Extreme forced facesitting

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It hadn’t been a long relationship, Mark not having known Nina for very long, but they had hit it off extremely well. They both had an incredible amount in common, even their sex lives were compatible! It was a rare thing for Nina to find, a man obsessed with being dominated by a woman, and even one who ogled her ass to the point of addiction…


Mark knew he had it lucky with Nina, if it not for their incredibly compatible kinks, she would likely not give him the time of day, though that may just be a sign of affection in her book. Frankly, she was gorgeous, the kind of woman you see modeling in a prestigious hotel, a body that looks almost too good to be true, an ass that you could sink your hand into, but was pleasingly round, almost heart-shaped. Her breasts strained in most shirts, Nina often opting to have them bulging out on purpose so she could gain an ounce of pleasure knowing that the men would be thinking of her tonight.

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Because of her looks, Nina always found men lining up to get with her, but that was the problem…

They wanted her, they wanted to take her, they wanted to have her, and worst of all, they wanted to fuck her! The thought of submitting to a man was enough to make Nina scoff, turning her nose up at the thought. She was very much in the belief that she was royalty, and acted like it, believing men to be subservient to the point of even managing her workers that way.

There was always a burning need for domination in Nina’s life, not just in work, but in her private life as well. She craved the feeling of a man obeying her word, seeing them submit at her whim, even going so far as to do it in public if they thought it would benefit them later. Though it never did, Nina was incredibly cruel to Mark, but he loved every second of it.

She of course knew this, and would often hold both rewards and punishments above his head, making him degrade himself for a chance at either. To her, being able to come home and have Mark to play with was a way to solidify her place as a domineering woman, each day a chance to spread her wings and really dominate a man to the brink of breaking him.

Most often, his rewards would be simple. Nina would stand in a one-piece bikini, her ass on full display for him, and she’d order him to crawl. Then his reward started, she’d allow him to kiss her, and if properly done, she would grab the back of his head and force Mark between her cheeks, kissing her clothed asshole as she allowed him to hump the space between her calves, listening to him whimper before shooting his load forward onto the floor. She loved watching it squirt in front of her, dribbling out of his dick as she tightly held his face between her cheeks.

Whenever she was finished, she’d let go, allowing him to breathe, then leave to have him clean up his mess, ready to serve again. She kept everything in high regard, not just to satisfy her self-proclaimed status as Queen of the household, but also an open chance to call on any mistake to satisfy her sadistic urges when they arise.

Today was one of those days, Nina finally deciding that Mark had been trained enough to handle what she really wanted, she sprung her trap.


Her voice boomed across the house, Mark crawling into the living room as quickly as he could, eyes darting around the room to look for his mistake. Nina tapped her foot, staring down at him simply to watch him squirm, which he provided.

“You took too long. Sit down.”

At first, Mark was frightened at what she would do, but upon hearing her order, was confused with what was to come. As he sat on the floor, Nina reached down and grasped a fistful of his hair, dragging him across the floor and placing his back against the foot of the sofa. Nina stood over him, her ass in his face as he rested his head against the seat cushion, waiting for her orders. Though those orders never came…

Nina silently sat down on Mark’s face, listening to his final gasp for air be silenced, muffled by her cheeks as he was buried between them. Nina had him in the perfect position, able to lay back on the sofa as her ass smothered him, watching whatever came on the television as she occasionally pressed her heels against his crotch. Each press was to elicit a groan from his throat, feeling his hot breath and the vibrations from his voice against her pussy, Nina found herself getting awfully comfortable on her throne.

Fuck, I shouldn’t have waited to do this… he’s such a good cushion~

Nina couldn’t stop herself from idly grinning, a constant tinge of sadism coursing through her body, each groan and subtle movement from Mark only brought it more to the surface. Having him so helpless beneath him, gasping for air at any chance he got, trying to refrain from making any unnecessary contact with Nina as possible, just as he was taught. To her, it was like showing off a dog’s tricks at a park, she took extreme pride in how thoroughly she had broken him to her will.

Though that confidence in her submissive man started to shake, feeling him writhe beneath her, Nina knew he was beginning to struggle for air. Grinning to herself, she knew it was the beginning of her real fun…

“Awh, can’t breathe down there~?”

Nina made his position painfully clear, wiggling her hips, talking down in a cutesy tone to the man gasping between her cheeks. A cruel grin spreading across her face, Nina bites her lip before speaking again.

“Here, I’ll let you breathe…”

Letting out a cute giggle, Nina rose from Mark’s face, letting him gasp for a brief moment before slamming back down onto his face. She took great delight in his flailing, not just from her cheeks smacking against his face, but from the pitiful gasp of air he managed to get.

“Oh, did you not get enough? Here~”

Again, Nina bounced in her seat, giving Mark a brief moment of air before slapping back down onto him, feeling his face pressed between her cheeks. Nina sighs to herself as she idly grins against his lips, feeling them glide across her pussy for a brief moment before bouncing again. Mark gasps again, genuinely desperate for anything he could get, but yet again, his moans and squeals are muffled by Nina’s plump ass, silencing him.

This continued for too long for Mark to count, kept on the brink of passing out, his face glowing red from the constant smacking of Nina’s plush cheeks, smacking against him over and over again. All the while Mark’s suffering, Nina lets out manic giggles, taking an absurd amount of satisfaction and pleasure from toying with him, her pussy aching for attention.

“Hey, bitch!”

Mark lets out a stifled groan in response, Nina smiling as he can hear her.

“Say ahhh~

There’s a brief pause, then Mark begins letting out a constant groan against her clothed pussy. Nina shivers with excitement, rising from his face again, only this time, she swiftly turns around, pulling her bikini to the side before straddling his face. With her eyes rolling up into the back of her head, Nina tightly grips Mark's hair, forcing his face against her naked pussy, feeling his moaning only grow louder. Nina knows that even though he’s almost blacking out from lack of oxygen, he’s trying to stimulate her to orgasm, the first time he’s been allowed to taste her in months.

Despite his delirious state, Nina is instantly sent to ecstasy, her body quivering on the brink of orgasm, she reaches back with her feet, kicking off her heels. As her orgasm comes crashing down on her, Nina grinds her soles against the bulge in Mark’s pants, hearing him loudly cry out between her thighs in response.

“Go on, bitch, cum for me~!”

Not needing any more encouragement, Mark stains the front of his pants, a thin trickle seeping through the fabric and smearing across Nina’s feet as she cries out to the ceiling, her eyes losing focus. As Nina’s orgasm fades, so too does her iron grip on Mark’s head, letting his head fall backwards, gasping desperately for air as he looks up at Nina in awe. After a few seconds, he stutters out what he can, trying to retain his manners.

“T-thank you…”

Nina grins down at Mark, trying to act cold, but impressed with his performance for her.

“You’re welcome…”

The dragging pause and strong eye-contact has Mark waiting for what more she has to say, forcing a giggle from Nina’s lips as she realizes he’s onto her.

“But… for getting your cum on me, we’ll be doing this again later tonight. Only this time it’ll be the real thing~”

With that threat hanging in the air, Nina straightens herself out, patting herself down and re-adjusting her outfit. After craning his head up from the sofa to ogle at Nina’s ass as she walks away, Mark is left with a single thought as his senses somewhat return.

The real thing?!

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