Busting my balls from home 

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Stephanie spun around in her desk chair, letting out a long, exasperated sigh. She threw her head back and watched the ceiling fly by her in blurry circles. Working from home wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, that was for sure. Sure, it was nice to not have to get dressed up in khaki pants every day, but she missed having reasons to leave the house. She missed feeling like there was more to her day than just entering data into a spreadsheet.

“Busy working hard, I see,” said her husband, Daniel, as he walked by the office with his cup of coffee. It was his day off, and Stephanie couldn’t help but feel jealous. He looked so relaxed.

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

She stopped spinning around and looked at Daniel. “Oh, get out of here with your coffee and your. . . freedom.” She groaned.

Daniel laughed. “You know, you could always take a break.” His eyes looked into hers, and Stephanie realized what he was hinting at. “You could take a break and. . .break something else.”

Stephanie smirked. She couldn’t believe this was what her husband was thinking about in the middle of the afternoon. The sunlight was streaming through the windows. It wasn’t the right time of day for this. . . or was it? Maybe this could be a perk of working for home.

The two quickly headed upstairs to the bedroom, where Stephanie lunged at Daniel, her mouth pressing against his. He moaned. He knew Stephanie hated it, but he loved that she could work from home. It made his days off so much more exciting, knowing that they could tear into each other on her slow work days, or her lunch breaks.

“Strip down,” Stephanie said breathlessly, motioning at her husband. “And get on the bed, spread eagle.”

She tore her oversized t-shirt off over her head, leaving just a pink bralette and a pair of pink panties on. As Daniel got into position, Stephanie opened the closet doors and pulled out the riding crop they kept inside, pretty much solely for this purpose. It was their new favorite toy.

“Oh, shit,” hissed Daniel, noticing what she was carrying as she came back to the bed. “It must have been a bad morning at work.”

Stephanie smiled at him, her eyes sparkling. She got onto the bed and started massaging his balls, as though she was warming them up. The light massage, however, quickly changed into hard, painful squeezes that made Daniel jerk his whole body upwards. 

“What? Did that hurt?” Stephanie teased.

Daniel laughed grimly. His cock was already getting hard as the pain still radiated through him. Yes, it had hurt, but the pain always melted into pleasure. It left him dizzy and panting, his heart racing. 

Stephanie didn’t give him a break at all, her hands returning to her husband’s nuts, this time combining a sharp twisting motion with the squeeze. She loved his reactions to it – his eyes always watered, and his mouth always fell open. He gasped and cried out in pain, reaching forward, trying to comfort his sore crotch. Stephanie also loved how hard he got from it. It turned her on to no end seeing his cock grow in front of her while she tormented him.

Suddenly, Stephanie was undressing. She tossed her bra and panties on the floor, making Daniel raise his eyebrows. Didn’t she have to get back to work soon?

“I’m too horny to wait until after work,” Stephanie said, as though providing an explanation. 

She got into a 69 position on top of Daniel, her pussy right above his eager mouth. He put his hands on either side of her ass and moved his head upwards so he could taste her. He groaned as, at the same time, his wife lowered her mouth onto his cock, taking it in to the base. She bobbed her head up and down, slobbering on his cock to make it nice and wet, but her hands had other ideas.

“Hhhnnng!” Daniel groaned against his wife’s smooth, wet pussy, as she twisted up his balls once again. She did it over and over, like she was wringing them out, and all the while, Daniel’s cock was hard and twitching inside Stephanie’s throat.

Stephanie smiled internally, lowering her pussy down onto Daniel’s face so he had no choice but to pleasure her with his tongue. She grinded back and forth on him, his tongue like velvet on her clit. She was in heaven.

Daniel was, too. He loved when she sat on his face and loved it even more when she combined it with ball torture. Stephanie’s nails were now digging into the thin, sensitive skin of Daniel’s balls, causing piercing, red-hot pain to move through him in waves. 

Stephanie moved her lower body back and forth just how she wanted on Daniel’s face. Within moments, she could feel herself getting closer and closer to cumming. 

“Mmmmm!” she moaned, with her husband’s cock still buried in her throat. 

She came long and hard, her pussy dripping wetness into Daniel’s mouth, coating him completely. As she came, her fingers squeezed Daniel’s poor, red balls to match the intensity of her orgasm. Daniel could barely register the pain with his cock and his mouth so preoccupied. 

Finally, Stephanie moved herself off of Daniel’s face, and slid her lips off of his cock. Daniel wondered what she had in store next, and then remembered that she had got the riding crop out of the closet. It had been sitting next to them on the bed this whole time.

Stephanie’s cheeks were flushed red, from just having cum, and her eyes were sparkling with delight as she picked up the riding crop. She slapped it into her palm a couple of times, making Daniel swallow nervously. That leather toy was no joke – he had learned that the night they bought it.

“You ready, baby?” said Stephanie, getting into a kneeling position between her husband’s legs. She roughly pushed them further apart, so she could have better access to his balls. She leaned forward and rubbed each throbbing testicle in her hands, jiggling them a little bit. Daniel blushed. Stephanie could see how hard his chest was heaving up and down. 

“Um, yeah, I think so,”  he said, his heart racing. He knew the pain that was about to happen but still, it couldn’t happen fast enough.

The riding crop came down hard that first blow, the thick leather material making a satisfying sound against his balls. 

“FUCK!” Daniel cried out, his whole body twitching and shaking. He tried hard to remain still. “Holy shit!” 

The pain was nearly blinding. It was like the most sensitive part of his body was being stung by bees over and over. He was sure they were swollen already.

Stephanie made eye contact with him briefly, and Daniel had never been more turned on. There was something about his wife holding a riding crop and tormenting him that really got him going. She knew exactly what he liked. 

Daniel held onto his cock, holding it back while Stephanie brought the crop down again against Daniel’s balls. He cried out louder and louder with each blow, making Stephanie happier every slap. 

“Count five more,” ordered Stephanie.

Daniel groaned. He could barely think, let alone utter sentences. 

“Ahhh, one,” he managed, as Stephanie slapped his left ball.

Again – thwack!

“FUCK! Ahh, two.” Daniel reached up to wipe the sweat off his face.

Another hard slap, on his right nut this time. Stephanie could see how red and inflamed they were.

“Three,” Daniel whimpered.

This was the hardest smack yet. Stephanie wound up like she was throwing a pitch, putting all of her strength into it.

“F-Four.” Daniel could only stammer now. His face was bright red.

Stephanie grinned. “One more.”

“FIVE!” Daniel shrieked, his voice two octaves higher.

Stephanie moaned pleasurably and reached down to massage his balls. She lowered her face down to kiss them, her soft lips feeling like perfection after the pain he had just endured. Daniel began to relax as Stephanie kissed his balls while she began jerking him off with one hand. 

“Steph,” Daniel said breathlessly, melting into the bed. “Holy shit.”

Within seconds, he was cumming, shooting a thick hot load as his wife licked and sucked delicately on his balls. It was as though all the throbbing pain had been washed away as his orgasm took hold, like he had forgot all about it.

Stephanie sat up finally, smiling. “I hope I didn’t go over my break,” she said, bending down to give her husband a kiss as she got up. “Love you.”

She brought Daniel a towel from the en suite bathroom before heading downstairs. She was sure she would have messages from her boss after being away from the computer for this long. 

Daniel sighed contentedly and began to clean up the cum from his stomach, while he massaged his poor, throbbing balls alone. 

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