Taking his cock to my home 

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“What do you think?” 

I walked out of the bathroom in the night’s outfit: a form-fitting blue dress and black heels. My red hair was done in thick waves (my boyfriend’s favorite), and I had actually put on my expensive makeup for once. It was a special evening, after all.

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

Frank got up off the couch, and his jaw dropped. “Mallory, you look. . . holy shit. . .”

I beamed at him. “That was just the reaction I wanted.”

He crossed the room and took me in his arms, breathing in my Gucci perfume. 

“You smell good too, oh my god.” He shifted, pulling away. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

I laughed. “Yes! I told you a million times; I’m just as into this as you are!”

“Well, okay then. Let’s go.”

The club was packed, even though it was still pretty early for a Saturday. Frank and I made our way to the back side of the bar, closer to the dance floor. The lights were flashing in various colors, and the music was so loud that we could barely hear ourselves think.

“Let me know if you find anyone!” Frank cried into my ear. “Whoever you want!”

I bit my lip. This was so fun. When Frank told me about his cuckold fetish, I wasn’t sure at first how to feel, but now I was completely on board.

After a moment of scanning the club, my eyes locked onto a tall, blonde-haired stranger leaning up against the wall. He was sipping his drink and looking around the room.

“Him,” I said, a tone of decisiveness to my voice. “Blondie over there.”

Frank followed my gaze and raised his eyebrows. “Damn. Go for it, baby.”

I stood up, gave him a quick kiss, and adjusted my dress before making my way over to the stranger.

“Hi!” I said, standing up on my tip toes as I spoke into his ear. Even in my heels, he was still so much taller than me. “I’m Mallory.”

“James. Nice to meet you, Mallory.”

I pointed back to where Frank was sitting, trying to look as casual as possible. 

“That’s my boyfriend,” I said, quickly continuing, because I could see James looked confused. “He likes seeing me with other men. Are you. . . interested in that?”

James looked up at Frank and then back at me, before pulling me in for a long, deep kiss. He was a great kisser, and I loved feeling his arms hold me tightly against him as we made out. I knew Frank had to be watching and sure enough, when I looked up, he was.

“Should we dance?” James asked, grabbing my hand.

I giggled and followed him out to the dancefloor. He made sure to keep us visible to Frank. I began to grind my ass up against him as a soulful R&B song came over the speakers, and James held me close.

“You are extremely sexy,” he said into my ear, and I turned my head back to kiss him.

You are extremely sexy,” I replied.

After another song or so, I could feel him start to get hard against my ass. His hands began to roam, and that’s when I knew it was time to go home.

“My boyfriend can drive us,” I said, as we walked off the dancefloor. “If that’s okay? We don’t live far.”

James nodded at Frank as he approached. “Hey man. I’m James.”

Frank gave a shy smile. “Hey. Frank.” He looked at me. “Ready to go?”

I put my hand on James’s chest. “Yes, and James is coming back with us.”

I saw the brief glimmer of excitement in Frank’s eyes.

We all filed into the car, but I took the backseat with James. My heart was racing as I leaned into him, as Frank began to pull away from the parking space. I could almost feel his eyes on us in the rearview mirror as we began to make out.

“Mmm,” I moaned, as James slipped his hands up the bottom of my dress. His fingers teased my pussy lightly, rubbing across the thin fabric of my panties. 

“We’re almost there,” Frank said, when we were only four minutes from our house. I knew he was probably just as excited as James and I were. 

I was so wrapped up in letting my tongue slip into James’s mouth as he continued to play with my pussy, that I didn’t even notice the car had stopped. It wasn’t until Frank opened up the driver’s side door and let it slam behind him that I realized we were home.

“Come on, you two,” he said coyly, and James and I followed him into the house.

When we got inside, Frank made himself busy in the kitchen for a minute while James and I took to the couch. I stood in between his legs and began to undress, pulling the dress down over my hips and wiggling out of it. James’s eyes were wide as he watched my little show. I moved to my bra, pulling it off slowly and little-by-little, until it fell to the floor.

“God, your body is amazing,” breathed James, reaching to grab me by the small of my back so that I was now on his lap. “Come here.”

Frank had taken a seat in the recliner across the room and was sipping a beer as he watched us. James sucked on my nipples as I threw my head back, my red waves cascading down my back. His tongue felt incredible, but the feeling was even more intense knowing that my boyfriend was in the same room, watching us and probably jerking off. 

As we changed positions so that I was on my back, I looked over to see that I was right – Frank was stroking his cock and sipping a beer, his eyes glued to me and James. My heart skipped a beat, and my pussy throbbed. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been so fucking turned on.

“Fuuuuuck,” I groaned loudly, as James got in between my legs to eat my pussy. He was so good at it, his mouth applying the perfect amount of pressure as his tongue worked back and forth. I loved how hard he was gripping my legs as he ate me, like he couldn’t get enough.

When he put two fingers inside me at the same time his tongue licked my clit, I lost it. I started shaking uncontrollably as the waves of dizzy pleasure built up in me, threatening to overflow until finally –

“Ahhhhh!” I nearly screamed. I was cumming, and I was cumming hard. I could hear Frank lean forward, moaning to himself. He must have liked what he saw. The orgasm seemed like it would never end, and it had barely even finished before James was sliding his cock into me.

“God, you’re fucking wet,” he said, his voice rough and gravelly. He smiled up at me, but I couldn’t manage a smile back. My body was still twitching from my orgasm, prolonged by the feeling of James’s huge cock stretching me out. 

My pussy wasn’t used to his size, but it quickly stretched to accommodate him. I hoped Frank was happy that we had found someone with a big cock. He said it was part of the appeal for him. Well, it didn’t get much bigger than James!

When he put my legs up over his shoulders, I couldn’t help but scream. His cock had slipped even deeper into my pussy from that position, and his thrusts had only become faster and harder.

“Oh, someone’s liking that,” I heard Frank say from his chair, though I could hardly focus on him. Stars were flashing in front of my eyes. I felt dizzy and weak, like I hadn’t stopped cumming for several minutes.

James made eye contact with me, his handsome face formed into an intense expression. 

“I want to cum for you,” he moaned, his breath ragged.

I nodded eagerly, biting my lip. “Please cum for me,” I begged. “Fill me up.”

Somehow, James started fucking me even harder. His balls slapped against me as his cock pounded into my soaked pussy, until finally, he was still. I felt his cock twitch inside me, a load of cum shooting in deep.

“Fuuuuck,” he grunted, closing his eyes as he came. 

I briefly looked over at Frank, who had also just cum, his body convulsing in the way it always did when he got off. There was something so hot about watching my man cum like that, while another cock was inside me.

When James finally pulled out, he collapsed back onto the couch like he was exhausted. He looked between me and Frank and let out a single laugh.

“That was not how I thought tonight was going to go,” he said.

Frank and I exchanged a knowing glance. For us, it was exactly how we thought the night was going to go. 

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  1. Scott G.
    August 3, 2023 om 5:43 am

    Hot story. Love the directness from her to James with what they wanted.


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