Cock cookout

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Devon wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist and pulled her in for a kiss. It was a beautiful June day. It wasn’t too hot, there were no clouds in the sky, and a gentle breeze was in the air that made it feel like summer was finally here.

“What do you think?” Devon asked, looking around at their cookout. “Successful party?”

Cheating, incest & kinky things. Do I need to say more? Anything you can imagine just a click away!

Amelia smiled and kissed him again. “Yes! And your burgers were a success. So I take back my statement earlier.”

Devon’s eyes landed on Bryce. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt. He had on a pair of aviator shades and his dark hair was slicked back just perfectly. Even Devon had to admit the man was handsome, with visible muscles that Devon knew he would never have. It was no wonder Amelia fancied him so much. 

Amelia caught on to where her husband’s gaze was at. “What are you thinking?” she asked. “Do you want me to ask Bryce what he’s doing after this?”

Devon looked at his wife as his heart pounded. “It could be fun. What do you think?”

He watched as Amelia headed over to where Bryce stood and began talking to him. Devon tried to look busy by cleaning up some plastic cups that had fallen over. By the time he was finished, Amelia was already back by his side.

“So Bryce said that he has plans this evening, but he’s available now, if. . .” Amelia trailed off, biting her lower lip. Her light green eyes were lit up with excitement as she looked at her husband.

Devon couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t you think people would notice, though?” He looked around at the group. 

Amelia waved it off. “Please. Half of them are probably just here for the beer and the pool. I’m sure we won’t be missed. Come on. Meet us in the basement in ten minutes.”

And with that, Amelia walked back in the direction of Bryce, took him by the arm, and led him through the sliding glass doors that connected to the kitchen. Bryce had a huge grin on his face, and he couldn’t help but look back at Devon as he walked away. Devon swore that he saw the guy wink.

Down in the finished basement, where she knew no guests would ever find them, Amelia began to kiss Bryce, pulling his face down to hers. It had been too long since they had done this, she thought. She had missed his strong arms and his handsome, scruffy face.

“Devon will be here in a few minutes,” she said into his ear, as Bryce began to kiss the side of her neck, making Amelia’s breath catch in her throat. 

“Good, then he’ll be just in time.”

Bryce tore Amelia’s thin t-shirt off over her head and pressed her up against the basement wall. He started kissing his way down the front of her throat and to her breasts.

Devon walked in just in time to see Bryce unhooking Amelia’s bra, and he decided to take a seat on the chair across from the futon.

“Hi baby,” Amelia moaned, as Bryce pressed her breasts together. His tongue was now sucking on each of her nipples, making Amelia shiver. He sucked on each one, paying them special attention.

Devon smiled at her and leaned back in his chair, running his hand over the front of his shorts. It never got old, watching his wife and another man have sex just feet away from him. He knew that most of the people at the cookout wouldn’t get it, they wouldn’t understand, but he didn’t care. 

“Fuck,” breathed Amelia, looking down as Bryce sunk to his knees and pulled her thong down from underneath her skirt. She let out a loud gasp as Bryce lifted up her skirt and began to eat her pussy. He put his mouth down on her, breathing her in, before running his tongue across her hole. Wetness was already forming there, sticky and sweet. 

Devon leaned forward, getting more and more turned on.

“Yes, oh my god!” Amelia moaned, as Bryce moved upwards to her clit, where his tongue glided back and forth. “That feels amazing.”

Bryce moaned against her pussy, showing that he was enjoying this just as much as she was. He held onto Amelia’s thighs as he licked her clit, and her hands reached down to keep his face steady where it was. She could feel herself about to cum, and her eyes moved up to look at her husband as she did.

Devon pulled his cock out now and began to stroke it as Amelia started to shake and shudder from her orgasm. Her eyes grew wide at first, but then shut as she came, her eyebrows bunching together. Her lips parted as she groaned in stuttering gasps, Bryce’s tongue still working its magic between her legs.

Finally, he stood up, and in one big motion, scooped Amelia up and brought her over to the futon bed. 

“Bryce!” she squealed, as he dropped her onto the springy mattress. 

Bryce’s dark eyes locked onto Amelia’s as he yanked the skirt off her legs, before taking off his own clothes. As he undressed, Amelia ran her hands all across his body, making Devon jealous. Bryce was a fitness junkie. His shoulders were taut, his arms were thick, and his pecs and abs were chiseled. It was no wonder Amelia wanted to touch him so much.

“Fuck, I missed that,” Amelia sighed, when Bryce stepped out of the last item of clothing – his boxers. His cock was already rock hard in front of her, so she dropped onto her hands and knees and began to suck it.

“Goddamn,” Devon muttered under his breath. He loved watching his wife’s mouth wrap around a big cock like this. 

Amelia struggled to take all of Bryce down her throat, but she managed the best she could. It was hard not to slobber and gag, but she didn’t care. Devon liked it that way, and she did too. She started bobbing her head up and down as Bryce made encouraging moans and sighs. He gently held onto the back of her head as she sucked him.

“Fuck, I want you, Amelia,” Bryce said after a few minutes, and Amelia sat back on heels.

“I want you too,” she said, her eyes briefly moving to her husband. Devon was clearly enjoying himself – his cock was in his hand, and his eyes were heavy and transfixed on the scene in front of him.

Bryce laid Amelia down on her back and got in between her legs, pulling them up and back. He took his cock and dragged the head of it across her wet pussy, watching as it slowly slipped inside.

“Oh, shit, Bryce!” Amelia cried out, as his cock stretched her out inch by inch. “I forgot how fucking big you are.”
Devon sat forward in his chair, swallowing hard. He could have cum then and there, but he held back. He didn’t want this to end quite yet. 

“You’re fucking tight,” Bryce said roughly, smiling down at her. “I love this pussy.”

He started to fuck her slowly at first, going deep, but taking his time. Devon loved the view he had – with his wife’s legs up like they were, he could see Bryce’s cock sliding in and out, his shaft glistening from Amelia’s wetness. 

“Faster,” Amelia said breathlessly, here eyes looking up pleadingly at Bryce.

That was all Bryce needed to hear. He pumped into her fast and hard – the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the basement, along with the squeaky noises from the futon. Devon stroked himself furiously.

“Fuck, fuck! I’m cumming!” Amelia shrieked, her body arching up off the mattress.

Bryce reached around to hold her by the small of her back, pumping his cock into her as she came. The noises coming out of Amelia’s mouth were animalistic and primal, Devon thought. She rarely made sounds like that for him. 

Within seconds, Bryce was having his turn, and was shooting a huge load of cum deep into Amelia’s pussy. Devon watched as this man filled up his wife with thick jizz, and finally allowed himself the satisfaction of getting off, too. His cum shot up and came down onto his own cock and hand. He sighed and rested his head back on the chair, breathing hard.

“Holy shit,” Amelia said, giggling as Bryce pulled out from her. “That was so much cum. Devon, do you want to come and see?”

Devon cleared his throat and wiped his hand on a nearby towel. He headed over to the futon to see the pool of cum dripping out of his wife. 

“Damn, that’s a huge load,” agreed Devon, leaning in to give his wife a kiss.

Bryce was in the background getting dressed. “Hey man, thanks for throwing this barbecue. It’s a lot of fun.”
Devon’s cheeks were burning red, but he smiled at Bryce. “Yeah. Yeah, no problem.”

“I’ve never been to a cookout quite like it, in fact,” said Bryce thoughtfully as he opened the basement door. “See you guys back outside?”
Amelia smiled at him. “Be there in five. We have some cleaning up to do down here. . .”

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