LEZDOM stories

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Extreme lesbian-on-lesbian domination

Becky never thought she’d be the type of person to go visit a mistress. But when she saw the Craigslist posting, she was intrigued. Her sex life had been lacking lately. It was like she had dated and slept with every woman in her city. She wanted something different.

Raven was her name, and she worked in an industrial style loft downtown. Becky booked an appointment one Saturday night. It was all she could think about the entire week. She had no idea what to expect, but she knew she was excited.

Cheating, incest & kinky things. Do I need to say more? Anything you can imagine just a click away!

When Saturday came around, Becky appeared in front of the big brick building and looked up, as though Raven was staring down at her from above. Becky anxiously ran her hands through her blonde hair and hurried into the building before she could change her mind.

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The second the elevator doors opened on the top floor, Becky’s heart dropped to her stomach. She was nervous, yes, but more than anything she was curious and horny. 

“Hello?” she said, as she approached the front door. “I’m Becky.”

The door was ajar, and Becky let out a small gasp as Raven grabbed it from the other side, pulling it open all the way. Raven was tall, slim, and dressed in an entirely leather outfit, from the tightfitting crop top to the massive high heels on her feet.

They had discussed via email the things Becky was comfortable with, and the list had been lengthy. Becky didn’t have many boundaries, and if anything, she was ready to be pushed a little bit.

Dominated by lesbians

“Follow me,” said Raven, turning on her heel. “But crawl.”

Becky swallowed hard. She hesitated only briefly before dropping to her hands and knees and following Raven across the hardwood floors. 

“I’d like to begin today’s session with a display of worship,” said Raven, her voice buttery and smooth. “Kiss my feet.”

Raven stood there, towering over her, as Becky slowly lowered her face down to the patent leather material of Raven’s boots. She kissed them one by one, taking her time and wondering why this made her pussy throb.

“Get up,” Raven snapped suddenly, and Becky scrambled up to standing. 

Raven grabbed her by the hand and led her over to a soft leather bench that came up to about waist-height. She gave Becky a sharp whack on her ass and said, “bend over it.”

Becky let out a whimper so quietly she wasn’t sure if Raven could even hear it. She did as she was told and bent over the bench, waiting for her next move. 

Raven took the waistband of Becky’s skirt and slowly slid it down over her legs. Becky stepped out of it, and Raven kicked it aside before turning her attention now to Becky’s panties. They were simple and white, and Raven ran her hands across them.

“I’m going to pull these down to just above your ankles,” said Raven, her breath hot in Becky’s ear. “Then I’m going to smack your ass over and over, and if you drop the panties to the floor even one time, I’m adding 20 spanks. Got it?”

“Yes, mistress,” Becky said hastily, remembering how Raven had asked to be addressed.

Raven tugged her panties down until they were suspended and stretched out around Becky’s calves, so that if she squirmed even just a little bit and tried to close her legs, they would likely fall to the ground.

Raven warmed up Becky’s ass with her hands for a moment, running her palms across her smooth skin, but then she began to deliver her blows. There was no counting, no indication of when she might stop. Becky winced and moaned with each smack of Raven’s hand, her ass getting hotter by the second.

“You’re pinking up so nicely,” Raven said through the blows, sounding proud of herself. “Let’s take it up a notch. I want to really see you squirm.”

Becky listened to the sound of her high heels click-clacking across the floor, before Raven returned. She wondered what Raven was up to, but then she felt the smooth leather of the riding crop come down against her ass, and she had her answer.

“FUCK!” Becky cried, unable to control herself. The pain was burning and sharp, like bee stings hitting sunburnt skin. “Holy shit!”

“You like that, don’t you, Becky?” growled Raven, hitting Becky’s ass again and again. It was a nice shade of red now. “Tell me how much you love it.”

“I-I love having my ass beat, Mistress!” whimpered Raven. She could barely remain standing as Raven picked up the pace, and to her horror, her legs wobbled, and the panties fell to the floor. 

Raven clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Tsk, tsk. You know what that means.”

Raven disappeared one more time, and when she returned, the riding crop had been replaced by a flogger. It was her favorite implement because the soft leather arms delivered a lot of pain.

“OWWW!” Becky squealed. “FUCK!”

Raven smirked and smiled as she brought the flogger against Becky’s ass 20 times, not letting up for even a second. Becky was barely able to keep herself up, but even through the blinding pain, she realized how wet she was becoming. 

When it was over, Raven roughly shoved her hand between Becky’s legs and dragged her fingers back and forth. 

“Wow, you certainly get off on pain, don’t you?” she said, an evil laugh topping off her words. “Stand up, you little pain slut.”

Becky straightened up and took a sharp inhale of breath as Raven forcefully pulled her shirt off over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and Raven immediately began to grope and caress her tits from behind. She squeezed them together with such force that it made Becky let out a loud, guttural groan. 

“Come on, follow me,” Raven said sharply. “On your hands and knees.”

Completely nude, Becky crawled behind Raven as they headed over to a black velvet sofa. Raven took a seat, her legs falling open. She snapped her finger at Becky and motioned towards her skirt.

“Give me your best oral,” said Raven. “Really get in there.”

Becky positioned herself in between Raven’s open legs, just as Raven reached down to grab the back of her head and pull her face even deeper against her pussy. Becky struggled to catch her breath and tried to gulp as much air as she could.

“Yessss,” moaned Raven, “that’s right. Good girl.”

Becky could have melted into the floor hearing that. It only made her want to please Raven even more, so she began to run her tongue up and down her pussy like she never had before. She moaned as she went, lapping up all of Raven’s sweet and salty taste.

“That’s right, right on that clit.”

Raven positioned Becky how she wanted her, with her tongue right against her most sensitive spot, running back and forth. Raven closed her eyes and let herself be completely pleasured by Becky. She had to admit, Becky made a great sub. Not every woman who walked in there was as eager, so it had been a nice surprise.

“Fuck yes, I’m about to cum right on your pathetic little mouth,” growled Raven, her grip on Becky’s scalp tightening. “Are you ready for it?”

“Mmhmmm!” mumbled Becky, her eyes shifting up to look right into Raven’s.

Raven came quickly, her orgasm fueled by Becky’s cute eager sounds and her wide eyes. When the last remnants of climax were finally settling down, Raven looked down at Becky and reached under her chin.

“You did a good job.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“Would you like to cum, as a reward?”

Becky couldn’t believe it. Mistress Raven didn’t seem like the type of woman who just let anyone cum. She nodded her head, unable to speak.

Raven brought her over to a wall where there were four heavy metal restraints, and she began to close them over Becky’s hands and wrists. Becky writhed against them. It was like she was in a true dungeon now.

When the vibrator first hit her clit, Becky let out a loud, long squeal. Raven just laughed as Becky pulled against the shackles on her arms and legs. She began to torture Becky’s nipples as she played with her pussy, which made Becky twitch uncontrollably. 

“Holy shit,” Becky said breathlessly, her body unable to resist caving against Raven’s touch. Her fingers kept tugging on her tits, and the sensation along with the vibrator on her pussy made her see stars. 

Becky came like she had never cum before. All of her sexual frustration came out in that one orgasm. An animalistic moan escaped her lips, much to Raven’s delight. 

“What do you say?” said Raven, smacking her hand across Becky’s tits.

Becky let out a painful gasp. “Thank you, Mistress, for letting me cum.”

Raven smirked. “I can be generous when I want to be.”

Raven undid the restraints on Becky’s wrists and ankles and made Becky get dressed. 

“Our time is up,” said Raven, and Becky couldn’t help but feel disappointed. “You may crawl to the front door.”

Becky almost wondered if she was too weak to crawl, but she managed it, before finally standing up and letting Raven usher her out the door. 

“Bye Becky,” said Raven, in that sultry way of hers. “Come again soon.”

Becky looked at her, slack jawed. “I. . . I will.”

Raven closed the door, but it was another minute or so before Becky gathered the strength to turn and leave.  

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