Got arrested and fucked with handcuffs on

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I had only just started having sex with my boyfriend, Tucker, when we decided we wanted to try buying some sex toys. We were 20 years old and virgins before each other, so we had no idea what we were doing.

“What do you think about this?” he said, holding up a huge pink dildo at the sex shop.

“STOP! Hey mate, now that I got your attention I’d like to share with you this new site I found with literally anything you can think of, ranging from orgies, grannies, teens, incest and you know.. the kinky stuff. I made this review just to help a brother out. Peace.”

– Jake A.

My cheeks flushed red. “Babe! I think we need to start somewhere a little less. . . intense. What about this?”

I held up a pair of fuzzy red handcuffs. They looked silly, but I knew a lot of people liked handcuffs. Tucker walked over to me and took them from my hands. 

“These could be a fun place to start,” he said, giving me a wink.

We ended up buying the handcuffs and a silk blindfold that the lady behind the counter talked us into. I know it didn’t seem like much, but we were excited to start somewhere.

We got back to my apartment, and I was grateful that my roommate was at home visiting her parents. We had the entire place to ourselves.

“You want to try our new toys?” asked Tucker, and I could hear the excitement in his voice.

We hurried into my bedroom and closed the door, dumping the blindfold and handcuffs onto the bed. Tucker reached for me and pulled my shirt off over my head. My breasts are small enough that I rarely have to wear a bra, and Tucker squeezed my small peaks against both palms.

He lowered his head down to suck on my nipples, making me squeal. Everything he did to me felt so intense, I could only imagine what it was going to be like when we added toys and accessories to the mix.

He picked me up and tossed me onto the bed, reaching down to pull my sweatpants off over my legs. I shivered. I propped myself up on my elbows to watch him undress. He was a wrestler, with a stocky build and big arms. I loved that he could throw me around so easily. 

Tucker was completely naked now and crawled onto the bed. I smiled up at him nervously, and to my surprise, he took the blindfold in his hand first.

“Come here.” He lifted up my head and put the silk material over my eyes so I couldn’t see a thing. “What do you think?”

I laughed softly. “This is. . . kind of hot.”

My whole body was on edge not knowing what was coming next. My breath caught in my throat as I felt Tucker slide my panties down over my legs and start eating my pussy. I had never had anyone else do that before, but Tucker seemed amazing at it. He knew just what I liked. His tongue splayed out across my clit and rubbed back and forth, and with my eyes blindfolded, the sensation felt even more intense.

“Yes, baby!” I cried, encouraging him to keep doing exactly what he was doing. “Just like that. . . yes!”

I came hard, my thighs shaking and shuddering against Tucker’s head. The orgasm made my whole body shiver, and I couldn’t control myself. 

I was just coming down from the climax when I heard the clinking of metal. Tucker had the handcuffs and was placing them on my wrists. My bound hands dangled in front of me. 

“You look so sexy like this,” said Tucker, taking a sharp inhale through his teeth. I loved how turned on he sounded.

“Thank you, baby.”

I shivered where I lay, unsure of what was coming next. That was the beauty of the blindfold. Suddenly, I felt something pressing at my mouth, and quickly realized it was Tucker’s cock. I opened my lips up to take him inside, finding him already rock hard.

“Good girl,” he said breathlessly, something he had never said before, but it made me feel so horny to hear. 

I started to suck his cock harder and more eagerly than I ever had. He was really well-endowed, so it took a little bit of maneuvering to learn how to get him down my throat, but I think I was doing a good job. I snaked my tongue across his shaft, and when he started to gently fuck my face, I let him. It was easier, especially with my hands tied. I wasn’t able to prop myself up.

I felt him move away and heard the bedsheets rustling. Suddenly, my legs were being pushed apart, and I felt the thick head of Tucker’s cock rubbing up against the glossy wet lips of my pussy. 

“Yes, Tucker!” I whimpered, arching my back off the bed like I was trying to get to him. “Fuck me.”

“Oh, I’ll fuck you. I just wanted to tease you a little bit first.”

I giggled. It was so like Tucker to tease me. He dragged the head of his cock up and down my wet slit, only pushing inside just a little bit. He’d press into me, pause, and then pull back out. He did this a few times, and I could feel and hear just how wet he was making me.

“Tucker!” I squealed, desperate at this point for his cock. 

He just laughed and continued to tease me. His hands were back on my tits, squeezing them and pulling them, before his thumbs slid across my nipples and made them hard. His hands slid down my flat stomach and back to my pussy, and finally, he was plunging his cock into me.

I screamed louder than I ever had before. Tucker’s cock felt so much more intense like this, with my hands bound and my eyes blinded. He thrusted into me over and over, his skin slapping against mine. I could feel his balls hitting me with each pounding of his cock.

“Holy shit, Mandy,” he growled. His voice had never sounded so animalistic before.

Maybe we should have been using toys sooner. My mind raced with the possibilities. . .

“Yes, put your legs up on top of my shoulders,” he said, repositioning me.

From this angle, his cock somehow managed to get even deeper in my pussy, hitting me over and over in the perfect spot. I hated not being able to grab the blankets, but it was a delicious sort of torture.

Tucker reached down to grab my bound hands, holding them in place while he pushed his cock into me in long, hard strokes. He had never fucked me so roughly before, and I think he was fueled by our new additions.

“I think I’ll surprise you by where I’m going to cum,” Tucker said then, his voice taking on a mischievous tone. Yes, he was definitely enjoying this.

“Mmm,” I hummed. “I like that idea.”

Tucker pulled out from me suddenly, and I could feel him beside me, jerking off. I wondered if he might cum on my tits or my stomach, but I had no idea. 

All of a sudden, I felt the first warm drops of cum splash against my nipples. It was weird to not be able to see anything, but I loved the thrill it gave me. It made me so much more sensitive to the feeling of the cum hitting my skin.

I thought we were all finished when I felt Tucker come back from the bathroom with a towel to clean me off, but to my surprise, all he did was undo the handcuffs and roll me onto my back. I was still blindfolded and on edge with excitement.

“What are you up to, baby?” I said playfully.

Tucker took both of my hands behind my back and reattached the handcuffs, the fuzzy material rubbing against my wrists. 

He was parting my legs once again, and then I felt his hard cock pressing into my pussy once more. One of the things I loved about Tucker was his ability to rebound quickly. 

“Holy shit!” I moaned, feeling even more unable to move from this new position. “That’s gonna make me cum, baby!”
“Cum for me, Mandy.” His voice was low and rough.

My pussy clenched down around his cock as he pummeled against me, harder and harder. The entire bed was shaking now as my body moved like a rag doll. I loved it, and feeling like I was at Tucker’s mercy was what made my orgasm even more intense than the last one. I screamed helplessly into the blankets while he continued to fuck me throughout the orgasm.

Minutes later, while my body was still weak and recovering from the intensity of the last climax, Tucker was cumming again too, but this time, in my pussy. The hot gush of cum spewed inside me, and we both let out a long, simultaneous groan. 

“Fuck,” he panted, sliding his cock out from my pussy. 

He gave my ass a quick rubdown before undoing my handcuffs and rolling me over. He pulled me in against him, and we collapsed into a sweaty, out-of-breath pile.

“So I think we’ll be going to that sex store much more frequently,” he said, smiling at me. 

I laughed, looking up at the ceiling in awe. “Um, I’ll say.”

I couldn’t fucking wait. 

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