My ageplay sex story on sunday

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“Little girl, what do you think you’re doing?”

Daddy’s voice made me jump. I thought he was still sleeping. My eyes moved from the TV screen to over my shoulder, where he stood in the doorway of the living room. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he had that scary stern expression on his face. I gulped.

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“I was just . . .” my voice trailed off. I knew I was in trouble. 

He crossed the room and took the Playstation controller from my hands.

“Are you allowed to play Dead Space without Daddy’s permission?”

As he spoke, he reached down to pull me up. He marched me over to the couch, where I stood in between his legs as he sat down. 

I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted out my bottom lip. “No, but you were still asleep, and I was bored.”

“Sweetie, that game is far too scary. It’s a big girl game, and you know better than to play it without asking Daddy first.” His big brown eyes looked into mine, and I knew he meant business. “So do you know what’s going to happen now?”

“Noooo,” I whined, moving my legs back and forth. “Please, Daddy. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

Daddy sighed. “I’m sorry, babygirl, but it’s a little too late for that.”

He pulled me over his knee without another word and began smacking his hand down against my ass. He did this a few times while I squirmed and whined on his lap, but it really started to sting when he pulled down my pajama shorts and began to smack my naked butt. 

“Ouch, Daddy!” I squealed. “That hurts!”

“Yes, little girl, so maybe you’ll learn your lesson,” he replied stiffly.

A few more blows from his hand and he was finally done. I whimpered as he pulled me into his lap so that I was curled up against his chest. 

“Daddy knows what’s best for you, remember?” he said gently, stroking my hair. “You have so many toys and fun things in this house, sweetie, things that are appropriate for you. Dead Space is not one of them.”

I stifled a laugh at the look on his face. I could see a flicker of amusement behind his eyes and pulling at his lips. I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. 

“I love you, Daddy,” I said softly.

“I love you too, little girl.”

He patted my butt. “Now, come on. Let me get you set up with some coloring while I make us some breakfast. How does that sound?”
I clasped my hands together and stood up. “Ooh, can we have pancakes, please?”

Daddy took my hand and led me into the kitchen as he laughed. “We can have pancakes. Now, sit quietly at the table and color while Daddy starts cooking. Remember, little girl, this oven is hot, okay? So we mustn’t act out in the kitchen.”

I gave a serious nod. “Right, Daddy.”

I colored in my princess coloring book for the next few minutes while Daddy got to work making us breakfast. He looked so handsome over there, mixing the pancake batter. He was like my real-life prince.

After breakfast, we headed back to the couch to watch some TV. I really wanted to ask Daddy if we could play more video games, but I didn’t want to risk it. Instead, he put on Finding Nemo, which was my favorite, and pulled me in against him.

“Little girl, Daddy’s feeling horny today. I’m just going to touch you a little bit, okay? You can just keep watching your movie.”

I let out a barely audible whimper as Daddy moved me so that I was laying on my back, with my head propped up by the pillow at the end of the couch. As I turned my head to the side to keep my eyes on the TV, Daddy’s hands slid up my tank top and over my naked breasts.

“Does my little girl like being touched like this?” he asked, his thumbs rolling over my nipples. 

The question was rhetorical because he knew how much I did. My breath caught in my throat. My nipples were so sensitive, and he always took advantage of that fact. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love it, though. I wiggled underneath his hands, waves of pleasure moving through my body. Daddy always knew how to drive me crazy.

“Look, sweetie, you love this part,” said Daddy, nodding to the screen, where the swarm of sharks had appeared. “Fish are friends, not food,” he quoted.

I giggled. Daddy’s hands started to slide down to my waist, and he pulled my pajama shorts over my legs.

“Daddy,” I said breathlessly. “You’re distracting me from the movie.”

He gently pushed my legs apart and slid his fingers over my bare pussy. He hardly touched me at first, just grazing me, but then he sank his fingers deeper against my hole. 

“Little girl, you’re so wiggly.”

I wasn’t looking at the TV at all anymore. My eyes were totally on Daddy, who was staring down at me amusedly. 

“And you’re very wet,” he added, smirking.

I blushed. “But you like it, Daddy.”

Daddy smiled, his fingers slowly pressing inside of me. 

“I love it, sweetie. I love when your little pussy is wet for me. And I love how squirmy you get.”

It was true—I was squirming and wiggling around. As Daddy started to finger me even deeper, I bucked my hips up in the air, like I was trying to meet his hand with my pussy.

“Daddy’s going to take his cock out now. Can you be a good girl and suck on it for me?”
My eyes widened. I nodded. “Yes, Daddy. I always try hard for you.”

He reached down to stroke my hair. “Yes, you do, babygirl. And I love that.”

Daddy stood up and pulled his sweatpants and underwear down his legs. He stood next to my face and reached down to pull my head towards his cock.

“Yes, little girl, do your best. I know it’s big in that little mouth.”

His cock was already mostly hard as I started to suck it, but it got even harder and bigger once it was between my lips. He throbbed against my cheek, and I struggled to take him all the way down my throat. I couldn’t help but gag a lot, and I could feel some drool coming out of the sides of my mouth.

“You’re doing so well, sweetie,” said Daddy, brushing my blonde hair off my face. He always spoke to me so gently and encouragingly. “Daddy’s going to fuck you now.”

He got back onto the couch and pushed my legs open and back. He reached behind him, and I wasn’t sure for what, but suddenly, my stuffed whale, Walter, was in my hands.

“To keep those grabby fingers still,” Daddy said, smiling down at me. 

I held Walter the whale up against my chest, squeezing him hard as Daddy slowly slid inside of me. 

“Oh my gosh, Daddy!” I cried, shivering all over. 

“You okay, little girl?” asked Daddy, as he quit sliding into me.

“Yes, yes. . . it’s just, it feels so good.”

Daddy was all smiles. “It’s supposed to feel good, honey. Now let me really fuck you. Hold on to Walter.”

Daddy held my legs apart as he began to slide his cock in and out of me in a slow, steady rhythm. He did this for a few minutes while I shuddered on the couch, my desperate hands gripping Walter.

Then Daddy reached down and started to rub his thumb over my clit, his eyes locking on mine as he did so. 

“Mmmff!” I moaned, my mouth falling open. “Daddy!!”

“Yes, little girl,” he said amusedly. “I know how much you like it when Daddy touches that spot. Just enjoy it.”

I was shaking all over. It always felt amazing when Daddy touched me there. My breath was starting to get faster and faster the more that he rubbed his thumb there. I closed my eyes tight, pressing Walter against my breasts. 

“DADDY!” I couldn’t help it then—I was trembling like crazy as the pleasure burst through me like electricity.

Daddy seemed pleased with this. His face was warm and aroused as he looked at me. In response, he started to thrust his cock even deeper into me. I could hear how wet I was every time Daddy pumped against me. I lifted my head up to look at him stretching me out.

“Here it comes, little girl,” groaned Daddy, his thrusts slowing down so that they were short and quick. 

He plunged into me one last time and I could feel his cum trickle into me, only adding to my wetness. I smiled as I looked at Daddy’s face. He was always so handsome when he finished.

When he pulled out, Daddy and I smiled at each other. Underneath me, I could feel the wetness forming. Daddy leaned over to give me a big kiss.

“Do you want me to rewind the move, little girl?” he asked, grabbing the remote.

I sat up and pulled Walter the whale into my lap. 

“Yes please,” I said, and I put my head on Daddy’s shoulder. 

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