Sheer dress by gay cuckold

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You had planned it for a little while now, a chance to sit down together and enjoy a nice meal, and after spending enough time getting ready, you each began the short walk to the restaurant, enjoying the faint sunlight of the afternoon.

It wasn’t long before something became painfully obvious, as Michael walked in front of you both, his underwear and ass were almost completely visible!

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Gay cuckolding stories

Looking over at his friend, you expected some kind of warning to Michael, or even to go home and change, but… he simply stared, just as intently as you were. Then, as you were left frozen in thought, he broke the silence, whispering down to  you.

“Fucking look at it…”

It took you a moment to process his words, trying to think over how you may have heard them wrong, but after seeing his own cock tenting his pants, the intent behind his words were clear.

“I bought him that dress for this exact moment. Wait for it…”

You looked over to where he was turning to, watching as you came close to the first crossing in the road, no houses to block the sunlight that hit Michael’s backside.

“There it is…”

Your eyes widened as Michael walked across to the other side, his dress practically becoming invisible under the sunlight, showing off his fat ass as he took each step. It perfectly silhouetted his body, showing off his curvy figure and plump ass, which was fully on display for both of your perverted gazes. Each step was something to savor, his cheeks jiggling with every step across the road, bouncing enticingly, eliciting a throb from your cock each time his steps brought forth another jiggle. Though soon enough, the next row of houses came and the view was once again obscured, returning to the still-gorgeous sight of his ass being faintly visible beneath his dress.

You were lost in a haze of arousal at what had just happened, left awe-struck at the realization that his friend set him up to be ogled by the two of you like this.

“Like the view? Here, it’s coming up again!”

Before he had a chance to whisper his thoughts over what had just happened, Michael once again stepped into direct sunlight, exposing his ass completely to the two of you as he walked absent-mindedly down the street. As he hummed to herself, you realized that his pink string was clearly visible as well, showing just how naked he was beneath the dress, making the throbs of your cock even more intense as it bounced only a few feet in front of you.

“I could fuck the little whore raw like this…”

Left speechless at his depraved words, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from Michael’s ass to look over at him, but you could tell he was staring just as intently as he continued speaking.

“I sometimes go into his room and jerk off with his underwear, then shout out and call for him to come downstairs afterwards…”

Still entranced by his jiggling ass as you walked and listened to his friend’s story, you couldn’t help but feel somewhat guilty over the arousal you felt.

“When he came downstairs, I’d know he put the underwear on in the rush down, staring into his eyes as he wore his panties stained with my cum…”

It was like his friend was in a trance, living out his fantasy beside you as everyone kept walking, Michael still unaware of what was happening behind his.

It was only a few minutes of walking before he did something that shocked you, adjusting his pants enough to pull out his cock, stroking it to the sight of his ass jiggling in front of him! Wanting to say something, you weren’t sure what to say exactly, but whatever hesitations you had quickly disappeared as he turned to face you, nodding his head down to your pants for you to do the same. It was a hard offer to resist, taking another look back at Michael’s cheeks stretching the fabric of his black dress, you gave in.

“Just imagine the sound of his cheeks clapping…”

Walking closely behind Michael, both you and his friend staggered with each step, focusing more on your cocks throbbing between your fingers, threatening to let loose a torrent of your frustrations at the sight of his cheeks stretching the fabric of his dress with each step. Realizing the awkwardness of the situation, you felt a rush of embarrassment wash over your cheeks, burning your face red as you continued to stroke, unable to stop with his ass jiggling in front of you, as if he was a show for you to enjoy.


Snapping you from your trance, his friend drew your attention, nodding down to the hand that wasn’t furiously jerking his cock to your girlfriend’s panty-clad ass. In it was some spare change, clinking around in his palm before he tossed it forward.

“Ah, shit! Michael, could you pick that up for me?”

Jolting upright, you watch as Michael’s head follows the rolling change, skipping towards it in a way that makes his ass bounce in his sheer dress, letting you both watch his cheeks jiggle in front of you.

“Of course~”

He happily bends over, absent-mindedly picking up the change into his hand, humming to herself. As he moves back and forth from his hand to the change, it’s almost as if he's gyrating his ass in the air, grinding it in front of your faces as you watch his friend step closer, furiously stroking his cock to the point that the wet smacks are almost audible

“I could fuck his tight little ass all day…”

His voice was barely heard by you, but was loud enough to give you an idea of how pent-up his desires were. In an instant, Michael fumbles and drops the change again, causing him to suddenly lurch forward to grab what he can, inadvertently grinding his asscheeks against his friend’s cock, causing him to tense up before your eyes.

Still stroking your cock, you watch as he throws away his hesitations, continuing to stroke his cock while his tip rubbed against his barely-clothed ass. It was hardly a few seconds before you heard a faint grunt from him, watching as he tensed up again, thrusting forward as Michael continued collecting the coins.

“That’s a good little whore, milk my fucking cock dry with your fat ass!”

The sight alone was enough to send you over the edge, but his curt words made the entire scene more perverted, his own friend saying such depraved thoughts so openly! You were frozen as you took it in, letting your cock pulse in your hand as you watched his friend spurt his load from the tip of his dick. While it was a trickle at first, you jolted as you saw him surge an incredibly thick stream onto his ass, watching as it dripped down his dress, leaving a perverted trail behind it. Basking in the afterglow, his friend slowly stroked his cock to the sight of his cum covering his daughter’s ass, smirking to himself as he wiggled his ass in the air, then suddenly stepped back beside you.


Urged by him to hurry, you stuff your still-hard cock down your pants as he finishes up with the coins, noticing his friend fiddling with his phone for a moment before he turns around, smiling to both of you.

“Here you go! Sorry I dropped them…”

Still smirking, Michael’s friend waved off his worries.

“It’s quite alright! Don’t fret about it.”

His dismissive tone betrayed what he did only moments ago, both of you staring at his ass while you walked toward the restaurant. You took your seats as though nothing had happened, locking eyes and making small-talk with his friend after seeing what he did to her, your cock still throbbing in your pants for relief.

After your meal was finished, you each stood to begin the walk back, both of you staring down at where Michael was sitting moments ago, the faint stain of his friend’s cum on the seat of the chair causing you both to smirk before leaving. There was no opportunity to indulge yourself as you walked back to the house, Michael was eager to continue the conversations you were having at dinner, it was too risky to relieve yourself in front of him.

Instead, you were left to yourself as you climbed the stairs back to your room, your pants straining with your throbbing dick, begging for release after staring at Michael’s panty-clad ass on the way home. Pulling out your phone for something to jerk-off to, you noticed his friend having posted something on Facebook.

“Damned birds tried to ruin Michael’s dress!”

Attached was a picture of Michael bending over, his underwear and asscheeks clearly visible beneath his dress, the camera barely picking up the sheer-black fabric, making him look almost naked. Dejected as you read the comments of people admiring his ‘dress’, you sink down into the sheets of your bed, pushing your pants aside as you begin stroking your cock to the photo, more comments coming in by the moment…

His brother commented rather quickly…

“Would love to have been the bird!”

His Mother followed promptly afterwards…

“Oh, don’t be mean! Stop by and I can help clean you off~”

Then one of his professors continued the assault of comments…

“I don’t even need him to strip… I can already see everything, just cut a hole!”

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