, still weak from the climax.

Dave smiled at her and went back to his toy box. Cindy’s eyes doubled in size when she saw what Dave had now. It was a massive dildo attached to a leather strap, clearly meant to fit inside Cindy’s mouth.

“I think you’re ready for the next step,” said Dave. “Sit up.”

Cindy sat up on her knees. 

“Open your mouth.” Dave ran his fingers across her jaw, prying apart her lips.

He slid the long black dildo into Cindy’s mouth, and she immediately gagged. It was one thing to give someone a blowjob and bob your head up and down on their cock, but it was another thing to have a dildo down your throat, unmoving.

“Just breathe,” reminded Dave. “Inhale through your nose and relax. If you don’t stay calm, it’s just going to be harder.”

Cindy took that into consideration and took slow and steady breaths through her nose. The dildo seemed impossibly big inside her mouth, stretching out her lips but also filling up her throat. It set off a panic inside of her at first, but just like the ball gag, she quickly got used to the sensation of being so filled up and stretched.

Dave pulled her against him and started to run his fingers along her shoulders and back while they watched TV. He could feel her shifting slightly against him, adjusting every few seconds to the gag forced down her throat. Her barely audible gagging sounds turned him on, and all he could think about was her pretty mouth stretched out around his big cock.

“How are you holding up?” asked Dave, rubbing Cindy’s hair. “Do you think the training is helping?”

“Mhhm,” mumbled Cindy, as best as she could.

“Good.” He reached around to unhook the strap from the back of her head, unable to wait any longer. “Let’s try the real thing.”

He slowly pulled the huge dildo out from Cindy’s throat. A pool of spit came out with it. 

“Come here,” Dave growled, pulling Cindy towards his lap, where his cock was out and already half-hard. “Let’s see what skills you’ve learned.”

Cindy realized she wasn’t going to get a break between the dildo and Dave’s cock, but maybe that was a good thing. It wouldn’t give her any time to readjust to not having anything stuffed in her mouth.

She slid her face down Dave’s shaft like she always did, but this time, she worked extra hard to get her mouth all the way down to the base. Unfortunately, it still seemed impossible.

“Come on, slave,” groaned Dave. “You can do it. There you go.”

Cindy stretched her lips out as far as they could physically go, but still, she couldn’t get all the way down.

“Here,” said Dave suddenly. “I have an idea.”

He grabbed Cindy’s hand and led her to the bedroom. He positioned her so she was lying on her back, with her head hanging off the edge of the bed. From this angle, Dave could get a perfect angle to slide his cock straight down her throat, while also being able to get a lot of leverage for bigger thrusts.

“Open up,” said Dave, rubbing the head of his cock over Cindy’s lips.

She obeyed him instantly and opened up her mouth, and Dave shoved his way inside. Almost immediately, he began to thrust in and out of her throat, getting somehow deeper with each thrust. Cindy found it easier from this angle, even though the blood was rushing to her head. The position gave Dave the perfect access to her throat. 

“Fuck,” Dave grunted. “Look at that. All the way in.”

Cindy couldn’t believe it! She was finally deep-throating Dave’s cock. He’d slide all the way into her throat, balls-deep, and then pull out completely. Over and over, he slammed his cock into her mouth, watching as the drool pooled out of her. He loved the way she coated his cock in slobber without even trying.

“Shit, here it comes, slave,” he groaned suddenly, after a few minutes of fucking Cindy’s face. “I’m going to cum deep in that mouth.”

Cindy let out a muffled moan in response, and after a few more rough thrusts, Dave’s cock was twitching inside of her. The cum got sent straight down her throat,  a hot gush that poured into her belly. Cindy didn’t even have to swallow anything. It spilled right into her.

Dave sighed contentedly as he pulled out from Cindy, a big pool of saliva coming along with his cock. He pulled Cindy up onto the bed with him and held her body against his. He brushed her hair out of her face and pressed his thumb gently against her lips.

“See? I knew you could do it,” he said, smiling at her. He kissed her forehead.

“Thank you for training me, sir,” said Cindy, smiling right back.

They spent the rest of the weekend deepthroating off and on. If Cindy’s mouth wasn’t filled with Dave’s cock, it was filled with a dildo or gag. By the time Sunday evening rolled around and it was time for Cindy to leave, she felt like a deepthroat pro.

But there was always room for more training. . .

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