Smothered by the substitute

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CJ had been working at Holly Oaks High School for ten years and had never seen a substitute as gorgeous as Kelly. A lot of the subs that came through the school were older, frumpy women, but Kelly was the complete opposite. She was a curvy blonde who dressed to the nines every day. 

The only bad part was that because CJ was the gym teacher, he rarely got to see Kelly since she was on the second floor in the geography wing of the school. 

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On this particular Tuesday, however, CJ lucked out. There was a pep rally in the gym, which meant that every teacher in the school would be there. He spotted Kelly in her bright blue dress and nude heels, taking a seat at the front of the bleachers. He decided to join her. 

“Hi,” he said, raking his fingers nervously through his sandy brown hair. “I’m CJ. Mr. Anderson, as the students call me.” He smiled. “Gym teacher.”

“I had a feeling,” laughed Kelly, surveying his casual attire. “Kelly Watson. I’m subbing for Mrs. Evans for the rest of the year. It’s a shame about her knee surgery.”

CJ clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. In reality, he had no idea about Mrs. Evans, but he pretended otherwise. “It really is a shame. So how are you liking it so far?”
Kelly sighed. “It’s pretty good. It’s a lot more stressful than expected, though. The class runs me ragged.”

While she was talking, CJ looked down and noticed that she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. Kelly was sharp, though, and noticed his wandering eyes. She held up her hand. “That’s right—I’m very single.” She laughed. “What about you?”

CJ nodded. He couldn’t keep from grinning. “I’m single too. You know, if you ever want to get together after work, we should do that. Maybe tomorrow?”

Kelly bit her bottom lip. “Tomorrow then. I’ll come down to the gym to find you.”

The next day, Kelly was excited as she walked down the hallway to the gymnasium. She smoothed out the front of her dress, hoping CJ would love this one. It was red and eye-catching.

The gym was weird when it was so empty. Kelly walked around the gym floor, her heels click-clacking against the hard surface. Dusty light poured in from the windows above the bleachers. 

“Hello?” Kelly called, wondering where CJ was. She heard the sound of water running and followed the sound to the locker room. Suddenly, it was clear that it was CJ in the shower, because she could hear him singing over the water.

“It’s me!” she cried, not wanting to startle him. 

“Oh, shit!’ CJ yelled, turning off the water and reaching around the curtain for his towel. When he pulled back the shower curtain, he was standing there in just the towel, and Kelly realized for the first time how attractive he was, how fit his body was.

“Well, hi there,” said Kelly. “Sorry I’m early. I didn’t know you’d be showering.”

“You look amazing,” breathed CJ. He took a step closer to him and gently grabbed her waist.

“Speak for yourself.” Kelly pressed her lips against his. His skin was still radiating heat from the hot shower.

Before she could stop herself, Kelly was unwrapping CJ’s towel and dropping it to the ground. She led him over to the nearby bench and had him lie down on it.

“What are you planning?” said CJ, his chest heaving up and down. His face was burning red from being completely naked in front of her.

Kelly didn’t respond. She only gave him a playful smirk as she reached under her dress and slid her panties off. CJ was stunned, but he was even more shocked when Kelly walked over to the bench where he lay and straddled his face. 

CJ was completely caught off guard as Kelly lowered her bare pussy right on his face. Her dress was bunched up around her waist and she sat down on CJ.

“Fuuuuck, yes, stick that tongue out,” she moaned.

CJ did as she asked, sticking his tongue out from his lips as Kelly grinded her pussy back and forth against his face. CJ looked up and watched as Kelly shimmied her gorgeous red dress up over her head. Then she unhooked her bra, releasing her large breasts so that she was now completely naked. CJ loved the view.

“Holy shit, that feels so good.” Kelly was clearly enjoying herself as she rode CJ’s face. She sighed and moaned, shifting her pussy exactly where she wanted to be. CJ had to take little sips of air whenever possible because Kelly was smothering him. Not that he was complaining—she smelled and tasted amazing, and he loved having her take charge like this. 

Kelly must have rode CJ’s mouth for a good fifteen minutes before she finally came. Her orgasm crashed over her and she sat down even harder on CJ’s face, pressing all her weight on top of him. 

“MMMMFFF!” he moaned, his voice muffled by the weight of Kelly.

She couldn’t hear him, though. Her head was thrown back, blonde hair spilling down like silk, and she cried out with pleasure. Sitting on a hot guy’s face and smothering him until she came was one of Kelly’s biggest kinks. It was the first thing she thought about when she saw CJ, and especially when she saw his muscular, toned body.

She finally lifted herself up off CJ’s face and slid down to his cock. 

“Looks like someone enjoyed himself,” said Kelly, smiling as she noticed how hard CJ was. 

“A hot woman sitting her hot pussy right on my face? Hell yes.”

CJ watched in awe as Kelly straddled his crotch and lowered her wet pussy right down onto his cock. He couldn’t move very much in his position, but it didn’t matter. Kelly had taken control once again and was bouncing up and down on his cock.

“You’re so big,” Kelly said, taking a sharp inhale through her teeth. Her eyes were wide as they stared into CJ’s face, which was twisted up with pleasure.

“Yes, fuck,” breathed CJ, a shudder running through his body. “Keep riding me just like that, Kelly.”

Moments later, Kelly felt the hot gush of cum filling up her pussy. She kept bouncing up and down throughout the entirety of CJ’s orgasm, only making him cum longer.

When he was done, Kelly stood up and smiled down at him. “That was fun.”

CJ sat up and brushed back his hair. “I’ll say it was. . .”

The night wasn’t over yet. They both got into the tiny shower stall together and began to rinse each other off. They had every intention of getting dressed after that, but when they got out of the stall and looked at each other’s naked bodies again, they began to make out.

“You drive me crazy,” said CJ, pulling his mouth away from Kelly while his forehead touched hers.

CJ resumed his position on the bench, but this time, Kelly decided to sit on him while she faced his cock and lowered her mouth down onto it. Neither of them could remember the last time they had 69’d, but it was hotter than they had remembered.

CJ’s tongue dragged across the smooth skin of Kelly’s pussy, lapping up the stickiness that remained there before it settled against her clit. While he massaged his tongue there in slow, gentle circles, Kelly began to bob her head up and down in a steady rhythm on CJ’s hard cock.

The empty locker room made the sounds of their groans seem even louder. CJ had long since fantasized about messing around at work, but it had never happened yet. He couldn’t believe it was actually happening with someone as hot as Kelly.

Her pussy had sank even deeper against his face. It was hard to breathe or do anything except flick his tongue against her clit, but Kelly seemed to like that the most. When she came, she slid his cock out of her mouth and let out a loud, animalistic moan that sounded primal and guttural.

“Fuck,” she sighed, finally returning her mouth to CJ’s cock with a renewed enthusiasm. She sucked him hard and fast, listening to his breathing get more ragged. The blowjob was the sloppiest one Kelly had ever given, and it didn’t take long for CJ to cum once again. He had a shocking amount of cum left for Kelly, and it spilled straight down in her throat.

Once he was finished, Kelly slid off of him and sat up. They exchanged glances and were about to say something when suddenly, they heard the sounds of the janitor walking through the gym.

“Shit!” hissed CJ. “Quick. It’s the janitor.”

Giggling from thrill and nerves, Kelly gathered her clothes and hurried to put them on. CJ did the same. They made it just in time and headed out from the locker room to find the janitor staring at them suspiciously.

“Have a good night, Don,” said CJ politely, ushering Kelly towards the door.

“Next time,” she whispered, “we’re going to one of our houses like normal people.”

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