Suck me like you’d suck your husband

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The meeting was boring. Hannah barely paid attention to a word that was said by the people around the desk talking business. There was nothing new to talk about as it was still the same company issues that they always spoke about and adjourned every time. If not for the fact that she was the assistant to the CEO, she would not show up to these meetings.

At the thought of the CEO, she blinked and shifted her attention to the man sitting at the head of the table. As usual, he was looking so attractive with his strong, sharp and beautiful facial features. The concentration on his face made her attraction for him heat up her body. Ever since she started working in the company, she developed a strong attraction for her boss. It was so much that she touched herself to the thought of him, dreamt about him fucking her in his office just like he did with other women. She had the hots for him. 

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It didn't help that she was a married woman. Her marriage was just two years in and she had been way attracted to him before she married her husband, who was barely around to give her love or attention. Even when she dated her husband, it was the same. She only agreed to marry him because she was not ready for another breakup that would lead to her starting a new relationship all over again.

She was so transfixed in her thoughts and her gaze on him that she did not know when the meeting had ended. It was when her boss flickered his fingers in her face that she stood up with shock.

"Uh… Sir?"

He was angry. Very angry. 

"Sir… My apologies," she said and packed her papers and laptop. 

"Meet me in my office in twenty." His voice was full of so much anger that she shivered and gulped.

As soon as he left the conference room, Hannah rubbed her forehead in anguish.

"I am so finished."


Hannah paced around her small office, her heart pounding and mind restless. She wondered if she was going to lose her job. Losing her job meant that she would not get a good job like this. Losing her job would mean she wouldn't get to spend half of her day with the man she was so attracted to. It hurt that she almost teared up.

She checked her digital wristwatch and saw it was already twenty minutes. She took deep breaths then left her office. She crossed over and knocked on the door of her boss' office before opening it and strolling in. He was sitting on the seat, eyes hard and fingers laced on the desk.

Hannah stood in front of his desk and smiled.

"I want to go straight to the point," he said and leaned back.

Hannah felt her body tingle when his eyes scanned her body. She clenched her legs at the way he was staring at her body.

"Do you want me?"

"Huh?" She was confused.

"Don't act dumb. I've seen the way you look at me. I've heard you finger yourself and whispering my name in your office through the telephone you left open. So, I ask again… Do you want me?"

Hannah was shocked and embarrassed. She could not meet his eyes.

"If you want me. Come kneel between my legs and show me that you want me. It seems like you don't care if you're married or not."

Hannah's pussy was already throbbing and going wet from his words. She gulped and made her way around his desk then knelt before him. He parted his legs and she crawled forward. He already had a tent in his pants. 

"Suck my cock then ride it."

His straightforwardness turned her on. Without wasting time, she unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants then pulled his cock out. He was big, throbbing and veiny. She whimpered as her pussy clenched around nothing. She dove down and impaled her mouth with his cock. She started to suck, bobbing her head. He was so big and hot in her mouth, it made her moan. 

"Yes," he whispered, holding her head. "Suck me well. Suck me like you'd suck your husband's cock."

She groaned and pumped his cock while sucking. She sucked on the tip, lapping her tongue over it. Her nipples were becoming hard and sensitive, her pussy was dripping. It only made her suck faster.

"Fuck! Get up here and ride me with your pussy," he said and she rushed to her feet.

Hannah quickly pulled her skirt to her hip then bunched it around her waist. She hooked her fingers around her lingerie and took it off. It was soaked and ruined. She kicked the panty off and stepped forward.

Her boss cupped her ass and slapped it then squeezed it.

"You've always wanted me to fuck you in this office, right?" He asked, jiggling her ass. "Now, sit and take my cock inside you."

Hannah moaned and straddled him then moaned when she felt his thick tip brush her clit. She gasped when he directed his cock at her entrance then slowly, she sunk down on his cock. He was full and big inside her, making her roll her eyes.

As she bottomed out, she held his broad shoulders and made eye contact with him. His eyes were full of lust that it made her even more turned on and more wet. 

He smacked her ass and squeezed them. "Ride me good."

Hannah moaned and started jumping on his cock, riding him. She moaned, her insides loving the size of him. She gripped his shoulders hard and continued to ride him, taking every inche of him in and out of her. She threw her head back with a smile on her face. Finally, she was fucking him and he was better and bigger even though he was not doing much. 

"Fuck! You're tight!" He cried out snd started to fuck her, her body moved violently to his upward thrusts. "You've always wanted my cock, right? Now take it like a good girl."

Hannah moaned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She arched her back and rode him to the movement of his thrusts. He was reaching places her husband never did, making her pussy clench and throb with more need for his cock.

"Please, more. I want more. Fuck me more!" She begged and he wrapped his arms around her waist then carefully stood up. 

He dropped her on the desk and forced her to lay down. She widened her legs for him and bucked as he thrust into her. He held her hips tight and she spread her legs more for him. She cupped her breasts, squeezing them hard then rolled her nipples through her thin shirt and bra. She pulled at them as his cock hit her insides.

Her whole body was a mess. She was so high in pleasure that she could only splutter random words. The air smelt like sex, the sound of their skin slapping filled the office and their moans, grunts and sighs followed. 

"What do you want? Tell me?"

"Make me scream! Fuck my insides so hard that I can't walk!" She pleaded and he smirked.

"Of course." He grabbed her right leg and placed it on his shoulder then closed in.

He held her other leg and spread it away. She moaned and whimpered at how deep he felt in this angle and when he started to piston into her pussy, she began to moan at the top of her voice. She did not care if people could hear, which she knew was impossible as the office was soundproof. She rolled her eyes and drooled from pleasure as his cock heated up her insides.

"You like that? You like how I fuck you? How I make your pussy wet?" He harshly asked.

"Yes! Yes! Yes, please! Make my pussy so wet!"

He chuckled and went harder. He pressed his fingers against her clit and she shook under him. Her legs spasmed and her heart rate increased. He continued to rub her clit faster, matching his thrusts. She bit her lip and cupped her breasts harsher. 

"So good… you feel so good. So tight and wet," he said between moans. 

The more he rubbed her clit, the more her insides leaked. Her whole body was getting numb from pleasure that she could no longer have the voice to scream, she could only whimper and writhe under him.

"I'm so close. Tell me you're close too. Tell me you're about to come around my cock," he urged on and she moaned.

"Yes. I'm so close. I'm going to come," she said.

He growled and slammed into her more aggressively while flicking her clit. She clenched hard around him and screamed when she started to come. She shivered and her eyes rolled back on their own accord. Her lips hung open as she came. He followed suit by pulling out and coming all over her skirt, staining her skirt with his come while grunting and groaning.

A few seconds later, he stepped back and dropped on his seat while she laid there, enjoying the afterglow in her. She smiled at the fact that she finally had her boss fuck her and she hoped this would not be the last time. 

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  1. James Preedy
    October 1, 2023 om 5:31 pm

    So fucking horny you’ve made me cum sossssooo many times!!!!!! ♥️💋🛏


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