The girl I tried to bully makes me her bitch

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My name is Tom, and I'm what most parents would hate to have for a son. I repeated classes, failed big time on them, I take advantage of the weaker kids in class, I never pay attention to teachers or do anything to get good grades, everyone hates me, everyone respects me because they know that if they don't, they will suffer. Let's say I'm the school bully, I terrorize everyone from every class, social circle, even teachers, and I don't give a fuck. 

That was, of course, until I met Lucy. At first, I would go to school because my parents forced me, I had no friends, no motivations, and my only skill was being strong, so I began to use that strength to make friends. I swore to myself that if I couldn't be the best in class, or the football team captain, I would be the bully. 

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I became an authentic asshole, I was not the most muscular guy, but I was strong, so my main target were the weakest ones: the nerds, the kids from lower classes, and girls. Those were the easiest targets. 

A new year began at school, and I was ready to make a statement to the new kids about whom the ruler is, I was repeating the failed classes from last year again, and I had to let these little kids I was not to mess with, and that they all had to do what I wanted. 

So, while the teacher introduced the new girl to our class, I was busy thinking of what I would do and when. I chose the recess, and maybe the new girl would be my victim. Recess was perfect, teachers barely pay any attention to kids in that hour, and I would be able to show the entire school what I wanted. 

So as soon as the recess took place, I went to search for my victim. I found her talking to another girl on a bench. I approached them from behind, I squatted behind Lucy and pulled her hair as hard as I could. 

"Argh! What the f...?!" she complained and turned to see who it was. 

"Give me your lunch, now," I said without hesitation, my eyes were fixed on her. 

"Why? That's my lunch, go get yours," she replied to me, proceeding to ignore me

I closed my fists hard, making sure she noticed, "I said, give me your lunch or else..." 

"Lucy, just give it to him, or he'll make your life impossible," her friend said, I was getting ready to attack when she suddenly stood up.

"I'm not giving you shit," she said, firmly. I charged against her and suddenly, she moved completely avoiding my attack, making me fall on the bench. 

My head landed on the back rest; I was basically kneeling on it. Suddenly I felt a hit so strong between my legs that it paralyzed me. I slowly turned to see what happened, only to catch Lucy's foot still connected to my balls. 

The other girl was horrified. "Lucy, what did you do? You'd better run," she warned her. 

"He's not going to move," Lucy replied, lowering her foot. The second I felt her foot going away and the weight of my balls taking place, the shooting pain I felt was beyond reason. 

I tried to move, but my legs turned like jelly, it was a nightmare. "Oh Lucy, he's going to kill you," the other girl warned as I fell on my knees. 

"Don't worry, he won't touch anyone again, I know how to deal with assholes like him," she said. 

"You don't know what you're talking about, last year I saw how he sent a kid to the hospital, he's..."

"Just look at him, he can barely move," then she squatted in front of me, the other kids were getting curious, approaching us, "actually, I think he's about to cry."

"You bitch, I'll make you pay for this," I threatened her, it was hard for me to even breath, how could she take me out with a single move? I was stunned. 

"Okay, I'll be here next to you... waiting," she laughed, "You see, you have a pair of balls that are hypersensitive between your legs, and I don't, so if you ever try to bully anyone, I'll cut them off," her threat echoed in my head as the pain began to take over my entire body. 

The other kids around us began to gossip about this, and soon, two other teachers approached us. "Okay kids, that's enough, there's nothing to see here," one of the teachers said.

"What happened here?" 

"He tried to hit me so... I kicked him in the balls," she said, as if it was nothing while I was still grunting in pain on the floor. 

"That hurts a lot, I'm going to get a bag of ice," a teacher said. 

The rest of the recess I spent it holding that pack of ice against my balls. I got detention, but I was pleased that Lucy got detention too. I was incredibly pissed at her, my balls palpitated in pain as she stared at me from the other side of the detention room. 

"Does it still hurt?" she asked, smirking at me. 

"No," I lied. She approached me and I instinctively stepped back. 

"I'm not going to hurt you," she told me. The teacher supervising us was completely asleep on the desk, snoring even. "I just want to apologize.'

"You smashed my balls, and you want to fix it with an apology?" I asked her, mad. 

"What if I compensate you? I'm thinking of many different ways to compensate what I did," she suddenly began unbuttoning her blouse. 

I was surprised at her move, and then I took a good look at her. I was surprised to see Lucy was actually attractive, with a great body, and when she unbuttoned her blouse I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra, her nipples poked through the blouse, giving me a boner. 

I stuttered and looked away. "I think your hand would feel much better in here," she said, and then she took my hand and slid it inside her blouse. I felt her tit against my palm, it was so hot, her nipple was hardened, and it made my cock throb painfully inside my pants. 

Then she got even closer to me, resting her hand on my hard bulge. She pouted, "there's something in here that wants to get out," she said, unzipping my pants and releasing it. 

I stared at the teacher, making sure he was still snoring on the desk. "It's okay, we just have to be very quiet," Lucy said. 

She slid my pants down along with my trousers, exposing my sex. My cock hung a few inches away from her face. Then she held my balls gently and I grunted from the pain. 

"Aw, they are swollen from the kick," she looked up at me.

"They're not swollen, they're like that," I told her, and she seemed surprised, which made me feel proud of my manhood. 

"You've got such big balls, does it hurt?"

"No, I was recovered instantly, just be careful, please," I warned her. 

"I think it is best not to have them, but I'll be careful then," and Lucy and started massaging them as she fisted my throbbing cock and began to jerk me off right there.

My hand was still inside her blouse, feeling her left tit, and I had a great view of both of her tits from my position. I was incredibly aroused, but every time Lucy brushed my balls with her fingers it hurt badly. 

I stood up to the pain, unbelieving how this girl who just kicked my balls during recess was now pleasing me. I began to moan lowly both in pain and pleasure, feeling her delicate hands massaging and jerking my cock.

I looked down at her, her eyes were beautiful, and her smile was wide, I could tell she was also enjoying this moment. I felt like I could trust her, so I reached inside her blouse and took both of her tits in my hands. 

"Does this feel good? Do you like it?" she asked, pulling out a pleasured face that turned me on even more.

"Yes, very much," I replied in a moan. She felt me about to cum, I had to focus on the pain to last longer, or I would finish on her face, but she stood up, knowing I was very close. 

"Oh fuck..." I moaned, feeling my orgasm building up inside my sore balls and then, without a warning, Lucy moved her knee up, landing it against my balls and cock. Tears began to flow out of my face without control, I looked down and saw her knee smashing my balls and cock against my body. 

I couldn't think straight, "I told you; it is best not to have them at all," she laughed. 

"Please," I begged with tears falling down my face. 

"You like to be a bully, and hurt kids, now I'm going to be your bully, I'll fucking hurt you and your poor excuse of a cock and balls, you're stupid, your cock is ridiculous," she said to my ear. "I'll fucking smash your balls again, and again, and again, until I'm sure you learned your lesson, is that clear?"

She pressed her knee even harder against my balls, making me cry some more, "I made you a question, is that clear?"

"Yes," I said. 

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