A christmas sex story by Sarah

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Sarah wanted to do something different that Christmas. Something out of the routine of every year, something daring and adventurous. And what better opportunity to spend time with the guy she had just met online a week ago?

She bought candles, a good wine and decided to make dinner herself. She prepared a traditional stuffed and seasoned Christmas turkey, accompanied it with some baked potato and pasta. She even baked the bread herself! She wanted everything to be perfect for her special guest.

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She wanted to look pretty for him, but she also had a very lively Christmas spirit, so she opted not for fancy clothes, but for a Santa helper costume, as an elf.

A white christmas with cum from santa

Thigh high candy cane stockings and five inch high and red heels made her legs look long. She chose a little green dress with white fur trim at the V-neck, the skirt of which reached just above the printed stockings, so short and sexy. For her special day, she decided to wear a tiny green lace thong as well. The skirt had bells on the sides, level with her hips. It also had a thick white belt. And of course, she also wore a classic Christmas hat, although hers was green, like most of her outfit.

When the day of the appointment came, she was ready at the appointed time: 9 pm. The table was set, the gift under the tree was ready and she was also more than excited in her elf costume.

Her guest arrived home on time and knocked on the door, prompting Sarah to run downstairs and open the door to greet him. She was anxious to see him! What she didn't expect, of course, was that he'd arrive with such a gift...

My sexy christmas story

The very pleasant surprise the man had for her was... that he came home dressed as Santa Claus! He wore the whole costume and was much taller than her, giving the impression that she was really one of his helpers.

He even wore the classic fake beard and the huge red Christmas hat, and on his back he carried a very large brown sack.

"Oh my God!!! What's this?" she quickly asked him, because it was no secret that she was a very curious person.

"Oh, these are gifts I bought for you, but you only get them if you've been a good girl..." he replied, grinning.

At that moment she felt a little sorry and ashamed because he'd brought her a bag full of gifts and she'd only prepared one for him... well, dinner too, but that wasn't the same.

He didn't seem to mind. He gave her a Christmas hug and a few kisses on the cheeks. They went into the dining room and she personally took care of offering him a seat in his chair and serving him his plate.

Fun next to the Xmas tree

She sat down in front of him and they began to eat by candlelight. He told her that he had loved the meal and how happy it made him to be there that night. Sarah was a flirtatious girl by nature and the truth is that since she saw him, she couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be fucked by him... her pussy throbbed with excitement, she shuddered at the idea.

Santa Claus was a really tall man, he was 5'9" and also had broad shoulders, which made him look really huge. Sarah was a very petite woman and she couldn't help but get aroused when the difference in height between her and a man was too big.

She didn't want to be so direct with him about it, not at the moment, because she also liked to flirt and play. She started by occasionally brushing his hands with hers occasionally or giving him a little caress when he put them on the table, but after a few glasses of wine and a lot of laughter, she finally decided to put her foot on his lap and caress his crotch with the sole of her red high heel.

He shuddered and winced slightly when he felt the caress. At that moment he looked up and she couldn't help but smile coquettishly at him. Strangely, he said nothing to her, but it was obvious he was enjoying it.

Santa continued to eat and chat as if nothing had happened, and Sarah took it as a personal challenge to make him lose his cool with her little game. Of course, she also pretended that nothing had happened under the table. She continued to smile in a friendly and innocent way, laughing at his jokes and turning her attention to her plate of food from time to time, but under the table her little foot insisted on rubbing his crotch. And, of course, she'd had to bite the inside of her cheek when she realized that his cock was waking up in his baggy Christmas pants.

It didn't take long for his body to betray him and give in to his primal instincts. She was very pleased to find that he already had a full erection between his legs. After playing with him this way for a while, she finally decided to be more open. She got up from her chair and walked towards him. She could read his desire, which was as strong as hers, in his dark eyes.

To her surprise, she wasn't the only one who could play this game. She'd expected to be the one to make the next move, the dominant one, but apparently she underestimated her guest and misunderstood his intentions, because as soon as she was within reach, he grabbed her by the arms, quickly got up from the chair and pressed his strong body against her.

Santa leaned down and gave her a fiery kiss that took her breath away. His tongue made its way into her mouth with unmatched skill, his big hands wasting no time in running over her petite figure, pressing on her ass, clasping her ass cheeks and squeezing them tightly under her tiny skirt.

After a few minutes he let go of her mouth, making her want more, more of his taste and hot kisses, but she didn't dare complain when he started going deeper, pressing short kisses on her neck until he found her breasts and practically pulled them out of the dress.

Her nipples were already hard and he wasted no time to put them between his lips and suck them hard, playing with them in his mouth, biting and pulling them too. He alternated these aggressive attentions with sucking in the most exquisite way, he seemed too aroused. After just a few minutes, Sarah could feel the wetness between her legs.

With a slap of his hand, he threw away everything on the table to make room, laid her on the hardwood, and went down, placing kisses on her lower belly. Sarah was quite excited at this point, her breathing quickened and her heart beat as if she had run a marathon.

One of his hands forced her legs open, holding onto her thigh and spreading them apart. She shuddered as she saw him sink his face between them, with his fake Santa beard. Using his fingers, he pushed her thong aside and brushed the tip of his nose between her wet folds.

She begged him, pleaded with him to please not torture her like this, but he just smiled and unceremoniously sank his tongue between her folds. Her back arched at the wonderful sensation, her hips undulating in search of more contact as he drove his tongue with incredible skill through her slutty slit, from her hole to her clit, mercilessly devouring her pussy.

Her moans were soon heard in the kitchen and echoed throughout the room. She buried her hands in his hair and even accidentally tugged on his Christmas hat. Her thighs rubbed against his face, she felt so good, so horny.

He began to play with his fingers in her soaked entrance, but he only teased her and stopped himself from pushing them into her pussy. She couldn't take it anymore, as much as she tried to roll her hips to take in his fingers and urge him to fuck her, it was as if he just wanted to torture her cruelly... and Sarah loved it.

"Please," she begged, "please don't leave me like this, stop playing with me and push your fingers inside me"

Like a good boy, he pushed three fingers into her pussy, all the way in. She almost cried with relief as he buried the fingers deep inside her cunt, but that was just the beginning. It was more than clear to her that he no intention of going slow and gentle, let alone ending his torture soon.

Santa began to fuck her with deliberate and relentless pleasure, he began to pull his fingers in and out of her tight pussy, fast and rough, hard. Sarah shuddered, her pussy juices were so abundant that they began to splash on the table; the rhythm of his tongue licking over her clit was in the same rhythm as his thrusts, and to top it all off, at one point he put one of his fingers in her ass without telling her, he just sank it deep inside her hole. She was so aroused by the whole situation that his finger had no trouble penetrating her; her puckered entrance was very dilated.

The moment she felt it thrust into her most erogenous little hole, she almost exploded. Santa didn't stop; his tongue and fingers fucked her holes without mercy and she was shaking from head to toe. She couldn't stand so much pleasure, she started desperately squeezing her tits with both hands, she pinched her nipples with her fingers, pulling and tugging them until they hurt. Then she slid her own hands down her torso, ran her nails over the skin of her thighs, sinking them there and leaving red marks.

The heat inside her was rising fast, she felt her climax coming and couldn't wait to get it. She lost herself in the explosion of pleasure as the orgasm finally reached her, pulling her into corners even she didn't know existed. She felt like she was on cloud nine, rolling on the table and moaning loudly.

Her body was extremely hypersensitive and shaking completely. It was a damn good cum right on his mouth, most of his fake white beard was soaked with her juices, but Santa didn't stop, he kept fucking her with his fingers and devouring her pussy until she climaxed.

His hand continued to work her cunt, thrusting into her while his tongue caressed her clit, his lips sucking and sucking her again and again, knowing exactly what he was doing to her. She was mercilessly pulled into a second orgasm that was as strong or stronger than the first.

She remained seated at the table with her legs apart, still struggling to catch her breath and regulate the beat of her heart. Santa sat down in front of her and licked his fingers seductively while staring into her eyes. He approached her again and gave her a demanding kiss on the mouth. Sarah could detect her bittersweet taste on his lips, and she loved it.

"You little whore, you liked that, didn't you?" he grinned, reaching for the back of her head, which he tipped back before biting her lower lip. "That was just the beginning, and since it's already midnight, you should unwrap your presents, little one," he said in a very playful and suggestive tone, making Sarah think she should do exactly as he told her.

She opened the presents and what she found put a smile on her face. Santa brought a lot of toys for her.

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