Femdom fun (part 3)

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Mistress jerks me back by my hair. My lips are still coated in her delicious juices, but I obey, trying to catch my breath as I watch her. She pats my head, then caresses my face. I lean into her touch.

            “Please let me inside you.”

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            “Don’t you want my mouth first?”

            I shake my head. “I want to please you, to be the reason you cum again, Mistress.”

            She pushes me back, so I’m sitting on my heels, nearly reclining back on my hands. She grabs her thong and holds it as she lowers herself on my cock. She only takes the tip and I nearly come from that alone.

            “I want you to keep tasting me the whole time you’re inside me. I want you to remember that you begged for my pussy,” she says before stuffing her thong in my mouth.

            It’s such a dirty thing to say and do, but I love it all the same. Mistress drops down on me completely, gripping my hair tight in her hand as she rides me. There’s no question of who’s fucking who. She’s taking me like she needs and my pleasure comes second.

            Her breasts bounce in my face and I groan, wishing I could lick them every time they brush my cheek. Her pussy is so tight and wet around me that I feel like I’m in heaven itself. Everything feels ten times better than it should, but I’m not going to complain. Absolutely fucking not.

            “That’s a good boy. You see how much your cock pleases me?”

            I nod eagerly and thrust into her when she pulls on my hip. I’m rewarded with a moan so wild that I can’t resist doing it every time she comes down on me. I match her pace, every time she changes it, I do as well. I keep riding the edge of my own orgasm, but I refuse to give in.

            Mistress grabs me by my tie and jerks me closer, kissing me around her panties. I’m dizzy, nearly drunk on her. Every deliciously wet sound of her pussy, every moan that leaves her lips, the way she grips me tightly, nearly hurting me, but sure that I can take it. How she puts herself first, makes it clear she’s using me for her pleasure, all of it is so unexpected and so damn hot that I just can’t control myself.

            She cums again, throwing her head back and looking more like a goddess than any woman I’ve ever seen. She reaches into my mouth and pulls her panties free. “Such a good toy. Made me cum twice in a row.”

            “Again?” I ask. “Do I get to make you cum again?”

            “Oh no, sweet toy. This time, it’s your turn. I’m going to edge you until you’re screaming for me to let you cum. I’m going to make sure every other room hears you beg for the release only I can give.”

            She pushes me back, then bends down, wrapping her mouth around my cock while she strokes and teases my balls with her fingers. I groan and lift my hips, trying to fill her throat. She knows just what she’s doing. She sucks and licks, driving me so insane with need, that I dig my hands into my thighs to avoid cuming right away.

            “Please,” I ask in a hoarse voice.

            She moans around my cock, letting me feel the vibrations. My jaw tightens. “Please, let me cum, mistress. Please!”

            She pops off and only uses her tongue across the head. “You can do better than that, can’t you? Are you already so close?”

            I whimper and nod.

            “Are you going to cum just from me licking your cock?”

            I feel myself blush, but nod again.

            She shakes her head. “No, you’re not. You’re going to cum when I tell you to.”

            Mistress edges me again and again. The mix of pleasure followed by the pain and disappointment makes me want to hold her down and take what I want. She wouldn’t complain about me fucking her senseless would she?

            “Please!” Begging comes out instead of threats, as if my body knows how to get what I need more than my brain does. “Please, mistress. I want to cum for you. I’m dying to cum for you! Please!”

            She grins up at me. “You get to cum this time, good boy.”

            I groan. She ups the pace, sucking me so hard and sure that I feel like she’s trying to claim my soul. It takes an embarrassingly short time to finish. I grit my teeth. “I’m going to cum!”

            She grabs my ass in both hands and jerks me tighter against her, taking every inch down her throat as I come apart, exploding, and shooting load after load into her mouth. Once I’m empty, I slump back, exhausted, riding cloud nine, experiencing a kind of bliss I haven’t gotten from even the best sex.

            Mistress adjusts me, pulling my head to her chest and letting me lean on her. She strokes through my hair and along my back. “You did such a good job, sweet boy. Filled my mouth so well, made me cum.”

            “Made you happy?”

            She kisses my temple. “Very happy.”

            Mistress keeps sweet talking me, making me feel precious, loved, wonderful all while gently petting me. By the time I catch my breath and am fully relaxed, I feel open and aware in a way I haven’t before.

            I sit back on my heels and adjust my tie. “That’s ... new.”

            “See the appeal of leaving the decisions to someone else?”

            “Yes,” I chuckle, “but I’m not sure I’d be able to survive a second round of that without losing my mind.”

            She grins and helps me get dressed. Mistress stuffs her thong in my pant’s pocket and kisses me softly. “I hope this made for a better bachelor party than you anticipated.”

            “I don’t get to know your name after that?” I ask with surprise.

            She pulls her dress back on, adjusts her makeup and puts a few things in a special tray. “If I told you, you might try to look me up.”

            “And that would be a problem?”

            “I prefer fun to a relationship, sweetheart.” She kisses my cheek. “I will help you find your friends.”

            Disappointment fills me. As strange as it was letting a woman take control, letting a woman make me beg, whip me, order me, tie me up, I feel ... euphoric. I’m more in touch with myself than I’ve been in years.

            “You keep looking at me like you love me, and I’ll make sure you get more punishment the second round,” she warns.

            “I’d like to see you again. For fun,” I admit.

            She looks me over, motions for me to spin, then grabs my ass. “You are a damn fine man. I might just be willing to have you a second time.”

            There’s another reward right there. Mistress gives me her number, but not her name, then helps me find the guys I came here with. Rob is half passed out, Mickey is making out with a woman sloppily and the others are no where to be seen.

            I sigh. So much for being able to avoid having control for one night. I clear my throat and Mickey draws back. “There you are, lady killer.”

            “What happened to Rob?”

            “We’re all having fun in our own ways,” he says, slurring his words.

            Mistress kisses me softly, then pats my cheek. “Take care of the mess if you want to see me again.”

            “I look forward to it,” I bid.

            Mickey stares. “No way you were with her.”

            I chuckle. “I have the marks to prove it.”

            Mickey’s girl giggles. I leave them where they are and round up the rest of the guys. It takes two of us to haul Rob out of the bar. He wears a dopy smile when he comes to. “Tonight was so much fun.”

            “It was.” I agree.

            Once everyone is dropped off and I’m home alone, I strip and look in the mirror. I have some lingering red marks from the crop, and when I turn around, there’s a clear bruise from Mistress’s heel.

            I take a picture and notice the bitemark on my ass too. I send her the picture and realize I’m already hoping for her approval.

            She texts back that she’ll have to leave more marks if I’m so proud of them.

            I’ll collect them like gold stars: happily.

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