Queer waters (Pt. 1)

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The day had finally come! I was already packed and ready to go with everything meticulously picked out for my coming trip. This little vacation was all for me. I want going with any of my friends on purpose as I have never done so before. This would be my attempt at breaking out of my shell.

What better way to do that than booking myself a gay cruise! I've always wanted to go on one since they became more popular with cruise lines. The packages they offered were confusing for my first time, but I lucked out with a balcony room that looked over the inside plaza. That was merely the icing for the real cake of such a venture. 

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

The Adonis Cruise line had designed a brand-new ship making it one of the largest cruise ships at sea. Their flagship was known as the Penetrator. A massive ship capable of withstanding plenty of what Poseidon, god of the sea, can throw at it. Over a dozen decks featuring the most modern of amenities to its passengers. A true floating island that can make it hard to disembark.

Arriving at the port had me feeling like a kid again. The port was awash with all kinds of gay people! Terrible way of putting it, I know, but I wasn’t wrong. There were groups of twinks and twunks, bears and cubs, you name it! The pride flag was proudly displayed everywhere. There was so much pride at the port I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a rainbow arching out over the port.

I checked in and went through all the hoops to get onto the ship at the time I was scheduled to arrive. Everyone was so nice and welcoming that my anxiety was smoothed over. I thought I was going to be herded onto the ship like a regular passenger, but they made it feel like I was invited to be with them. Of course, it’s a bunch of lingo and scripted remarks but they were so genuine.

Once on the ship, I went to my cabin to drop off what I brought with me save for my luggage. I’d have to figure out when to get my suitcase later. I was more concerned with getting out and being amongst the other guests. Coming at the time I did made it to where plenty of others had made it onto the ship before me.

Dropping my stuff in my room, I grabbed what I wanted to take with me and headed out. The halls and insides of the ship were wide and dotted with people. Not all of the passengers had made it onto the ship yet, so the corridors weren’t crowded. From the guts of the ship and up the various decks, my head was swiveling about at all the ship offered. It was all so much to take in for my first time being on a cruise ship.

What struck me the most was how kind everyone was. I had read that gay cruises brought the kindness out of its passengers, but shit I thought it was just something to make you feel more courageous at reaching out to one another. Nope! It’s the truth! I was getting “hello’s” and “hey’s” from nearly every person I passed or locked eyes with. Everyone was so inviting. Even though my anxiety was spiking each time someone said something to me, I was heartened enough to say something back while I kept walking.

Making my way onto the pool deck was when I saw where all the early people had gone. A variety of men were already present. From White, Black, Asian, old, young, and in-between all of them. The vast majority of them were in speedos or tight fitting shorts. There was a remarkably light atmosphere surrounding the area. Everyone was having fun or just simply enjoying themselves. What vanity would have us hide what we did not want others to see, inclusivity brought down those walls allowing everyone to be themselves.

“Hey there, cutie”

I whipped around to a handsome blonde-haired man I was passing on the walkways beyond the pools. He stood tall with an average yet fit body wearing colorful orange and yellow swim trunks. His tan skin had a light reddish tint to it indicating he had been on the deck for a while now. Probably one of the first to arrive.

“Me?” I stupidly pointed to myself even though his eyes were clearly on me.

A white toothed smile flashed across his fair features with a light laugh. “Yes, you. I couldn’t help but notice how your eyes wander.” He circled a finger in front of him indicating everything around us. “First time on a cruise?”

I felt a blush coming on but tried to fight it off. “That obvious?” I gave a light laugh that didn’t mask my nervousness.

The smile on his face stayed as he admitted, “I was the same as you on my first cruise.” I noticed his eyes look me up and down before he continued on to ask, “Are you here with someone or…”

“By myself. I’m treating myself so to speak,” I gave a little shrug and a smile.

“Oh?” His eyebrows went up curiously, “Well, I’m sailing solo too. Would you like some company? I’ve been on these types of ships before. I can show you around?”

I stood there baffled. This handsome man was offering me just what I was hoping for, companionship! Not only that, male companionship! Truthfully, that lacks in my life as the majority of my friends were girls. Breaking away from women was hard as they just gravitated towards me. Hence why I chose to go on a gay cruise where practically everyone on board was male. I couldn’t deny an opportunity like this.

“Sure, that – that would be great.” The smile on my face grew wider as well as the color filling my cheeks.

“Awesome,” his smile did the same while I noticed a twinkle in his eyes. “I’m Corey by the way.”

“Aiden,” I said holding my hand out.

Corey looked down at my hand and took it with a firm shake. “Nice to meet you, Aiden. Shall we?”

Leaving the pool deck, we strode throughout the various levels of the ship. It felt as if we were going from one end of the ship to the other each deck we explored. There were plenty of sports to be played out in the open air while multiple decks below held the real treasure trove. I had read what was available on board but seeing it all in person was still just as exciting.

Even though I knew better, I forgot for a while that I was on a cruise ship. When we got to the commercial parts of the ship, I felt as though we were on land in a mall. There were plenty of shops to go in for basic things like clothing you forgot to pack or souvenirs and other bobbles. What really got me was the number of restaurants and bars that occupied the levels.

As we walked together, Corey was quite descriptive of which decks had what and when certain parties would take place. It was so tempting to hit one of the bars, but they hadn’t opened their taps just yet given we were still at port. Still, the scenery was magnificent. It was like Disneyland in a whimsical kind of way.

It was all really magnificent, and I really appreciated Corey for taking it upon himself to show me around. I enjoyed his presence and the way he kept his attention on me and passed along the attention of others. With the way he was dressed, there were plenty of guys ogling him. I caught some of their eyes flicking between the two of us as we walked together. That made me feel giddy when those provocative thoughts started to pop up in my head.

I wondered what his real intentions were. Corey jumped on being my guide so easily. A complete stranger taking on another. It was obvious given our circumstances, but I wondered when I was going to actually see it happen. He had been kind thus far and flirtatious, but I couldn’t tell if he meant it in the way I was hoping for. It was a bit maddening, but at the same time I didn’t want to push it in case I lose him.

Out on the top deck at the bow of the ship, we were able to look out over the edge at the ship. At one point, Corey turned to me suddenly saying, “Oh! I almost forgot. Have you had a proper welcome to an Adonis cruise?”

I frowned at him confused, “No, what’s that?”

That shinning smile returned to his face, and he leaned forward, “This.” His lips connected with mine and held them there. They were soft yet encompassed my own. I could feel the intent behind them. A moment was created there that didn’t shatter even as we broke out embrace.

“I didn’t read about a welcoming like that on the internet.” I admit I was blushing like a schoolgirl.

Corey could probably see what his kiss did to me. A playful expression flashed across his face as he said, “You wouldn’t have. I made it up.”

My jaw dropped and a laugh escaped my throat. Then a smile replaced my baffled reaction as I realized what he just did.

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