Horrible debt by gay sex slave

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Thirty-four year old Eric was a degenerate gambler and chronic substance abuser. After losing his job, Eric had taken to a life of gambling away his little stipends and also patronizing every drug dealer that hung around corner stores and alleys of his city. 

After losing his house due to taking out his mortgage for a bet, Eric thought the best idea would be to get a loan from an infamous mobster who doubled as a drug dealer with countless men working for him. Desperate, homeless, and still addicted to his vices, Eric was able to secure the loan, which he blew all in a night while trying to gamble his luck. Eric had no plans on how he planned to pay back even after he promised the crime overlord he wasn't going to default on his payment. He feared the crime boss might do something sinister to him and tried leaving the city one night, only to get pulled over by a state trooper and bundled into the trunk of a police cruiser. 

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the bitch who thinks he could run away with my money!" Juan- the Mexican cartel overlord who had given Eric the loan, mocked a naked and strung up Eric in an empty warehouse a few hours after he had been abducted by the trooper who was also under the crime boss's payroll. Eric swallowed a lump in his throat as he blinked his eyes open to see he was surrounded by members of the gang while Juan stood before him with a desert eagle in his grasp.

"No, no, no… I was going to pay up. I'm going to pay. Please, I beg you, don't kill me." Eric went into panic mode on sighting the gun as he feared this was the end. 

An infuriated Juan pistol whacked his jaw with the butt of the desert eagle and hissed. "You don't fucking speak unless spoken to!" Eric winced aloud from the pain as his naked body dangled from the metal chain restraining his arms above his head to the roof. "Matter of fact, I think you need a crash course on how I treat bitches who try to run away with my money." Juan seethed at Eric's sweaty and tensed face before walking over to press a button control so the pulley system Eric was chained to eased the chain down, and Eric crumbled painfully on his knees, panting with his arms still trapped above and hurting his shoulders. Juan walked back and grabbed onto Eric's cropped hair, pulling his head up, so Eric's eyes flew wide at the sight of Juan's thick veiny nine-inch cock that was sticking out of his pants now. Aiming the gleaming steel pistol at Eric's head, Juan held a menacing scowl on his scarred face as he sneered with a growl, "you better open up before I blow your brains out on this floor!"

Eric whimpered with tremors as he parted his lips and engulfed the fat tip of Juan's cock. 

A few bodyguards watching from the corner guffawed as they watched a helpless Eric begin to bob gingerly on the thick cock, barely sliding past the tip. "Deeper, you dirty cocksucking sniveling bastard!" Juan seethed as, with one rough shove against Eric's head, he impaled Eric's tonsils with his fat, thick cock. 

Eric's eyes grow wide as his throat stretched painfully from the huge meat lodged down his throat. Juan hissed as he scrunched Eric's nose against his hairy pubes, not minding Eric's breathless wheezing and gasping as he squirmed and the chains clanked loudly while he struggled to breathe with a throat full of cock. He pulled out swiftly, and Eric gasped loudly before his gasping lips were brutally pummeled by the smeared cock again. This time, Juan began to furiously slam his hips so that his dangling balls whipped away at Eric's slobbering jaw while his cock repeatedly slammed at the back of Eric's throat. 

"You like how that cock tastes, huh, you fucking puto!" Juan cussed and spat down a glob of saliva on Eric's reddened face as he forced his meat in and out of Eric's drooling throat. Tears sluiced down Eric's face as he squirmed under the pressure of his throat, getting savagely pummeled. Juan finally pulled his smeared member out of Eric's throat and commanded a bodyguard to press on his controls again, so the chain pulled Eric back into an upright position. His wrists were already chaffed and bleeding as a snarling Juan walked around him and grabbed roughly onto Eric's hips.

"No, no, please. Please, owwww…FUCCKK!!!" Eric wailed as Juan pinned his fat cock against his tight hole before slamming all the way forcefully in: stabbing Eric's guts roughly to pave the way for his throbbing monster.

"Nobody fucks me over! I always do the fucking!" Juan snarled menacingly into Eric's tensed ear as he grabbed tightly onto the small of his back and began thrusting his thick cock in and out of the searing tight hole. Eric winced, cried, cussed, and wailed as Juan picked pace and began jackhammering his virgin cunt; burning his asscheeks with vicious smacking, which for some reason was amusing to the onlooking party of bodyguards. Juan popped his cock out of the gaping pink hole, then began teasing Eric's entrance with his tip as he leaned further into him. "For a backstabbing puta that you are, you've got a real dirty and tight boy cunt!" He penetrated the pulsating pink sphincter with his bulbous tip, so Eric wailed softly and squirmed in his restraints. "I think I'm gonna be keeping you as my slave for a long time."

"OWWW…SHHIIIITTTT!!!" Eric almost blacked out from the pain as he screamed the roof off once Juan brutally re-entered his burning hole. This time he resumed pounding his pulsing cock with a fast, steady pump, ramming his prickly hairy crotch into Eric's reddened ass that now had multiple imprints of Juan's palm etched on the skin. 

"Yesss…you wanna take my money, then you should be willing to take my cock at least bitch!" Juan sneered with ragged breaths as he rammed Eric's boy pussy with savage pumps of his entire thick length. For some reason, Eric realized that his screams slowly changed tunes to throaty moans and groans as Juan began to ram at his prostate with reckless abandon sporadically. Eric winced aloud as a searing orgasm burnt through him and his cock began spewing out semen in strings as his body was roughly pumped.

Juan noticed Eric's spilling cock and picked up his pace, pumping faster than ever with ragged, heaving breaths. He let out a sharp grunt as he felt the overwhelming burn of a ravishing orgasm course through him before he slammed all the way against Eric's prostate, then exploded down his clenching and unclenching rectum in rivulets of scathing semen. "UGHHH…FuCk Yeassssss!!!" Juan bellowed as his thick cock spewed sporadically inside the strangulating warm ass. He slapped hard against Eric's burning flesh, so he squirmed and moaned softly with heaving breaths of his. "You were made for this! It's no use trying to fight it!" Juan leaned and quipped with tensed breaths into Eric's gasping face.  "From now on, you'll stay here like a good slave. I'll be kind enough to work out a repayment plan for the defaulted loan as long as you keep giving up that ass whenever I need it!" Another harsh spank followed his throaty declaration. "Are we clear?!" He hissed into a yelping Eric's ear.

"Hmmmphh…yes, yes, we're clear. Thanks. Now can I go home, please?" Eric moaned softly with tensed breaths. His shoulders ached like hell, and his creampied ass just kept clenching and unclenching around Eric's now softening member still lodged inside of him.

"I don't think you get it. You have no free will from now on. This shall be your little cocoon. So you'd do better than not piss me off with that question again!" He snarled as he popped his smeared, flaccid cock out of the drooling gaping hole and a rivulet of his semen leaked down the insides of Eric's thigh. 

Eric cried softly to himself as he knew there was absolutely no escaping from this debt now. He had to pay, and his debtor was definitely capable of one thing, and that was making him pay in full. Eric winced as his gaping ass hurt in the wind while Juan pulled up his pants and sauntered out of the warehouse along with his gang. 

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