Pleasures and thrills of bondage

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I reach down and turn the knob on the unlocked door to the hotel suite. I move quietly into the foyer, my husband right behind me. Straight ahead stands a girl with her back to us looking out the floor-to-ceiling window at the twinkling lights of the city beyond. The girl has consented to be introduced to the pleasures and thrills of bondage, and a small smile plays across my lips. I have come full circle.

I move silently into the main room. The girl knows we are here, but as instructed she continues to face out the window. She is barefoot, wearing only a pink camisole and black bikini panties that tie on the sides. Her legs are shapely, her pert ass set off by the panties. Her hair is blond and curly and doesn't reach her shoulders. I move close behind her and a shiver ripples through her beautiful body.

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"Don't talk," I say softly. "Clasp your hands behind your head and turn around."

When she does, I look closely at her face. She is very pretty, and also very nervous.

The girl hesitates for a split second, then reaches down, unties her top and shyly pulls it apart. Her breasts are round and full, slightly upturned, her nipples prominent and her areolas dark pink and raised. She lets the camisole fall to the floor, then her eyes widen as she looks over my shoulder and sees my husband. I think I see a mixture of lust and fear on her face. When her eyes return to mine her lips part slightly, and I smile at her.

"Put your hands behind your head again and close your eyes."

She moves her hands back to her head and stands in front of us almost fully exposed. 

"Go lie on your back with your head at the foot of the bed."

She opens her eyes and moves to the bed. I want her head at the foot of the bed so we can better play with her body. When she is on her back, I go to my bag and pull out two lengths of rope, tying her wrists to the corners of the bed frame, her arms outstretched and spread wide. I leave her legs free for now, but I have more rope in the bag. I watch her as she licks her lips while gazing up at me, then I move to the bag again and pull out the blindfold. Her eyes open wide when she sees it and she starts to protest, but I put my finger to my lips.

I return to the bag, this time pulling out a brush and a small jar of oil. The brush is fine-tipped, like an artist's brush, and I dip it into the oil. I move back to the edge of the bed and begin to trace circles around the outside of the girl's left breast with the brush. I continue to circle, each time coming a little closer to the areola but never touching it. I watch as the girl's breathing changes. Finally I touch the areola, still circling but not touching the nipple. Then I circle the nipple lightly before touching its tip. I watch as the nipple grows and hardens

"Take off her panties and put this into her ass."

My husband kneels on the bed and slowly unties the strings at each side of her bikini. He pulls it out from under ass, then wads it up and puts it in her mouth. It's a nice touch, and the girl moans and squirms. I am standing at the foot of the bed, and he pushes her legs up toward me where I hold them spread wide, her ass fully exposed. He takes the lube and spreads it around and into her hole, then pushes the plug slowly but firmly all the way into her. When it pops into place the girl groans loudly. He grins at me and returns to his chair, the bulge between his legs even more prominent.

I release the girl's legs and look down at her. She is now completely naked, her wrists tied to the bed, blindfolded with her panties in her mouth and a plug in her ass. She continues to writhe and moan, a beautiful sight to behold. My husband and I smile at each other.

"Take off your clothes.", he quickly undresses, and I smile to myself. There is a beautiful naked girl in the room, but at the moment he only has eyes for me. I rummage around until I find what I want, then turn back to face him on the chair. He is staring at me, his cock hard and erect, a broad smile on his face.

I stick out my tongue at him as I throw the ropes on the bed, then pause for a moment before I do the same with the dildo. I kneel at the foot of the bed and gaze down at the girl with lust.

"Spread your legs," I growled.

She whimpers as she moves her legs apart. I look at my husband, and he moves to the bed and quickly ties her ankle to the corner of the bed, then moves around to the other side and ties her other ankle. We both look down at the girl, spread eagled and helpless before us. My husband strokes his cock, but I nod for him to return to the chair. He does, reluctantly, but not without groping my damp pussy as he walks by me.

I give him a sweet smile, then climb up on the bed and kneel between the girl's outstretched legs. 

I reach down and press on the ass plug, reminding her it is there. Then I lightly stroke the girl's labia, the folds flushed and red and so wet that her juices are trickling down between her legs. I finger her for a long moment, watching her face. When she starts to move under my hands, I push one finger into her vagina, stroking in and out in a steady rhythm. Her mouth opens and a soft moan escapes. Then I push a second finger in, followed by a third. I push deeper, reaching up and touching the girl's g-spot. Her movements become more pronounced as she submits to being finger fucked. When she arches her back I know she is getting close, and I pull my hand out of her pussy. She whimpers in frustration.

I put the tip of my tongue on her engorged bud, and she jumps at the touch. I lick it up and down with feather-light strokes, then move my tongue side to side. Her body can't stay still under me, and she frantically pushes her hips up into my mouth for more contact. I lick harder, then suck on her eager clit, pulling it into my mouth. She moans repeatedly, her body trembling and shaking, her orgasm just out of reach. I raise up and look at her.

It is only when I raise up that her body begins to still, but I watch carefully as her trembling continues. When I glance over at my husband he is staring at her with undisguised lust and stroking his cock.

Keeping my pussy on the girl's mouth, I start to fondle her nipples until she moans underneath me. My husband climbs onto the bed and settles himself between her spread legs. Bending them back, he seats the tip of his cock at the entrance to her vagina. Our faces are close together, and he stares at me as he thrusts into her. I gaze back at the look of pent-up lust on his face. The girl groans again as his thick cock fills her, rocking her hips against him. Her tongue stabs at my clit, and my own orgasm builds. I rock my own hips on her mouth and watch as she wraps her legs around my husband's body, pulling him deeper into her. He has been fucking her with steady strokes, but now he increases his pace, furiously plunging in and out. We watch each other approach the edge, then lean forward to meet in a passionate kiss, our frantic tongues in each other's mouth. It is as erotic a scene as I can imagine.

My husband cums first, roaring as he shoots his jism into the bound girl under him. His mouth is open as he keeps thrusting into her, the look on his face pushing me over the edge as well. I arch my back and cry out, my own orgasm crashing through me, and I pant and tremble and keep pushing my pussy against the girl's mouth, wave after wave of sensations washing through my body. My husband and I stare at each other for a long time, luxuriating in the pleasure the girl has given us.

Finally I climb slowly off the bed and look down at her. Her eyes are unfocused, her lips parted, her breathing still shallow and unsteady. My husband's cock is still in her, filling her, and she keeps her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He pushes down on her, and she pushes back. Then he bends down and softly kisses her open mouth, their tongues touching briefly, their bodies prolonging the pleasure for a final moment. When he raises up, untangling himself from her legs and climbing down off the bed, she sigh

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