You Can Look, But You Can’t Touch

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Elodie wasn’t the boss, but most people didn’t know that. She just had that commanding aura about her, and she’d walk through the office like she owned the place, with her tall figure and long blonde hair. All the women wanted to be her, and all the men wanted to fuck her. Everyone knew about Elodie.

Miguel couldn’t believe his luck when the VP had told him that he and Elodie were going to be flying to a week-long conference together across the country. Any man in the department would have done anything for that opportunity.

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“I guess you’re stuck with me,” said Elodie, when she heard the news. She was at Miguel’s desk, smiling at him. Her blue eyes always seemed to sparkle even in the shitty fluorescent lighting. 

Miguel waved his hand dismissively. “Ahh, I should be saying the same to you.” He cleared his throat. “No, no. . . it will be good. We’ll have a good time.”
Elodie looked as if she was about to say something, but thought better of it, and headed back to her desk.

A couple of weeks later, when they were both finished with the first day of the grueling, boring conference, Elodie found Miguel down at the hotel bar. She hadn’t seen him all day and looked him up and down as she approached him.

“Well, don’t you look handsome. Why don’t you ever dress like this for the office?” she said, pausing to order a beer from the bartender. “You look good all dressed up.”

Miguel’s eyes widened. “Oh!” He was shocked. “Thank you. Jeez, you’re making me blush over here.” He looked at Elodie’s power suit – it was dark blue and fitted, and she had on her typical, towering black stilettos. It wasn’t an unusual outfit for her, because Elodie tended to dress like that every day, even on casual Fridays.

“Did you want to come up to my room? After this drink?” Elodie took a long sip and looked expectantly at her coworker. “I could use some company.”

Miguel could barely stammer out a response. “Yes, yeah! Yeah, I’d like to.” He pushed his hand nervously through his thick, dark hair.

When Elodie walked through the door of her room, Miguel followed in the intoxicating cloud of her perfume. He watched awkwardly as Elodie kicked off her heels and sat on the bed.

“Do you like me, Miguel?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. “Are you single?”

Miguel shoved his hands in his pants pockets. He laughed quietly. “Yes, to both.”

“So what if I asked you if you wanted to sit over in that chair and watch me put on a little show? What would you say to that?”

The words hung like a thick cloud in the air. Miguel stared at her. “Are you serious?”

But he was already walking to the chair. Elodie had a smug look on her face. “I’m very serious. After a long day, I’d prefer to get good and fucked, but I don’t think I want to cross that line as your coworker.” 

As she spoke, she was undressing slowly, tossing her suit jacket onto the bed, followed by her pants, until she was just in her black bra and panties. Miguel’s cock was already twitching, and he unzipped his pants so he could start to stroke himself.

Elodie smiled and crossed the room until she was standing right in front of him. “You can look, but don’t touch.”

Miguel nodded, his cock in his hands, as Elodie began to do a slow, sensual striptease in front of him. She unhooked her bra but kept it held across her breasts, only revealing them inch by inch. She knew how to tease and how to be sexy; it seemed to come so naturally to her.

“Fuck, you are stunning,” Miguel said, his voice sounding strangled. Elodie’s breasts were perfect and round, her light brown nipples hardened in the hotel’s chilly AC air. He wanted to pull them into his mouth and feel the weight of them in his hands. 

She spun around and gave her ass a little shimmy for Miguel. She had the cutest back dimples and an hourglass figure, with hips that Miguel really wished he could grip while he fucked her. Little by little, as Elodie swayed side to side, she pulled her underwear down over her ass cheeks. It was evident she worked out – her ass was taut and firm, the smoothest skin Miguel had ever seen. God, he wanted to touch her. She had a body made to be explored.

Elodie turned around and put her hands on either side of the chair, swinging her breasts in Miguel’s face, giggling. “Don’t you just wish you could fuck me?” she teased. Miguel took a deep inhale, smelling her perfume. Her blonde hair fell across her face and her blue eyes looked into Miguel’s. She was clearly having fun with this.

Miguel swallowed. “You really have no idea. . .” He had fantasized about fucking Elodie for months now. 

“Oh, I think I do,” replied Elodie, heading for the bed. She laid down on her back, so that Miguel could see her from the side. “I was thinking if we couldn’t fuck, I’ll just have to give myself an orgasm. Does that make your cock hard?”

Miguel laughed. “I’m surprised I haven’t already blown my load, to be honest.”

Elodie bit her lip and began to slide her hands across her body. Her hair was splayed out behind her, and she started by slipping two fingers into her mouth. Miguel was stunned as he watched her pout out her lips, getting her fingers nice and wet, before moving them down to her nipples.

“Holy shit,” he muttered under his breath. If he couldn’t fuck her, then surely this was the next best thing.

Elodie rubbed her nipples and tugged them gently. Her palms squeezed her breasts together, and Miguel could hear her shudder and moan quietly. He was getting a private show with the hottest woman in the office. It seemed so unreal. This was not what he had in mind when he pictured a work conference. 

“No cumming,” Elodie said suddenly, turning her head to look at him. “Not unless I say so.”

Miguel had to resist cumming on the spot. But he slowed down the speed at which he was jerking off, even more turned on by Elodie’s new instruction. He thought if she didn’t have any intention of becoming the manager at work, then she should. She had that way about her that made you want to obey.  

Elodie turned her attention to her pussy now, closing her eyes and letting her jaw go slack as she began to rub her clit. Miguel could see from where he sat the soft patch of hair at the top of her mound and wished he could be burying his face between her thighs. He just knew she tasted amazing. He wanted to lap her all up.

Elodie started to move her fingers faster now, her back arching off the bed in a beautiful curve. Her breathing was getting more and more ragged, and her thighs were trembling.

Miguel leaned forward, watching intently as Elodie completely came undone in front of him. Her orgasm crashed through her, making her moan loud and intensely. Miguel was stunned. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Elodie as she finally steadied herself, her chest heaving up and down.

“Ahh, much better,” she said, sounding relieved as she sat up. She smiled and looked at Miguel, who still had his cock in his hands. “Isn’t an orgasm just the best way to relieve stress after a long day?” 

Miguel nodded. “Yeah. . . definitely. . . ahh, fuck, Elodie, you’re so fucking sexy.”

Elodie walked over to where he sat in his chair and watched him stroking himself. “Thank you, Miguel. You’re the sweetest. Are you ready to cum?”

Miguel looked at her with wide, eager eyes. “Yes. Yes, please, shit!”

Elodie giggled. She pulled her long hair across one shoulder. “Okay, let’s see it then.”

Within just a few seconds, Miguel was finally able to let go. His load of cum shot up into the air in a thick white stream, splashing down onto his shaft and coating his hand. 

Elodie looked pleased as Miguel came, watching until every last drop of cum was finished. 

“And to think this is just day one of the conference,” she said, turning around to go gather her bra and panties off of the floor. “I can’t wait to see how the rest of the week goes, can you?”

Miguel was at a loss for words. He looked down at his cum-covered hand and then back at his coworker. “Um, no. I can’t either.”

He scrambled to go get a towel from the bathroom so he could clean up, and when he came out, he saw that Elodie was already in bed, typing an email on her laptop. She looked up at him and smiled politely.

“See you tomorrow, Miguel.”

Miguel nodded his head. Had this all been some sort of sex dream? “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

He headed back to his room, hoping the entire time there was alcohol in the mini fridge. 

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