Sadistic confession

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Colin had dealt with his burning feelings for too long, but he hadn’t expected things to end up like this!

After confessing to the Doctor of the clinic, he found himself whisked away into a back room, teased for a while, then lulled into a false sense of security before being secured into place. Without realizing it at first, it’s painfully clear how fucked he is when Dr. Kirk pulls back, looking down at Colin as he squirms.

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Naked, writhing and still half-hard from his teasing, Dr. Kirk still seemed to have more plans for Colin, rifling through a box of gear before pulling out a glass tube, kneeling down next to his captive and pushing his stiffening cock inside. With his plan in place, Dr. Kirk rises to his feet again, looking down as he speaks.

“Now, my little pet. I’m going home for the day, but you will be pumped by this machine~”

The thought of what he’s implying sends his mind racing. What does he mean, pumped?!

His questions are once again answered in the next moments, as his boss walks behind him, fiddling with something unseen, before a cold, wet feeling spreads across his hole.


With that, Dr. Kirk leaves the room, clicking it locked behind him, as the whirring out of Colin’s vision sends his thoughts into a frenzy. What could possibly be behind him is causing him to become more worked up, suddenly realizing how absurd this situation is. He’s naked and alone in an empty room, bound on the floor with a tube around the tip of his dick, sentenced here by his boss after a little mishap, and now-!!

Once again, his panics are silenced with a sudden change in his situation. The ‘pumping’ Dr. Kirk referred to becomes all too clear, as Colin’s ass is pressed into by a thick dildo, eliciting a moan from his lips as he’s fucked against the floor by a machine whirring behind him. He’s suddenly unable to think, instead held hostage to his pleasure, forced into a lustful mindset as his butt is fucked without mercy, his dick already beginning to twitch with his pent-up frustrations as they bubble to the surface.

It’s a humiliatingly short amount of time before he finds himself whimpering on the floor like the bitch his boss had referred him to not long ago. As his body begins pushing back against the machine, he feels his own dick begin spasming in the entrance to the tube, and squirts his first load into it, painting the side of the glass with his thick, white load.

His entire body isn’t able to stop trembling as his load is practically milked out of him by the robotic pumping of his ass. His face flushes red as he realizes just what Dr. Kirk had planned for him, the explanation finally sinking in. He genuinely expects him to have filled this tube with his cum by morning, he expects him to cum his desires away, dribbling it into a little flask so he can be mocked for it in the morning! Tears well in his eyes from the humiliation of it all, completely at his boss’s mercy despite him not even being here, an expertly planned scenario that leaves him shuddering in arousal once again.

Without a chance to resist, Colin is forced into another mind-melting orgasm, his load trickling down the tip of his cock and joining his previous one in the tube, dripping down as he continues in his thoughts. One is constantly in his head, a thought that fills him with doubt about his situation.

Why did Dr. Kirk have all of this ready in the first place?

It certainly wasn’t normal clinic gear, and he seemed so ready to enact this kind of punishment. Had he been… waiting for him to confess this entire time? New thoughts are caught in his head at this revelation, as he thinks back to the times he’s spent in his clinic, how Dr. Kirk must have looked at him the same ways he had been doing to him, how his fantasies must have been much the same, and he can’t help but trickle another humiliating load of cum into the tube between his legs, whimpering as his orgasm is drawn out even more by the continued pounding of the machine.

As his body begins trembling in his bindings, a familiar voice rings out from the room.

“Well well, you’ve already got a little head start~”

There’s no mistaking the origin, Colin notices small speakers in the upper corners of the room, talking down to him in Dr. Kirk’s voice.

“Well, now that I’m home, I can give you a little personal attention!”

With that, the whirring behind him picks up, and Colin’s ass is pounded into even harder by the machine, thrusting into him with a reckless abandon for his own discomfort, forcing his whimpers to grow into frantic moans.

“That’s a good little boy.. Now cum for me!”

Those words.. In that voice… there was no resisting it. They were the words he had wanted to obey since the day he met him, whispered into his ear, but this will do instead. Obeying his boss, Colin’s cock tenses up once again, letting a thick load erupt from his cock, spraying against the glass as he fills the tube with his cum once again, much to the delight of his boss.

“Hmmm, good boy~ I’ll come and check up on you later now…”

With that, the speakers go silent once again, and Colin is left alone in the room as the rhythm of the machine is his only partner, the mechanical whirr of the dildo pumping into his ass. It’s not long before Colin is lost in a dreamy haze, imagining the stern grip of his boss behind him, praising him with each orgasm that’s forced from his body.

Time drifts off in the rhythm of his intense pleasure, and before long, Colin is lost in the sea of orgasmic bliss, and begins cumming much quicker, filling the tube with a reckless abandon. It’s not more than a few hours later that he suddenly notices the wet pulsing across his tip, peering down between his legs, Colin notices that he’s long-since filled the tube with his pathetic loads. His own cum had reached up toward his tip, and any movement of his hips had him humping the puddle of his own cum in the glass, a feeling that makes him squeal each time he’s fucked into his own cum by the dildo.

Dr. Kirk must have taken notice, as the speakers pipe up once again.

“Well well, I didn’t think you would have finished so soon! Maybe you need this training a lot more than I realize…”

After speaking down to him, his boss clicks something in his hand that’s picked up by the speakers, and the dildo suddenly rams itself inside of Colin, much to the delight of his boss.

“Now you be a good boy and stay there until morning. Goodnight~”

Colin’s eyes had rolled up into his head, the dildo now having bottomed itself out in his ass as he trembled on the edge of orgasm, desperately pushing back, attempting to gain more pleasure, but it was firmly lodged deep inside of him. Almost feeling upset, he’s awoken and forced to the edge once again as the dildo springs to life, instead of pumping inside of him, staying lodged deep, and instead vibrates in his well-fucked ass.

Colin is now thrown over the edge of orgasm by the thick toy intensely vibrating in his ass, eliciting subtle squeals and twitching on the ground as he thrusts his hips into his cum, overflowing the tube with his loads again and again throughout the night.

His overwhelming pleasure caused what little resistance to melt away, instead replaced by the constant throes of humiliation washing over him. His boss’s lesson was taught heavy-handedly throughout the night, Colin’s cock having trembled beyond its limits, each orgasm beginning to hurt as his balls strain to keep up with the sheer amount of cum being milked from his prostate.

Not a moment went by that Dr. Kirk’s image didn’t flicker around in his head, the thought of his stern gaze looking down at him, mocking him for his insubordination. Colin yearned for his forgiveness, for his approval, given his state, he’d do anything to earn a place at his feet, groveling up toward him for attention.

His mindless begging in his head seemed to be answered, as he heard the distinct click of doors opening and closing coming from somewhere in the hallways. Excitement welled up in his chest, and another load trickled out of his tip as he imagined his boss’s face in the doorway, like a lost puppy, he looked up with a distinct glee at the prospect of being reunited with its boss.

Then it came, the footsteps edging closer to his room, clacking against the ground before arriving at his door, stopping for a moment before the door’s handle turns, and a silhouette emerges from the light. His boss was home.

The look on Dr. Kirk’s face was that mixed with both pride, and disgust at his mess.

“I really didn’t expect to see this much of a mess. You really are a depraved little bitch, aren’t you?”

The words didn’t cut deep with humiliation or shame, only excitement at being able to hear his voice, each judgment and berating word felt like music to his ears, stinging pride in his mind at gaining his attention. As Colin continues whimpering against the relentless vibrating in his ass, his boss walks up behind him, switching off the machine and pulling the toy from his ass.

The sudden change left Colin feeling empty, both physically and mentally. That feeling is soon changed to a sudden change in position, as he’s flipped over onto his back, away from the tube for his boss to inspect.

The punishment enacted, Dr. Kirk looks down at Colin before reaching back down to undo his bindings, letting his limbs flop to his sides, stretching out after an entire night locked into one position. His moment of relief is cut short though, as his boss reaches down to collect the tube he had spent an entire night getting acquainted with.

“Now… what to do, what to do…”

Dr. Kirk plays with an idea, smirking down at Colin as he takes this opportunity to pour his pent-up loads out of the tube, the thick, sticky mess covering Colin’s cock in his own cum, the sensation sending him over the edge as he squirts another pathetic load, this time covering the floor in front of him, Dr. Kirk takes great pleasure in this act as he continues smirking down at him. The wave of shame that washed over Colin was almost too much to handle, made to squeal on the floor as the cold feeling of his own cum coating his dick brought him to orgasm, which was only made worse by that sadistic smile...

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