Study Partners Part 2

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“We’ll clean this later, but for now, I need to clean this!

Suddenly, I feel a warm, wet sensation spread across my cock and let out a loud moan in response. I crane my head up to see Jasmine’s mouth wrapped around my shaft, her pretty face bobbing in my lap as she cleans my load off and swallows every drop. When she notices I’m watching, she throws me a wink and lets my tip run across her tongue before letting my cock pop free from her lips.

“All done!~”

Just as I assume she’s finished playing with me, I watch as Jasmine crawls across my body and discards her shorts before she rests her crotch on my own, grinding her naked pussy against my half-hard cock.

“You know, Ben, I know a little secret about you!”

She leans into my ear, as if trying to hide it from anyone listening.

You’re a virgin!

A slight shiver of shame courses through my body, as I anticipate a mocking tone, but instead, she follows up.

And so am I!”

My breathing increases as to what she’s implying, only emphasized by her giggles in my ear. Before I can say anything, Jasmine straightens herself back out and begins rubbing her pussy against my dick, forcing it to harden as she pulls up her top, letting her ample breasts drop in front of my face.

“Like what you see, big boy?

It’s becoming obvious that I’m not the only one sinking into arousal, as I have a good view of Jasmine’s nipples hardening, as well as the feeling of her pussy getting wetter as she continues grinding against me. I can’t help but feel like a toy for her to use in this situation, and for some reason that drives me on even more, already getting close to the edge again as I’m lost in the feeling of Jasmine’s pussy sliding across my cock. As if realizing this, she raises her hips in the air, leaving me humping against nothing as she giggles down at me.

“Nu-uh, not quite yet! Be a good boy and pump your next load inside of me~”

The sudden request from Jasmine causes my eyes to widen, and I open my mouth to make some kind of protest, but instead watch as Jasmine aligns my cock with her wet entrance and slides down onto my shaft. With my mouth still open, I let out a guttural moan, loud enough that her own moan was drowned out, but I can still see her face twist in pleasure as her virgin pussy is stretched by my cock.

“F-fuck! You’re a lot bigger than I thought…”

She struggles for a moment, her thighs trembling as she’s half-way down my shaft. It seems she’s still struggling with her pent-up arousal from all of her grinding, and as she attempts to raise her hips to continue, her foot slips on your spit from before, and she forcefully rams herself onto your dick.

Jasmine’s eyes roll up as her breath is caught in her throat, but after a moment she twitches in orgasmic bliss as her breath returns. What started slowly, has now left Jasmine spasming on my cock, taken by a sudden orgasm that causes her pussy to squeeze around my dick, milking the load I was holding back straight out. I join her in moaning, and straighten myself out to hold her, holding her in my arms as I lock our lips together, the both of us grinding into one another as we moan into each other’s mouths. Completely lost in passion, we continue grinding past our orgasms, both of us fucking my cum deeper into her as we grow closer once again, taken by the overstimulation.

“Ben! I’m going to cum again! Fffuck!! Fuck!!

I’m about to join her, listening to her sweet voice descend into pleasure sends me crashing into a mind-melting orgasm, only this time, it’s her that pulls me into a kiss. We’re locked together in the midst of an intense wave of pleasure, our tongues melting together as we frantically try to breathe between our intense making out.

For a while we just sit there, our bodies wrapped around each other whilst we recover our breath, staring into one another’s eyes as we process what we had just fallen into. Taking the lead once again, Jasmine leans in to give me a long, caring kiss, before breaking it and separating us, rising to her feet on shaky-legs before collapsing back onto the bed, my cum starting to leak from her pussy.

“Maybe.. We should…. Get a shower..”

She tries to sound decisive, but is betrayed by her panting for air, still twitching slightly from the aftermath. I rise to my feet, feeling the blood rush back to my head for a moment before seeing her blissful face and smiling. Reaching down to offer a hand, she gladly accepts, and we end up carrying one another to the bathroom to shower.

When the warm water rushes across our skin, we both sigh a breath of relief, our aches washed away under the waters. The next few minutes consist of us both playfully soaping one another up, exploring each other’s bodies as we go through a mix of playful teasing, gentle massages, and blatant groping. The last few minutes don’t have much to do with cleaning, as we both descend into making out under the warm water, our naked bodies rubbing against each other before we remember what we’re supposed to be doing, and silently agree that we should cut things short for now.

When we exit the shower and dry off, we both look at the pile of my dirty clothes and realize I can’t exactly wear them until they’re clean. Instead of the normal study session we had planned, I now am forced to wear only a t-shirt as my clothes run in the washer. Rather than regular motivation and supportive words, Jasmine instead motivates me by sitting behind me, wrapping her legs around and squeezing my cock between her feet, only stroking me when I get an answer right.

By the end of the afternoon, the floor in front of Jasmine’s bed has been painted with so many loads from her ‘teaching’ that I had lost count, and when she finally lets me go to check my clothes, I’m allowed to collapse back into the bed and shiver in residual pleasure as my overstimulated cock begs my brain for mercy, not having a single drop of cum left to squirt.

My vision is suddenly taken away, as Jasmine tosses my now-dry clothes across my head, playfully ordering me to clean myself up and get dressed. Now fully-dressed and able to stand on my feet without toppling over, Jasmine helps me collect my books and get ready to head back.

“So.. would you want to come back next week and study some more?”

There’s a slight hint of sadness in her voice, as if not expecting an answer she’d like, but I only smile back and give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“To be honest, I have a few more subjects I’m struggling with, can I come back tomorrow?”

Her face practically lights up at my words, and as she lunges forward for a hug, I could swear I saw a tear in her eye.

“It’s a date then! I’ll see you tomorrow, Ben!”

Before leaving, she hurriedly has us exchange numbers, then begrudgingly lets me go, waving goodbye from her door as I make the journey back, with both my books full of notes, my balls very much emptier, and a good feeling about tomorrow.

After collapsing into my bed and passing out for the evening, I woke up in the morning feeling better than I had in a few weeks! I’ve even got plenty of time before I’m supposed to be at Jasmine’s place today, and don’t have to rush as much whilst I get ready. Almost as if on cue, as I’m about to head into the shower with dirty thoughts and the intent to cum before our meeting, I get a text from Jasmine.

Don’t even think about cumming before our date!~”

Capped off with several hearts of course.

This seems less of a warning, and more of a promise of what’s to come, and I abide by her wishes and abstain from teasing myself whilst in the shower. Finally ready, feeling good and refreshed, I collect my phone and notice a final text from Jasmine before I make my way there. A rather well-done photo of her on the edge of her bed, legs crossed and arms folded expectedly.

I’m waiting, my good little boy~!”

There’s no doubt as to what her plans are for me when I walk into her room again, and during the journey I notice a spring in my step. When her door swings open, I’m practically pulled into her room, my books placed on her desk neatly before I’m pushed to my knees again by her foot.

“Ready for your next lesson, Ben?”

I nod, already tenting my pants, much to the pleasure of Jasmine.

“Don’t worry, I brought a change of clothes this time.”

She smirks down and cocks her head at me.

“Good! Now we have two sets of clothes to ruin~”

Without a chance to say otherwise, she silences me preemptively by shoving her toes into my mouth, and leans back on the bed to the subtle sounds of me licking her softly, and we’re both well and truly lost in the pleasure of finding exactly what we wanted.

As I’m lost in the passion of tasting her toes that I missed out on yesterday, thanks to her nail polish, she uses the opportunity to take me by surprise, pulling me up on top of her suddenly, both of us on the bed.

“I think it’s time you showed me what a good teacher’s pet you are~!”

My cock was already throbbing in my pants, so I needed little more than that as an invitation, the both of us stripped down and discarded our clothes without a care, diving into an intense kiss as we explored one another’s bodies once again, a very in-depth lesson ahead of us.

“The best site i ever visited for kinky stuff. I do like BSDM and was searching for this niche since a long time ago. Finally i can say that i have found what i was looking for.”

– James M.

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