Please, fuck me

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"That was so funny!" 

Hank laughed along with his best friend, Leslie. Being friends with her even after she got married would always make him enjoy their friendship. Although, deep down he was still salty over the fact that the first woman he had ever fallen for was his best friend who was now married to another man and not him. He hated how she did not return his feelings even though nothing about their feelings was brought to light.

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Hank has been living for five years, since her marriage to move on but whenever he spent time with Leslie, his feelings was strong. It annoyed him so much.

Which is why he did not like her husband. He also suspected that he did not truly love her, seeing that Leslie was always complaining how he never paid attention to her or made her feel good as his wife. He was always working, traveling. The only thing he did was give her money and anything she did, mostly material things. Sometimes, they would go days without talking and it angered him so much. Leslie deserved so much.

"Oh! There's this party I was invited to. My husband isn't around so I was thinking you come with me," Leslie said and placed her hands on his thighs.

Her touch always did things to his body. Her warm hand on his thigh went straight to his flaccid cock. He swallowed nervously, hoping that she doesn't become hard from just a single touch just like every other day.

"What party?" He asked.

"It's just a party full of adults. There's this dress I bought and I don't want it to go to waste, seeing I don't always go to parties or functions," she said. 

"Oh." He blinked. "When's the party?"

"This evening. I'm sorry for telling you now but—"

He pressed his fingers against her lips and shook his head, knowing what she was going to say next.

"Don't. I'll be going with you. I'm free this evening."

Leslie squealed and hugged him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. 

"Thanks, Hank."


The party was like a typical college party, drinks, loud music, body grinding on body and screams of joy filling the air, as well as the pungent smell of what people were smoking. Hank was enjoying himself, especially seeing how Leslie was having fun, in a very short black dress that gave justice to her body. 

She was so sexy and hot that he found it hard to keep his eyes off her. What made him more intrigued about her tonight was how she said she was going to act like she was not a married woman and he wanted to know what she meant in every sense of the word.

He sat straight when she ran back to him, her breasts jumping to her movement that he felt it in his cock. He cleared his throat and smiled when she stood before him, looking like a goddess.

"I want to go home before I start to drink."

"Sure," he said, since it was almost midnight.


Leslie had insisted they stayed in the nearby hotel since driving home so late at night was not safe. Hank drove them to the said hotel and paid for a room for the both of them. At first, he was self conscious that they would be sleeping in one bed together but he saw no reason to be nervous as it wasn't anything new. 

A few minutes after they took separate showers and changed into the room's bathrobes, they settled in the bed, backing each other. Hank was a nervous mess and he wondered why. But all he knew that there was something different in the air that made him suddenly feel horny. He cursed himself that he was becoming hard and wanted to stroke his cock. In the back of his mind, he made a decision to wait until she was sleeping to relieve himself. 

Twenty minutes after, he knew she was asleep and quickly, he laid on his back and wrapped his hand around his cock then started to stroke. His breathing became heavy as he felt relief the more he stroked himself. He bit his lip and rocked into his hand, then started stroking a little fast. He rubbed the tip of his cock then stroked faster. He whimpered and glanced at her before staring at the ceiling.

He touched his balls with his other hand and slowly massaged it. His toes curled and his thighs stiffened. He shut his eyes tight and continued to stroke his cock. As he opened his eyes, he was met with a shock when he saw Leslie staring at him with her head turned over her shoulder.

"I… You…Leslie…" He had nothing to say and when she eyed his cock, he gulped hard.

As soon as he left his cock to stand straight and pointed in the air, Leslie straddled him and he was met with her wet pussy against his cock. He groaned and held her hips, still in shock and still turned on. He could feel her hot pussy, how wet it was. He looked at her face and found her staring back at him with a lustful look in her eyes.


She rocked his cock and he moaned. His heart was pounding hard and fast. Never in his life would he have imagined that she was capable of such. Leslie, his best friend, his married best friend was sitting on his cock, coating it with her wetness. It was driving him crazy.

He watched as Leslie untied the rope of her bathrobe, then she pushed the robe off her body, letting it pool around her waist. Her breasts were bare, nipples taut and pointy. He didn't know when he bucked into her, causing her to gasp.

"Leslie. What… are you?" He could not even complete his sentence.

"Please, Hanks," she begged in a whisper. "I haven't had sex for months now. My pussy craves something hard in me. My husband barely satisfies me when he's around. Please, Hank. I've always wanted you to fuck me with that big and thick dick of yours."

Hank didn't know when he pulled her down and kissed her square on the lips. He has been waiting for this moment and he finally got it. He cupped her ass and kissed her deeply, feeling goosebumps on his skin. He moved his hands to her pussy and started rubbing it. She was so wet that his hand was covered with her come. He pushed his fingers between her pussy lips and began to rub it faster. The sound of her wetness filled the room and it made him even harder.

He plunged two fingers into her pussy and started finger fucking her. She moaned and writhed ontop of him. He fucked her insides faster, massaging the wet walls with his fingers. She thrashed on him to the point she pulled away from his lips to place her face in the crook of his neck.

"Please, Hank. Please, fuck me. I can't hold it anymore! Make me come so good."

"You want my cock, hm?" He whispered in her ear. "Your idiot husband can't even take care of you in the bedroom. Don't worry, I'm going to show you how you can get fucked."

Hank pulled his fingers out and smeared her wetness on her ass before grabbing his cock. He lined his cock at her entrance. She raised her hips then brought it down, sinking onto his cock. They both moaned and he sighed, feeling so good. 

"Ride me," he said and she nodded then placed her hands on his chest.

Slowly, she started riding his cock. He eyed her bouncing breasts, taking in how her nipples looked. He grabbed her breasts and squeezed before pinching and pulling her nipples. She moaned and tossed her head back. He held her hips then pounded into her. She stopped riding to take his violent thrusts. Her mouth was open and he loved how beautiful she looked taking his cock.

He grunted as his thrust became harder and harsher. Her wetness was already leaking everywhere and it made him want more. He slapped her ass and slammed into her pussy. He could hear how wet she was, his balls hitting her ass and her breasts jiggling fast. His grip on her hip was tighter and his hand on her soft ass too.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Go faster! Make me feel so good! Yes, Hank!"

"Fuck! That bastard doesn't give you enough dick, huh? That pathetic excuse for a husband can't satisfy you enough? Don't worry, from now on, I'm going to make up for that!"

He did and started thrusting into her more than before, hitting her g-spot, making her scream and leak around his cock. He felt her tightening around him and before he knew it, she was coming, her come gushing out of her and onto his cock.

He followed suit, coming deep into her. After they came down from their high, she landed on him and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Wow," she said.

Hank laughed.

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