Sausy vacation by milf cuckold

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It had been a fun honeymoon so far, Sarah enjoying the time beside her new husband so much that the hours of the first day were flying by. While lounging around the side of the pool in her new bikini, it looked as though her husband wasn’t the only man enjoying the sight of her. Across the pool, several of what looked like her husband’s friends were nudging at each other to look over at her, sly grins on their faces as they eyed her up greedily…

Sarah hadn’t expected anyone they knew to be there, least of all her husband's friends! Still, she wanted to push past it and not ruin their day, Sarah ignored them, letting the day shift into the evening as they both enjoyed themselves, but yet again, they appeared to be around them, this time sitting inside of the beach bar they were planning on drinking at.

“STOP! Hey mate, now that I got your attention I’d like to share with you this new site I found with literally anything you can think of, ranging from orgies, grannies, teens, incest and you know.. the kinky stuff. I made this review just to help a brother out. Peace.”

– Jake A.

“You wait here, I’ll get us some drinks!”

Her husband seemed so eager to get started that she wasn’t able to tell him what was going on, instead she quickly found herself left there alone with these men, each of them putting their drinks aside and coming over, perverted thoughts plastered across their faces.

“Oh wow… I didn’t realize this place had strippers!”

Their taunts weren’t welcome, and Sarah simply ignored them at first, but they didn’t wait for her response, instead they circled around her, not letting anyone see what was happening in the middle. They each began subtly groping and pulling at her mini dress, wanting to pull away the fabric and see a glimpse of what was beneath. All of a sudden, her husband returned with the drinks, his eyes widening in shock with what he saw in front of him.

“Oh wow, I didn’t expect to see you guys here!”

While Sarah was ignored, his friends effortlessly ignored what was going on and greeted Sarah’s husband, leaving her standing there alone, hoping that would be the end of it, but only for her hopes to be shattered when her husband came over to her.

“Hey, the guys just suggested taking the part back to our room! Come on, let’s not keep them waiting!”

While she certainly wasn’t pleased, Sarah thought that at least in that position, they wouldn’t be able to hide what they wanted from her husband, leaving them forced to behave and just enjoy the evening normally. After getting into their room together, the first few minutes went by normally enough, Sarah even relaxing into things, enjoying the conversation. After a few drinks had been finished however, one of his friends sprung their idea…

“We’re running a bit low on booze… Hey, think you can go back down and get us a few more?”

Her husband was all too happy to accept, pleased with getting to see his friends again, he hadn’t thought they were up to something perverted with his wife already.

With him gone, it only lasted a few seconds before they descended onto her again. While Sarah was trying to resist at first, their groping and dirty taunts eventually flipped a switch in her head, her face flushing red and her heart beginning to beat faster. Before she knew it, Sarah no longer pulled away when they grabbed at her chest, and she didn’t flinch as one of the men stood her up and squeezed her ass.

They took notice of her change in demeanor, sly smirks spreading across their faces slowly as they became more handsy, knowing she wouldn’t pull away any longer. Sarah could easily see where things were going, especially with her husband gone, but she didn’t have the willpower to stop after it began feeling so good, each moment was like a treat that she couldn’t push away…

“Well well, looks like someone’s changed her mind~”

In the midst of struggling for her senses to return, their taunts solidified her desires to be used by them, Sarah could no longer hold back from what they all wanted…

She didn’t resist as the first man began pulling the straps of her dress down her shoulders, nor did she stop the other man from pulling it down, revealing her skimpy underwear beneath, likely meant for her husband. Instead, she just stood there, standing in anticipation for what was to come next.

They wasted no time in pulling her onto the bed, manhandling Sarah as if she was a common whore, pulling aside her underwear to expose her perky tits and glistening pussy. Before she knew it, one of the men was standing in front of the bed, staring down at her as another pushed her back to bend her over the bed. In her new position, Sarah was face-to-face with the man’s cock, watching as it throbbed in front of her face, likely imagining being lodged down her throat, which wasn’t a fantasy for very long…

The man took a fistful of her hair and forced himself forward, shoving his cock down her throat in a single stroke, forcing Sarah to gag involuntarily, sputtering as another surprise was still in store. Not wanting to miss out on the fun, another of the men gave her a simple warning for what was to come, a harsh spank across her pert butt, eliciting a squeal that was muffled by the cock down her throat, another following as the other man slid his cock into her dripping wet pussy, causing Sarah to groan in pure pleasure. She was completely lost to the pleasure, sinking further into her pit of depravity as they both thrust inside of her, using both of her holes for their little fun, Sarah feeling herself getting close already from how perverted things were getting.

Before she could stop herself, Sarah felt her body caving to the stimulation, tensing up as the men enjoyed themselves, she suddenly cried out past the cock in her mouth, screaming in pure bliss as she helplessly came on their cocks. The men seemed to enjoy this, the man inside of her pussy increasing his pace, faster and faster as she couldn’t stop herself from getting close again. Already so close to her second orgasm, Sarah felt the man fucking her mouth tense up, unloading his pent-up frustrations into her mouth without a care, grunting as he pulled at her hair, using her mouth like his personal fleshlight.

“Fuck that was good… alright, you next?”

He spoke to the other man beside him, finally giving him his turn as she looked up, breathing freely for a few moments before having that taken from her as well, another cock taking his place, he began fucking her throat just as roughly.

It was all too much, Sarah quickly fell to the pleasure of being used by her husband’s friends again, feeling her pussy begging her to let loose, she came closer to her orgasm by the moment. Unable to hold back, the man inside of her joined in her pleasures, his pace increasing to a desperate speed, grunting loudly as he roughly squeezed at her ass, finally bottoming out as Sarah came with him, filling her pussy with his thick load.

In the midst of her pleasures, Sarah moaned around the man’s cock in her mouth, but felt it swiftly removed, each man silent as they stared off at something beside her. Barely able to raise her head, Sarah finally craned her head to the side to see what was going on, her eyes widening in shock.

“I can’t believe you did this behind my back!”

It was her husband, standing there with their drinks in his hands before dropping them to the ground, turning around in pure rage and trying to leave him there. With her mouth hanging agape, Sarah couldn’t find any words to calm him down, watching as he stormed toward the door. Not wanting to leave him angry on their honeymoon, especially after what she had just done, Sarah called out to him, leaving the men behind her coldly as they called out for her while she crawled after him.

“No, I don’t want to see you!”

He was adamant about her staying away, but Sarah managed to cling to his clothes, trying her best to apologize while still shivering from her orgasm. Even though he was clearly still thinking about what was going on only minutes ago, Sarah tried to make his thoughts switch to something else.

“I didn’t mean it, they tricked me! Come on, please~

Sarah didn’t waste any time in putting on the charm, seeing his face instantly shift as she stood from the floor, her legs still shaking while she led him back toward the bed. His eyes were drawn to her body as she guided him toward his friends on the bed, eyeing her up more with each step she took, Sarah letting out a giggle when she crawled back onto the bed, letting the men behind her start fucking her all over again.

“Here, ah~... let me make it up to you~”

Seeing him hesitate in stopping her, Sarah took the initiative, pulling him to stand in front of her face and pulling down his pants, letting his half-hard cock pop free. She took a moment to hungrily stare at it, watching it throb as he got harder by the second, still listening to his friend fuck her, but she couldn’t hold herself back much longer, leaning forward and taking his still-hardening cock into her mouth. Sarah lightly sucked on the tip of his cock while he continued to stiffen up in her mouth, moaning gently to stimulate the head of his cock, watching him squirm each time she did.

“Go on, start sucking.”

His firm tone surprised Sarah, but was the signal that he had at least somewhat forgiven her for what she had done, giving her the chance to start apologizing with her mouth. Starting slow at first, she leaned forward more, taking his shaft into her mouth, feeling him tense up even more as she struggled to accept it down her throat. Though she had no room to stop there, the man fucking her tight hole looked up toward her husband with a grin, grabbing the back of Sarah’s head and thrusting forward, pushing her past her gag reflex. Sarah’s eyes teared up as she felt her face forced into his crotch, throating his cock and choking around his shaft, only stimulating him further with each time her throat tightened around him.

“That’s good, don’t stop now!”

His encouraging words were all she needed, pulling back after the man let go, she let him wonder about whether she would throat his cock again, but gave him a silent answer after pushing forward again, starting the first of many thrusts of her lips wrapping around his cock. Several minutes went by as she serviced both her husband and his friends, lost in bliss as Sarah relentlessly fucked her face on his cock, moaning desperately around it as she felt another man’s thick cock stretching her pussy, a sudden shocked mumble coming from her as the first signs of their orgasms came.

Her husband quickly filled Sarah’s mouth, spurting his cum past her lips as she couldn’t help but smile, moaning like a whore as he continued to cum, spraying his load into her cheeks, filling her mouth more with each spasm of his cock. After several seconds, things died down, his moans becoming low groans as Sarah pulled back, watching as he looked down at her, still trembling in his friend’s arms while he continued to fuck her.

With Sarah still dribbling his  cum from her mouth, she looked up to see his smiling face, feeling his hand gently cup her chin as he pulled her up to look at him. He held her there for a few moments, both of them staring at one another before he broke the silence.


She did so without hesitating, feeling a shiver of perverted delight run down her body at being told what to do so firmly by him.

“Good, now come here, you’ve got a long night ahead of you…”

Looking back at his friends each waiting their turn, Sarah felt a burning arousal in her chest grow with each second, knowing that it wasn’t likely that she was going to get a rest until they were all passed out cold from exhaustion. As the next man took his position to use her, she could already feel her next orgasm building inside of her…

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