Pegging threesome frustrations

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There was an uneasy tension around Kaylie and Sammy. Kaylie was unusually catty towards her, whilst Sammy was a tad sheepish with every movement, even flinching a few times, anticipating a spank on the ass or a sudden punishment much the same.

It must have been torture for the poor girl, but Mark was able to see the display of power throughout the day. Almost as a silent revenge, showing that Kaylie was able to be in control whenever she wanted, even the mere thought of it was bringing Sammy to a slight uncertainty as to whether she can even leave the table without permission!

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The day continued like this into the afternoon, where Kaylie suddenly shouted out from the bedroom for the both of them to come in, and with the prerequisite of leaving their clothes at the door. It wasn’t a tough decision, they knew what was in store, but only one of them was dreading the impending punishment from the day before.

Their thoughts were quite right, on the bed, naked except for a strapon around her waist, was Kaylie, adorned with a sadistic grin.

“Sammy, get over here. Now!”

She snapped her fingers expectantly, though Sammy had already begun moving, her petite body on display as she was already growing visibly aroused, yet hesitant at her orders.

“You know you can’t do what you did yesterday and get away with it, right?”

An uncomfortable silence hangs in the air, as Kaylie actually expects Sammy to answer her question.

“Uhm… yes. I know...”

Kaylie’s smile only grows wider at her acknowledgement of her fate, standing up from the bed and walking towards Sammy, signaling for Mark to do the same.

“Good! Now, let’s see about making you squeal!”

With no chance to wonder as to how they were going to do that, Kaylie quickly squats down, before lifting Sammy up onto her shoulders, staggering slightly until Mark joins her, now both of them carrying her in the air. There doesn’t need to be any more instructions, as Mark wonders for a moment as to her plans, but understands as she hears Sammy gasp, yet Kaylie is quiet.

Realizing that Kaylie was likely tongue-deep in Sammy’s pussy, he does the same, pushing his face between her cheeks as he pushes his tongue into her tight hole.

The two of them show no mercy as Sammy squeals in their arms, quivering on top of them as their mouths both go to work making it almost impossible to keep her mouth shut, instead enjoying the sound of her gasping and moaning as her body quickly caves to their advances.

It’s not even a few minutes before Kaylie feels Sammy’s thighs clench around her head, quivering slightly, yet still smother her face as her pussy squirts against her lips. Kaylie doesn’t resist, instead letting her juices drip down her chin and onto her chest as she continues teasing Sammy with her tongue, gently gliding it across her clit to make her toes curl, then shoving it deep inside of her pussy, eliciting sweet little whimpers from her lips.

Mark was doing just the same, gripping his fingers into her asscheeks as he fucked her ass with his tongue, feeling her clench around him in response, but unable to withhold her own pleasure from melting her brain. It wasn’t long until she was a completely wet mess, shaking whilst supported on their shoulders, helplessly writhing in their arms as she came over and over again. She was completely at their mercy, and there was little to be had as they took full advantage of the opportunity to make her squeal as the submissive toy once again.

It quickly became too much for Sammy to handle, subjected to this much pleasure this quickly had her flailing in their grip, almost falling off of their shoulders a few times, but held firmly in place by the both of them as her holes were assaulted with their forced pleasure.  Finally, whether through exhaustion of their mouths, or a glint of pity for her situation, their teasing stops, and her body suddenly falls.

Thankfully, Kaylie grabs onto her waist before she hits the ground, though her strapon begins grinding against her quaking pussy threateningly.

“Did you enjoy the start of your punishment~?”

Those words forced a cold shiver down her spine, alluding to so much more for the evening. Despite the excitement of having more pleasure inbound, there was a slight tinge of horror at the prospect of being forced into it, subjected to a seemingly unending amount of painful pleasure, an odd juxtaposition that Sammy is quickly becoming addicted to. As Kaylie carefully held Sammy in her arms, she couldn’t help but pull her in for a few gentle kisses, embracing the quivering woman in a few caring gropes before finally letting her body fall to the ground.

With their toy on the ground, almost begging to be used even more, Mark and Kaylie were happy to oblige, descending onto her with little resistance, not that she even had the energy, all she could do was give a dim smile as she saw their faces, anticipating the long evening ahead of her.

Instantly, Kaylie flung her leg over Sammy’s head before dropping her hips onto her face, riding her lips as her strapon pushed her asscheeks together, almost smothering her.

All the while Mark greedily lay across her, teasing at her nipples as he gently fingered her pussy. As Sammy was forced to service Kaylie’s pussy, tasing how wet she had gotten from her own, Mark was softly fucking her tight hole, letting her stifled moans stimulate Kaylie with the vibrations of her tongue.

Kaylie wasted no time in speeding up her grinding, smearing her juices across Sammy’s face as she giggled to herself, groping her own tits as Mark watched on, using his hands on their quivering toy beneath them.

“That’s it, bitch! Taste my pussy!”

Sammy’s muffled response only encourages Kaylie to speed up, now frantically grinding her cunt against her face as Sammy begins thrashing beneath her. Mark was quickly forcing her to an orgasm beneath Kaylie, making the poor girl cum as she serviced the woman threatening to fuck her silly. That pleasure soon came for the both of them, as Kaylie’s hands suddenly grab at Sammy’s tits, roughly squeezing what she can of her lithe body as her orgasm washes over her.

It’s a beautiful sight for Mark, two lovely women cumming in front of him, one of them doing so around his fingers, feeling Sammy’s tight pussy squeezing around his fingers was amazing, but seeing the girl’s lost in ecstasy was even better. With her pent-up frustrations taken care of, Kaylie shakily stands upright, letting her pussy drip onto Sammy’s face as they contemplate what to do next.

There was no mercy for the poor over-fucked girl. Already overwhelmed with the amount of pleasure forced on her, Kaylie was long-lost to her lust, and walked by her feet before reaching down toward Sammy, grabbing her twitching thighs in her hands as she lifted her into the air and turned around. Without a chance to recover, she soon felt Kaylie’s strapon gliding between her asscheeks, threatening to penetrate her at any moment. Though it seemed as though Kaylie was waiting for Mark to join her, though he was hesitant to continue dominating her at first, seeing Sammy’s legs spread by Kaylie for him so readily, especially with how wet she was for him, it isn’t an invitation he could turn down.

With her partner in crime in position, the two of them teasing the poor holes of their new toy, Kaylie making the first move as she shoved her strapon into her ass, savoring the sound of Sammy squealing in her arms.

“Now be a good girl and take Mark’s cock just as nicely~”

Understanding his signal, Mark thrusts his own cock into her quivering hole, not able to hide his enjoyment at the ‘fucked-silly’ look on her face as he begins thrusting inside of her. The two relentlessly thrust together, feeling the poor girl tremble between them as they both hold her in the air. Mark has a good angle to reach around and squeeze at her ass as he leans down and gently sucks on her nipples. Being so close to her lips as she whimpered only urged him to fuck her harder.

It wasn’t even a few thrusts before Sammy began trembling again, her langs lewdly shaking in the air as she cums on Mark’s cock, squirting onto the floor as he continues to fuck her spasming hole. Kaylie was taking great delight in seeing her toy so easily submit to their little session of overstimulation, and savoring the way her body trembles with each thrust into her ass. It’s not something Sammy is likely used to, but she will be used to it by the end of this evening.

“That’s it~ Now be a good little bitch and do that again!”

With that, Kaylie quickened her pace, reaching a free hand around in front of Sammy to mercilessly tease her clit as Mark continues fucking her, his own pace increasing as he moves from teasing her nipples, to embracing her in a deep kiss. Sammy freely moans into Mark’s mouth, unable to hold onto her pleasure as the both of them force her to another quaking orgasm, her body going limp in their arms as intense shockwaves of pleasure course through her body. Each jolt feels like it fries her brain even more, unable to hold on to her moans, she desperately thrashes in Mark’s grip, squealing into his mouth with each thrust.

This vicious cycle of sexual torment continued for a while, though time was lost to Sammy as she was lost to the orgasmic rhythm fucked into her over the course of her submission. Not a moment went by that this pit of pleasure wasn’t dug even deeper, her mind dripping with arousal as her orgasms were forced from her poor pussy, one after the other.

As the damp spot on the ground grew, Kaylie and Mark both grew tired of carrying Sammy in their arms, and with a look past the overfucked Sammy’s shoulder, they agreed to finish things.

Mark’s pace increased rather rapidly, whilst Kaylie resorted to an intense, almost hate-filled pounding of her tight, petite ass. As if finally releasing his built-up intensity, Mark bottoms out inside of Sammy, feeling her pussy tighten around his shaft one last time before letting go of her thighs, Kaylie doing the same as they let her fall to the ground unceremoniously. With her splayed out on the floor, helplessly thrashing beneath them, Kaylie reaches over to Mark and strokes his glistening cock to his own orgasm, as Mark does the same, fingering Kaylie roughly as she gets closer.

The two of them come together, Mark’s cock spasming as it surges a thick load of cum past Kaylie’s hand, covering Sammy’s twitching body as Kaylie does the same on Mark’s fingers, clenching down as she squirts down at the woman on the floor.

“That’s our good little slut!”

Kaylie’s voice quakes with her own orgasm, unable to maintain her domineering atmosphere in her own pleasure, finally releasing her aggression in a single mind-blowing jolt of ecstasy. After a few moments, they both come down from their orgasms, basking in the gentle afterglow as they stare at their overfucked mess on the floor, still spasming with her residual orgasms.

Sammy’s body glistened under the lighting of the bedroom, wet from her own sweat, but also from Kaylie’s pent-up juices flowing down her body, all whilst Mark’s sticky load covered her chest and face. She does little but pant and occasionally babble something to herself as she experiences a wave of pleasure now and again, much to the delight of the others, who exchange a chaste kiss in appreciation of their work.

Realizing that perhaps they may have fucked her up a bit harshly, they decide to at least clean her up for bed. On the count of three, they both lift her up off of the floor in their arms, escorting her to the bathroom where the three of them enjoy a threesome shower, coupled with a few extra cheeky orgasms as they may leave dirtier than they went in, but ready for some well-deserved rest all the same.

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