Fucked in the snow while tied up

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Alex looked outside to see if the snow was still falling, and it was. It was coming down in thick white flakes, blanketing the already-covered ground in even more snow. The roads were completely coated, making it impossible to drive anywhere safely.

That’s why Alex and his wife, Leah, were cooped up in their house with a freezer full of food and tons of candles in case the power went out. The whole city had shut down.

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“Is it still snowing?” Leah called from the kitchen, where she was finishing up the dishes.

“Yeah!” Alex cried back. “A lot.”

Leah came in from the other room wearing just her sports bra and underwear. Her blonde hair was messy and tangled, but she looked so cute that Alex couldn’t help but stand up from the couch and take her in his arms.

“You look amazing right now,” he said into her ear.

Leah was about to laugh and say something along the lines of, “you think I look amazing with my hair like this?!” but instead she let out a long, shaky sigh as her husband began to kiss the side of her neck. 

“Come on,” said Alex, pulling her by the hand. “We’re going to make the most of this time locked in the house.”

Leah felt a wave of excitement surge through her. It had been a long and boring three days, with no end in sight. Whatever Alex had in mind, she was eager to try.

Once they were in the bedroom, with the bright afternoon light cutting through the blinds, Alex reached down to pull Leah’s bra off of her. Her large, D-cup breasts spilled out, and Alex pressed them together, jiggling them in his hands.

Leah’s pussy throbbed at his touch. She tore his t-shirt off over his head, and they both reached for the other’s underwear. Finally, they were completely nude.

Leah began to pull Alex towards the bed, but he had other ideas.

“Go lay down,” he said, nodding to the bed. “And close your eyes.”

Leah’s eyes widened up at him. “Why?” she said slowly. “What are you up to, babe?”

“Oh, you’ll see.”

Alex knew that Leah had totally forgotten about the toys they had bought for each other last Valentine’s Day but had never used. There was a set of leather restraints in their closet that Alex had been dying to try, but he had never found the right time. A snowed-in weekend was the perfect excuse to use them.

Leah closed her eyes and shivered, unsure of what Alex was planning. For all she knew, he was going to cover her body in hot candle wax or something. When she felt the leather cuffs wrap around her ankles, she was both relieved and excited.

“I bet you forgot about these, didn’t you?” said Alex, as Leah opened her eyes and looked down to see him attaching her legs to the bedposts. “I thought we could have some fun, and I could have my way with you.”

She squirmed a little against the binds on her ankles, as Alex moved up to her hands now. He pulled her arms outwards and connected each wrist to the bedpost, so that Leah was now spread eagle on the bed.

“You can’t get out.” Alex smiled down at her, a playful, devilish glint to his eye.

Leah wiggled against each restraint, proving to him that he was right.

Alex started by kissing his way down Leah’s body, taking his time. He started all the way up her arms and to her mouth. Then his lips pressed against the front of her throat and down to her collarbone. Finally, he stopped at her breasts and began to suck on each of her nipples, slow and hard. He suctioned them up into his mouth, running his tongue across the hard peaks.

“Alex,” whimpered Leah, squirming underneath him. Her heart was already racing. “That feels so good.”

“I know it does,” he said. “You love when I tease these tits, don’t you?”

Leah managed to get out a “mhm.” She closed her eyes and let herself sink deeper into the bed as the waves of pleasure rolled over her. While Alex sucked on her nipples, he brought one hand down to her clit and began to massage her there with two fingers.

“Holy shit!” Leah cried, pulling reflexively at the restraints. “Baby!”

Alex loved watching her move against the binds on her hands and feet. They should have been doing this a lot sooner, he realized. Seeing his wife struggle to be tied up while his fingers and mouth tormented her was extremely hot. His cock was already hard and throbbing.

“Please, yes!” Leah moaned. “FUCK!”

After only a few minutes of sucking on her tits and fingering her clit, Leah was cumming. The bed shook as she tugged against the ties, unable to move how she really wanted to. Her back arched off the mattress as her orgasm rattled her.

When she had finally stopped writhing, Alex moved towards her head and brought his hard cock to Leah’s mouth. She couldn’t get herself up off the bed enough to really suck his cock like she wanted, but it wasn’t a problem—Alex did all the work for her, holding her head up while he thrusted in and out between her lips.

Leah kept her jaw slack and her mouth wide open while her husband fucked her face. This was certainly not how she expected to spend her snow day, but she was loving every second of it. Underneath her, she could feel the pool of wetness that had already formed from her pussy.

“Fuck yes,” growled Alex, pushing his cock as far down her throat as he could manage. “That feels fucking good.”

But he wanted more. A second later, Alex was sliding out from Leah’s lips and getting back on top of her. He ran his fingers across the slit of her pussy to find her sticky and wet. He brought his fingers up to her mouth and let her lick them clean. Her tongue snaked over his hand, lapping up every drop of juice from her pussy. 

“Good girl,” Alex said, beaming at her.

Before Leah could even manage a response, Alex was slamming his cock deep into her pussy.  He was relentless, thrusting his hips deep into her cunt. It only turned him on to see Leah tugging at her restraints, wanting desperately to move with each thrust, but unable to.

“I think I like you all tied up like this,” said Alex, pleased, as he stared down at Leah’s helpless face.

She let out a half-laugh, half-groan. “I like it, too, but it’s mean,” she said teasingly. 

Alex slammed into her with short, hard thrusts now, in response. “Aw, I’m sorry. Don’t worry, I won’t keep you tied up for very long.”

Leah felt dizzy. She hadn’t been this turned on in so long, unable to say or think anything as her husband fucked her exposed cunt over and over in a persistent pace. Being spread open like this made everything feel more sensitive. She had never been this soaking wet before. Each thrust of Alex’s cock made a wet, sloppy sound, and she could tell that the blanket underneath her was drenched in her own juices.

“I think I’ll have some fun and cum somewhere besides your pussy today,” said Alex, sliding out from between her legs, leaving Leah feeling empty and somehow desperate for more.

He knelt beside her body and started jerking off, looking up and down as though deciding where he wanted to cum.

“I think your face looks like it could use some cum,” he said finally, noticing how Leah’s eyes got slightly bigger, her mouth parting ever so slightly.

Leah closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue, just how she knew Alex liked, as he began to jerk his cock off right over top of her face. It felt like forever that he stroked his shaft, his moans getting increasingly louder, before finally, the cum shot out and splashed right across Leah’s forehead. It dripped down her closed eyelids and onto her cheeks.

Alex took the head of his cock and pressed it against her tongue so that could clean him off. She licked up every salty drop of jizz until Alex was satisfied.

He got off the bed, and Leah assumed she was going to get a towel. But when he came back, she felt a vibrator buzzing against her clit, and she let out a long howl. That was not what she had been expecting. 

“Baby! You’re just going to leave me here with this cum on my face?” she asked desperately. She couldn’t even move her hands in order to wipe the cum from her eyes.

“Hmmm, not yet,” said Alex, already preparing for round two. “We’ve got all the time in the world today, honey. Let’s have some fun.”

Leah certainly couldn’t object to that. She relaxed against the delicious feeling of the vibrator against her pussy, while the cum began to dry on her skin. 

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