My glory days in the gloryhole

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Juliet, Anna, and I were in the hot tub, reminiscing about the old days. They were my two oldest friends, and over the years, we had done some crazy things. From wet t-shirt contests to foursomes, between the three of us, we had been so slutty and fun. 

But I was excited to drop a bombshell on them both. I had been keeping a secret from them for years. It was my sluttiest secret, the thing I played back in my mind late at night when I couldn’t sleep. Even just thinking about it made me wet. I figured now, during this girls’ trip, would be the best time to finally tell them.

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“I have both of you beat,” I said, leaning back against the side of the hot tub. I’m sure my face looked as smug as I felt. “I have something to tell you guys, something about me that neither of you know.”

Juliet pushed her hands through the water and moved to the center of the hot tub. “What do you mean? Are you telling us you actually have a secret from us, Rachel?”
“Yeah, what the fuck?” laughed Anna. “We never had secrets before!”

I shrugged, excited to finally have something juicy. “Do you guys want to know?”

“Yes, tell us!” Juliet shrieked. “It better be good.”

“Well,” I started, wanting to stretch the story out. “About five years ago or so, I was at this super weird club in Brooklyn, right? I was drinking and dancing, and the vibe was fun but also kind of sketchy. It was like I was at a sex club or something. Everyone was half-naked. So I went to the bathroom because the dancefloor was just so hot and sweaty, and when I went into the first stall, I saw a hole in the wall.”

“Like a peeping tom situation?” asked Anna.

I shook my head. “No. A glory hole situation.”

The girls were silent, so I kept going. “I didn’t think anything of it at first, but then the first cock poked its way through the hole. I have to admit, I laughed when I saw it. It was just so funny, this cock coming at me through a bathroom wall! But then I started looking at it, and it looked like a pretty good cock.”

“So you started sucking it.”

I smiled at Juliet. “Yes. Well, I ran my hands over it at first. I wasn’t sure I wanted to actually suck this random cock. But this guy throbbed in my palm. I had never seen a cock with such a big vein running through it before. I finally decided to just do it. So I got down onto my knees—somehow this bathroom was luckily pretty clean—and began to slowly suck it. I wasn’t giving it my best work, of course, not yet. I was hesitant.”

“But you liked it?” Anna’s eyes were wide as she stared at me.

“I did! I got really into it. It was a pretty good blowie, if I do say so myself. There was spit everywhere, and my mouth was working double time. My jaw was so sore by the end. It took the guy awhile to cum, but I really didn’t mind.”

“So where did he cum?” asked Juliet. She looked enthralled, which only made me want to share more details. “Did you actually let him finish in your mouth?”
I paused, leading the girls to break out into a shrill fit of giggles.

“What?!” I said, laughing. “What was I going to do, just let him cum into nothing? I’m a good cocksucker, you guys know this. Anyway, I swallowed down all of his cum. This guy had a huge load. I kind of wished I could fuck him. You guys know how much I love guys who cum buckets?”
Juliet laughed and rolled her eyes playfully. “Trust me, we know.”

“So yeah,” I continued, “after that first cock, two more cocks came through the wall, and I sucked them both. They each finished in my mouth, I cleaned myself up, and before you know it, I was back out on the dancefloor.”

“Were you looking around, trying to figure out whose cocks they were?”

I nodded slowly. “Oh yeah. I definitely did. There was one gorgeous blonde guy who kept smirking at me all night. I could totally picture him being the owner of one of those perfect cocks. I guess we’ll never know.”

Juliet and Anna looked at me in dumbfounded silence.

“That was a pretty good secret, wasn’t it?” I said, feeling pleased with myself. “Have I officially ‘out-slutted’ you both?”

Anna cleared her throat. “Well, actually. . .”

Juliet and I both turned to gape at her, wondering what secret she could have that would possibly top mine.

“You weren’t the first of us to go to that club.” She trailed off.

“You went to the glory hole and didn’t tell us?” I cried, clasping my hands over my mouth.

“Well, you didn’t tell us either!” she clapped back. “But yes. I was there just a couple of years ago actually. It was when Bryant and I were on our little break. I was feeling so bored and horny, so I decided to go dancing and scope out hot men.”

“And what somehow turned into you sucking mystery cocks in a bathroom?” Juliet snorted.

“Actually, yeah.” Anna smiled, looking happy as she sank into the nostalgia. “It was a great time. I felt hot for some reason, just sitting there on my knees, pleasuring these men anonymously. It was definitely crazy, though.”

“How many loads did you take?” I asked the question hoping my voice didn’t make me sound as competitive as I felt.

“I think it was 7 or 8.”

“What?! How did your mouth not get so sore after that?” I asked.

Anna shrugged. “I have a big mouth. You know this about me. It was easy to just sort of zone out, relax my jaw, and just suck. I wanted to do a good job so I could make them all cum. The last guy took forever to get off. I thought I was going to be there all night, but he eventually added his load just like the others.”

Anna was beaming at this point, and I couldn’t believe she had one-upped me.

“Don’t tell me you’ve done a glory hole too,” I said, glaring at Juliet.

She bit her bottom lip. “Well. . . it’s not the one in Brooklyn. But I did actually get fucked through a hole in the wall at a place in London while I was studying abroad.”

“Some studying that is. . .” mumbled Anna.

Juliet told us the story about the bar in London where men could come in and fuck women of their choice, but only through a hole in the wall. There were different heights and sizes of holes, so you could choose a mouth, an ass, or a pussy. 

“We just laid back on these leather benches with our legs spread and let the guys fill us up. It was one of the hottest things I had ever done. I could barely walk by the end of it.”

“And you were actually getting off during this?” I asked.

Juliet let out a loud, short laugh. “Oh, fuck yes I was. I came a million times, I swear. Those men in London knew how to fuck. I must have gone through 15 dicks that day. I know it’s really slutty, which is why I didn’t tell you, but since we’re sharing secrets. . .”

“Did you ever let them use your ass?” Anna pressed.

“No,” replied Juliet. “I was only there to have my pussy used. A few of the girls that I was there with were happy to have the guys use whichever hole they wanted. But I was content to just lay there and have my pussy stretched out while I played with my clit. It was fun to always guess what sort of dick would be next. I had never seen so many cocks in one place before!”

“I bet you were a soaking wet mess by the end.”

Juliet snickered. “Was I ever. There was so much cum.”

The three of us let out a long sigh upon realizing that each of us had been keeping a secret from the group, for no reason at all.

“Well ladies,” I said, holding my glass out for a toast. “Cheers to being the biggest sluts we know.”

“Yes, and to no more secrets!” said Anna. “Seriously, if you’ve got something sluttier to top any of these stories, speak now.”

My cheeks began to flush red. “Actually. . .”

Juliet gasped. “Rachel, really? Something juicier than the glory hole story?!”

“Yes!” I said, turning the jets on in the hot tub. “It’s my final secret, I promise. So, there’s this guy in Paris who owns a sex shop. . .”

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