Gay man taking advantage of drunk

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As I walked down the street, I kept replaying the whole scene in my head. I couldn't believe that my girlfriend of 2 years had broken up with me. And to think, she had been cheating on me this entire time, unbelievable!

The neon sign for Jack's bar was beckoning me as I approached, so I decided that after the day I had, I needed a drink. No, I needed to get drunk!! I've passed this bar hundreds of times but have never gone in, so it was about time.

“STOP! Hey mate, now that I got your attention I’d like to share with you this new site I found with literally anything you can think of, ranging from orgies, grannies, teens, incest and you know.. the kinky stuff. I made this review just to help a brother out. Peace.”

– Jake A.

I pulled the door open and walked into the darkness, barely lit by more neon, two tv's at either end of the bar and a few wall lights. The place was practically empty except for a small group sitting way in the back, so I took a seat at the bar as my eyes began to adjust.

Ordering a shot of whiskey and a beer from the bartender, I waited. Half an hour passed and I was already drunk.

A voice came from my right. I looked over and there sat an older, maybe late 50s to early 60s gentleman, smiling at me. I felt his hands on me. I don’t know what he was saying. I tried pushing him away but he didn’t stop. I don’t know how but the next thing I know I was being dragged by him and I didn’t know where.

I don’t know when I passed out but when I woke up I was in his room. My mind is still hazy. I noticed someone’s naked figure near the bed and I could feel my body already getting hot. 

I was beginning to have feelings that I couldn't explain. As I looked up at him, my stomach was getting butterflies and my cock was beginning to stir under my robe.

I had never had a man behave this way towards me and it was confusing and exhilarating all at the same time. I gulped my drink down and my eyes darted back down between his legs where his cock was slowly growing. When I saw the slow steady movement as his cock began to expand, I couldn't look away.

I quickly realised that my own cock had begun waking up and was creeping out from under my robe. Joe's hand went to the back of my neck and squeezed gently, massaging my muscles as he gripped my hair line. I was dizzy from drinks and excitement and he easily coaxed my head downward as he pulled his robe open further.

I was almost hypnotised from the massage and followed his hand downward until my face was in his lap. His cock was fully erect now, and just inches from my face as he continued stroking my hair, completely nonchalant about his erection. His hand slid up across my forehead and down to my cheek, his fingers grazing my lips and circled them lightly.

I tried pushing him away but he just came closer and pushed his cock into my mouth. I tried to move my fave away but he just thrusted it into my mouth. Eventually, I had to suck him. As he slid it closer, I closed my lips down around the head and gently sucked as warm precum began flowing onto my tongue. Joe groaned and began stroking my face as he lifted himself up to reposition.

The fire was the only light in the room so I finally had a good view of his cock, and it was impressive. I hadn't realised how long he was until now, almost twice as long as mine but just as thick. I took a breath and slid my mouth down about half way until the tip hit the back of my throat, causing me to gag momentarily before I pulled back. Joe just stroked my cheek and smiled as my eyes teared up. I tried a couple more times with the same results until I finally relaxed my throat enough to get most of him in there.

As I practised on Joe's cock, getting deeper each time, he smiled down at me and nodded his approval again as he moaned. I quickly got the hang of it and before long, I had his entire shaft buried down my throat. He still didn't force anything, letting me go at my own pace. I was an eager student, and he was a patient teacher.

 As I continued to suck his cock, he began running his fingers across my ass cheeks, spreading them apart gently and letting his finger run down between them. I immediately enjoyed the way it felt and showed my appreciation by going back to work on his cock, moaning with it between my lips.

Joe slipped a finger alongside his cock, and coated it with my saliva and his precum before placing it between my ass cheeks. He slowly, gently slid it down and pressed it against my hole, applying very light pressure as he swirled it around, teasing the sensitive area around my opening while covering it in the slick mixture. As he did this, he began moaning along with me, and his precum began flowing even faster, to the point where it was filling my mouth and I had to swallow.

Swallowing his precum was turning me on to the point that I began slowly gyrating my hips while he teased my ass. I began grinding my hard cock against the couch as I sucked his cock deeper into my mouth, arching my back and giving him better access back there. Precum began to fill my mouth again and dripped off my chin so I reached back and brought his hand to my mouth and let a mouthful of precum and saliva pool into his palm. He moaned again as I licked and sucked his fingers, covering them in the slippery mix.

Joe slid his precum saliva drenched fingers down into my crack and began applying gentle pressure, slowly slipping one of them into me. I let out an "mmmfff" as he slid his finger deeper inside me, moaning louder as his cock began to throb in between my lips. He let out a moan as he pressed his finger up to the knuckle into my tight ass.

I felt his body stiffen and his finger began to gently pump in and out of my ass moments before the first jet of hot cum filled my mouth, followed quickly by another. I was so preoccupied with the amount of cum shooting into my mouth that I was barely aware of the dull pain in my ass from the second finger he slipped in. After the first two forceful jets, his cock became like a tube of toothpaste that was being squeezed from the bottom, slowly but steadily oozing more cum. I had to swallow several times and his cum still leaked from the corner of my mouth.

As Joe's orgasm began to fade, he gently pulled his fingers from my ass and stroked my back, he then guided me back, he pushed my legs apart and pushed my knees to my chest.

 Resting his body weight on me as he kissed me deeply, his cock lined up with my hole. All it took was a gentle push of his hips and the head slipped inside.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me while continuing to push deeper until his cock was all the way inside me. I had to break our kiss as the moans came from deep within me. His cock was hitting so deep, awakening even more nerve endings that were filling me with euphoria.

Once his cock slid to the hilt, he began slowly, gently fucking me. It was passionate and loving, tender and caring as he took my virginity. Our tongues intertwined as his cock nestled inside my body, massaging me from the inside as we moaned and panted together. I began slowly moving my hips in time with his gentle thrusts, letting him know I was ok.

His pace began to gradually increase, as our kissing became more intense and lust filled, until he finally propped himself up and started fucking me like I used to fuck my ex. He went to his knees and pulled me up while wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He took a hold of my ass and bounced me on his cock as I clung to him like a tree. Driving his cock up into me from this position several minutes until he laid back held me on top of him while still thrusting.

Joe's orgasm seemed to last forever as his cock throbbed and pulsed inside me. I collapsed on top of him and could feel every spurt of cum as it painted my insides until he finally laid still, holding me to his chest. I didn’t know what the hell just happened. A man just fucked me and I’m not even sure why I complied to him and let him do it. My eyes just started closing and I didn’t even know when I fell asleep.

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  1. Bobby
    March 31, 2024 om 1:08 am

    Wow really luved it. Great first time.


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