A pregnant cuckold

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There’s just something about seeing my wife pregnant that turns me on. She’s got this radiating glow about her, not to mention her breasts have become two sizes bigger. She already had amazing tits beforehand, but now they are perfectly perky, too big to fit in my hands.

“You just can’t get enough, can you?” Kailyn said, with a smirk on her face, as we lay there after fucking one night. 

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I ran my hand across her swollen belly. “I can’t. You’re so sexy when you’re pregnant. I was thinking. . . what if we had a little extra fun?”

Kailyn raised her eyebrows, rolling onto her side, moaning as she went. “What do you mean?”

“I mean what if I watched you with another man? We did it before, after all.”

She laughed. “Who would want me when I look like this? I’m pretty sure you’re the only one, babe. I mean, I’m down. You know how horny I’ve been this pregnancy. But I doubt anyone would want to fuck this.”

I laid back. “We’ll see about that.”

One week later, I watched Kailyn open the front door of our house to see our friend, Javi, on our front step. He had jumped at the chance to fuck my wife, and when he walked inside, he was all smiles. He ran his hand sheepishly over his dark, shaved head and leaned down to give Kailyn a hug.

“What’s up, man?” he said, nodding at me. 

Kailyn looked beautiful that evening, wearing a long, flowing dress that clung to her curvy body like a second skin. Her cleavage was incredible, the soft curves of her breasts almost spilling out of the top of the dress.

“Should we go to the bedroom?” Kailyn asked, biting her bottom lip as she looked between me and Javi.

“Let’s go,” he said, a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.

I let Kailyn lead the way. She had Javi by the hand, and when they came into the bedroom, she flipped on the lamp by our bed, and the room flooded with warm golden light.

There wasn’t a chair in our bedroom, so I sat on the far end of our king-sized bed, as the two of them sat down and began making out.

“You look beautiful,” Javi said into my wife’s ear, as he brushed her curly blonde hair off her shoulder. He started kissing the side of her neck as Kailyn closed her eyes, sighing gently. She always did love being kissed there.

“These tits,” moaned Javi, pulling down the straps of my wife’s dress. Slowly, he slid the fabric off of her, letting her breasts fall free. She wasn’t wearing a bra (even though she had worn one her entire pregnancy), and Javi lowered his face down to her nipples.

“Fuuuuck,” Kailyn moaned. “That feels amazing.”

My cock was already getting hard beneath my sweatpants, watching Javi squeeze Kailyn’s pregnant tits and tug on her pink, pointy nipples with his tongue. I started stroking myself over my clothes. My heart was pounding in my chest. This was even hotter in person than I had imagined it in my mind. I knew Javi would find my pregnant wife just as sexy as I did.

I was surprised to see how much Kailyn was taking the reins. She began reaching down for Javi’s belt buckle, kissing him deep and slow. Then she tried to maneuver herself so that she was on top of him, with Javi laying down. 

“Oops,” Kailyn laughed, reaching down to grab her belly. “I forgot I can’t lay on my stomach to give head anymore. Why don’t you stand up?”

Javi raised his eyebrows, looking pleasantly surprised. He stood up beside the bed and pulled down his pants and boxer briefs, causing his cock to spring out. He was already rock hard. I was, too, and I pulled my own cock out of my sweats. I started stroking it just as my wife’s lips wrapped around Javi.

With her hands cupping her belly, Kailyn sat on the edge of the bed and began to suck Javi’s cock. He gently grabbed her face as she went, stroking her cheek and brushing the hair away from her face. 

“That feels amazing,” Javi said, taking a sharp inhale. 

I knew it would be. Kailyn was always so good at sucking cock. It was always incredibly hot to see her doing it from the other perspective, watching her head bob up and down on someone else. Her cheeks were sucked in as she sucked Javi, her lips thick and plump on his shaft.

“God, I want to taste your pussy,” Javi said finally, lifting Kailyn’s chin up so their eyes were locked.

All of my attention was on them now, as Javi reached down to take the bottom of my wife’s dress in his hands and pull it off over her head. She laid down on her back, rubbing her hands reflexively over her big belly, as Javi got in between her legs.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Javi said. He began to push her thighs apart as he buried his head in between them.

“Ahh, shit,” breathed Kailyn, her mouth falling open at the first touch of Javi’s tongue. “That feels. . . oh my god. . .” she trailed off, a small whimper escaping her lips.

I was stroking myself faster and faster now, trying to make sure I didn’t cum too quickly. I loved the exciting feeling that was growing stronger with every passing second. I hadn’t been this turned on and close to cumming in a long time. 

Javi was fully eating my wife’s pussy now, moaning as he did so. I loved how much he was enjoying it, but I loved even more how much Kailyn was into it. Her back arched off the bed as Javi’s tongue glided across her clit, and from where I sat, I could see her thighs shaking.

“Yes, right there,” she moaned, her breath coming out in fast little gasps now. “I’m gonna cum, holy shit.” Her voice came out choked and strained at the top.

I watched with wide eyes as Kailyn came, her sexy moans growing louder and louder as her orgasm shook through her. I loved watching her cum but seeing her cum when she was pregnant was somehow even more intensely hot. 

Javi sat up with a big smile on his face as he wiped at his chin. “You taste amazing,” he said. “Is it a pregnant thing?”

Kailyn laughed, tilting her head to the side. “I don’t know, maybe. A perk of pregnancy, I guess.”

“But I want to get to the best part,” Javi continued, his voice low and gravelly. 

A shiver ran down my back as Javi started pressing his cock into Kailyn’s pussy. I leaned forward a little bit so that I could watch the way his thick shaft stretched her out. 

“How does that feel, baby?” I said, speaking for the first time.

“So fucking good,” she groaned, her eyes looking over at me. 

Javi went slowly at first, as though he was scared he was going to break her. He pumped into her a few times, gently and shallow, until finally Kailyn reached down to grab his hips.

“Come on,” she said, half-laughing, “I can take it! Fuck me good!”

That was all Javi needed to hear. Finally, he started to thrust into her pussy, hard and deep, and I could hear just how wet her pussy was. It made a satisfying squelching sound every time his cock slid inside her. 

“Goddamn,” Javi grunted. “I didn’t expect pregnant pussy to somehow feel even better than regular pussy.”

I couldn’t have agreed with him more. I could feel myself getting closer and closer. . .

“Oh, shit.” Javi was groaning louder now, pumping his cock into my wife’s pussy one last, hard time, before filling her up with a load of cum. Kailyn wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in against her. She was staring right up at him, looking at him lustfully as he pumped her full of hot cum. 

I finally let myself cum then too, shooting my load just as Javi pulled out from my wife. With my hand covered in the thick, hot liquid, I finally moved closer to Kailyn so I could watch as the cum leaked out of her.

“Do you want to. . . taste it?” she asked tentatively. It wasn’t something we had ever done before.

But I was so turned on from watching Javi fuck her that I didn’t care. I bent my head down to lick up the cum that was dripping out of my pregnant wife’s pussy. Javi said something in the background, but I couldn’t hear anything. Kailyn was sighing contentedly as she reached down to hold my head while I licked her clean.

When there was no cum left, I sat up and licked my lips. 

“Here,” I said, reaching to help Kailyn up.

She groaned, reaching for her stomach. “Oh, shit.”

Javi let out a grim laugh. “Please don’t tell me I fucked you right into contractions.”

Kailyn smiled at him reassuringly. “You didn’t. Trust me.”

We walked Javi to the door together, with Kailyn giving him a quick hug and kiss. When he was out in our driveway, starting his car, I pulled my wife in against me, her belly separating us more than it had the day before. 

“I love you, baby daddy.” She giggled and kissed me, and when she leaned her head right under my chin, I could still smell Javi’s cologne on her.

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