Cosplay convention surprise orgy

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It was already gearing up to be a great convention! I had hand-made this cosplay for my body as I couldn’t find anything that would feel comfortable around me.

As I dart from booth to booth, posing for pictures with random people, it’s one guy that puts a damper on my plans for the day. His watch strap catches my skirt and rips the hem enough to be noticeable.

“Shit, sorry!”

His apology comes quickly, and it seems genuine enough, for a moment I think he’s some random creep trying to cop a feel, but he seems sincerely upset he’d ripped my cosplay. Without even hesitating, he offers a solution.

“There’s a repair room just over here if you’d like a quick fix.”

It was like a magic phrase that raised my spirits, instantly breaking out into a soft smile as my convention seemed to have been saved at the last moment. After traveling so far to come and enjoy the scene, it’d be a shame to have to walk around without a cosplay, or even worse, with a ripped one.

Hey, stop reading for a second. I’m looking for dicks to suck. Any guys interested? Subscribe and find my with CatrinaXscksDicks1. Please only serious replies from older man with loads of cum. Love hearing from you in the chat Xx 😉    

He kindly guides me off the path of the convention, toward an unmarked room that he assured me was for repairs. A tad hesitantly, I stepped in, encouraged by a sudden shove against my back, forcing me to the floor. As I fall, I feel the fabric of my shirt tear from my skin, looking up, I see the kind man with a sadistic smile on his face, still clutching my shirt in his hand as I struggle to cover my naked breasts.

As I scan the room, my heart sinks after noticing who was inside, a countless number of naked men, stroking their cocks to the sight of the disgraced cosplayer.

They simply laugh as the man behind me grabs my thighs with his rough hands, one of the strangers in front doing much the same, lifting me from the floor as I flail about, soon held in place by their firm grip.

“Looks like we’ve caught ourselves a super-slut!”

They all laugh together, just aposing against my helpless whimpers as tears well in my eyes, my legs forced apart around the man’s waist in front of me. My panties are unceremoniously torn from my crotch, leaving me completely exposed in front of the crowd of strangers, each stroking their cocks together as they anticipate what I’m dreading.

In an instant, my flails for freedom are silenced as I feel my pussy forced into by his thick cock, my scream welling in my throat, but silenced as the man behind me wraps his hands around my neck, choking me from letting out any screams for help. Without a chance to resist, I’m raped whilst being held in the air by them, a line forming behind the first man, likely each waiting their turn. As I think my position couldn’t get any worse, the stranger behind me starts shifting in place, letting his tip press against my ass threateningly.


I try to let out a protest against his hands, but only elicit laughter from him as he takes what he wants, trusting his hips forward, ramming his cock inside of my once-tight asshole. It felt as if my entire body was on fire, my pussy was continuously pounded by one guy, as another fucks my ass from behind, both of my holes violated as I can do little but squeal against his palm. Terror quakes throughout my body, not just from the leering eyes of the hungry men still waiting in line for their turn, but as my holes are brutally stretched, the room filled with the rhythmic slapping of their bodies against mine, I can feel pleasure start to replace the pain…

The man behind me seems to notice this, and all of a sudden his hand is removed from my mouth, and to everyone’s surprise, the first thing to escape my lips is a desperate moan. Both of the men inside of me quickly increase their pace, realizing that I had descended into something depraved, they were no long raping some helpless girl, they were in the middle of a gangbang. Knowing I was at the center of this crowd of horny men, each staring at my body with lust, eagerly waiting their turn, I couldn’t deny the sick perverse pleasure I took from it.

I felt the man behind me lean forward into his thrusts, whispering into my ear.

“When I’m done with you, that nice man in line will take my place, and so will the man after him…”

Whilst still continuing his thrust, he whispers one final sentence that seals the rest of my night.

“You’re fucked.”

The realization of what he was saying took a moment to sink in, but when it did, I felt my body cave into a mind-melting orgasm, understanding the situation I was in. This was effectively an endless gangbang, no rest in sight as each man has plenty of time to recover, whilst I would get no rest, constantly used by the crowd of horny men.

As my orgasm caused my body to spasm in the men’s grip, I felt the man fucking my ass speeding up, his own pleasure having reached its limit, he let out a grunt as he bottoms himself out, eliciting a squeal from my lips.

“Take my cum you dirty little cocksleave!”

It wasn’t as if I had a choice in the matter, my thighs trembling as my ass is filled, his cock throbbing inside of me as each pulse leaves me feeling more full. Soon his grip loosens, and as his cock pulls out of me. I feel slightly more empty, cum beginning to dribble onto the floor. As if forgetting what I was told earlier, I let out a shrill squeal as another man took his spot behind me, thrusting himself between my cheeks without a chance to recover.

“Well boys, looks like we’ve got a screamer!”

It was only half of his length, but the sudden penetration was enough to surprise me. Without a care for my own comfort, the man instantly forces every inch inside of me before pounding away, despite my mixed spasms of pain and pleasure. Pathetic whimpers escaped my lips as both of my holes were violated, abused like a fleshlight, still no end in sight.

As if to emphasize my new place for the foreseeable future, the stranger ramming his dick into my now dripping wet pussy speeds up without warning, grunting into my ear as his pace only becomes more desperate. He frantically fucks my hole, gripping tighter to my thighs before finally pressing everything he could inside of me, making me feel his thick cock pump my pussy full of his cum. Once his orgasm had died down, he unceremoniously pulled out, leaving me feeling like a cheap whore that had been used up, only to have my desire to serve re-ignited as another man steps forward.

“You dirty little bitch!”

He simply stares at the sight of me held in the air, my ass still being pounded as I struggle to speak, babbling nonsense in my lust-filled state, then takes the same position as the last man. The sensation of having my recently-fucked pussy stretched all over again sent me over the edge, cumming from a single thrust of the man, much to his delight.

“You’re fucking disgusting.”

This continues for what feels like hours, my body used and abused over and over, the line never growing shorter as my eyes soon haze over in despair-filled lust. All of a sudden, my limp, exhausted body is dropped to the floor, splashing in the puddle of sex beneath me. As I peer up from the floor, still dizzy, I dreamily make out the crowding men around me, each stroking their cocks furiously, moans filling the room. Absent-mindedly, I plunge my hands between my legs, feeling empty after spending so long being used, fucking myself desperately to fill the void.

All of a sudden, one of the men grunts and bucks his hips forward, his cock erupting his load across me, covering my face, chest and hair with his cum as he steps back, making room for the men behind him to step forward. Without thinking, as I notice the next load surging from another man’s tip, I turn to face him properly, letting my tongue hang out of my mouth to catch what I can.

Load after load is shot across my face, dripping down my forehead as I cum on my fingers, unable to hold myself back at the overwhelming amount of cum covering me. It feels like an endless torrent is forced onto me, never ending streams of sticky jizz smearing across my lips as I moan to the lecherous crowd. My tits are also painted in their thick loads, dripping down onto my stomach as I don’t even try to hold back my whorish moans.

As their loads die down, the men having stepped back, I cave to another earth-shattering orgasm, falling backwards into the cum puddle beneath me as I squirm on the floor, the kind man from before kneeling down and grabbing a fistful of my hair, giving everyone a good view of my ‘fucked-silly’ face.

“Well guys, looks like we have someone to play with over this four day convention!”

His words don’t even sink in, I simply anticipate in my mind the next moment they’ll pick me up and use me, another orgasm crashing over my body as everything begins to fade to the pleasure.

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