Female orgasm denial story

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She had always had a temptation to have her partner suffering beneath her sexual control. Sandy developed this early in their relationship, accidentally edging Hugh during a handjob, she became entranced with the look on his face, the way he whined and how compliant he became to get what he wanted.

It had been a few months now, and Sandy was finished trying to coax him into it, she was going to bring him to understand her kink, whether he wanted to or not!

“The best site i ever visited for kinky stuff. I do like BSDM and was searching for this niche since a long time ago. Finally i can say that i have found what i was looking for.”

– James M.

It was easy to get him into the mood, Sandy knew just how much Hugh fawned over her tits, always offering to go shirt shopping so that he could see them struggling in each one. He had even begged for her to get into titjobs so that he could feel them wrapped around his cock, even more reason that Sandy wanted to force him into her kink. If she had to do it for him, why not the other way around?!

Sandy fell backwards onto the sofa with Hugh, letting her tits bounce lewdly right next to him, and it was already over. She struggled to hide her smile as she saw him tenting his pants, looking over with an innocent face, he pulled her in close.

“Babe, I need to feel your tits around my cock…”

Sandy couldn’t hide her smile, hearing him on the verge of begging already, she became even more confident in her ability to break him. In a single second, Sandy leans across his lap, pressing her tits against his crotch. Hugh instantly lets loose a guttural, lust-filled moan, exactly as Sandy was hoping.

“You know Hugh, I’d love to see you cum between my tits…”

His eyes widened, not caring what was to come, only focusing on what had already been said.

“But I’d also love to have you tied up while I do it, I think it would be hot~”

She tried to hide her sadistic intent, giving off a cutesy voice that she was hoping would trick him. With Hugh grabbing Sandy’s hand and leading her to the bedroom, she’s practically trembling with excitement for what’s to come for poor Hugh…

With the rope in her hand, she guides Hugh’s hands behind his back, full of joy as he simply lets her tie him up, giggling to herself each second, right up until she pulls the loop closed, sealing his fate. With him secured, Sandy guides Hugh to the closet, lifting his arms up before he realizes what’s going on, hooking the rope onto the rail, leaving him helplessly held in place, unable to scurry away.

“Awh, you look so cute there~”

Hugh’s eyes widen as she comes closer, kneeling for him and pulling her shirt over her head. With her tits bouncing freely, his cock strains painfully in the air, begging for release. With a gleeful smile on her face, Sandy leans forward, pressing her tits together with her arms, sliding his cock between them. Hugh instantly bucks his hips forward, trying to steal as much pleasure from the sensation as he can, but Sandy pulls away before he can get very far.

“Nuh uh! You stay still…”

Straightening out again, Hugh sighs to himself, letting Sandy have her way with him. Giggling again, she leans in, sliding her tits across his tip, letting his precum lube the space between them, turning her tits almost into a fleshlight for him. The room is quickly filled with a lewd smacking sound, Sandy pistoning her tits across his shaft, seeing his frustrations build.

“Are you getting close already?

Hugh bites his lip, but responds after Sandy stops moving for him.

“Y-yes, please, keep going! I’m so close!”

Sandy can’t hold it in, her innocent smile melts into an evil cowl of satisfaction, shivering with her own arousal at his eager begging.

“Awh, that’s okay, I’ll make sure you get closer!”

Seeing Hugh’s face of pleasure only spurs her on more to tease him, making him truly believe he’s about to cum harder than he has before in his life. Only a few seconds go by, but Hugh begins breathing heavily, panting as his cock spasms, on the edge of orgasm.

“Oh! Can’t have that, can we~?”

Breathing out what he had been holding in, Hugh looks down in frustration, trying to thrust his cock between Sandy’s tits, desperate to throw himself over the edge. Though Sandy falls onto her back, looking up at him with a smile, spreading her legs and slowly sinking her hand beneath her pants.

“Mmm… I fucking love seeing you desperate, Hugh~”

Her voice is tinged with arousal, completely lost in her own haze of pleasure, Hugh begins to realize just what kind of situation he’s in at the moment. Still grinning, Sandy sits up, pressing her tits together as she leans forward. Without an ounce of mercy, Sandy begins edging Hugh all over again, continuously bringing him close, then pulling away before he can go over, falling onto her back and touching herself for him to enjoy the sight of.

It’s a constant cycle of frustration for Hugh, the precum dribbling from his tip has painted Sandy’s tits so much that it looked as if she had oiled them, glistening in the dim lighting.

“P-please…. Just let me cum, please!”

She knew it was too much for him, but that was the point, she wanted him to suffer, to be brought so close enough times that he would break down and do anything to cum for her! Each second was like a fantasy brought to life, Sandy was completely lost to the experience, enjoying every second of it as she soaked in his suffering.

Though the time between each edge was becoming shorter, Hugh wasn’t able to hold himself back, and Sandy could see that he was constantly on the point of orgasm, a single touch could send him over the edge. Sandy took this time to cool down Hugh a bit, letting his cock soften as she falls onto her back again, her pussy soaking through her pants, she simply discards them, desperately fucking herself to the sight of Hugh’s cock throbbing as he watches her. She imagined how roughly he’d fuck her if Hugh could break loose, how he’d pin her down, grab her hair and force his load inside of her…

His thick, pent-up load filling her… Sandy threw her head back in that moment, crying out as her body shivered, cumming in front of Hugh as he was craving the exact same sensation. Unable to take anything but pleasure from this moment, Sandy stays there on the floor, trembling for a few moments before sitting up again. With a smile, she glides her tits across his shaft once again, but notices Hugh twitching after only a few seconds.

“I’m done! I don’t want you cumming now, do I~?”

With her teasing finished, Hugh’s whimpers became too desperate for Sandy to stand, she sighs to herself, leaning forward, parting her lips. To her, Hugh’s face was priceless, seeing his longing gaze, how he genuinely thought that she was going to suck his cock after all she had done…

In a single, heart-breaking second, Sandy stops an inch away from Hugh’s twitching cock, looking up, flashing him a pouty face before softly blowing on his tip. She couldn’t stop laughing when she heard Hugh’s pained, frustrated moans, trying to hold back, but failing as his pent-up load surges up his cock. Sandy only just manages to dodge the first rope, watching as his load lands pathetically across the floor, smirking at him as he reaches an incredibly unsatisfying orgasm.

“Awh, poor Hugh…”

With his head crane to look at the ceiling, Hugh’s left gasping, trying to recover after such an ordeal.

“You know…”

Sandy speaks up to him in an incredibly sultry tone, brushing her tits against his half-hard cock as she speaks.

“We could always edge you again and I’ll let you cum properly~”

Looking at his dismayed face, Sandy giggles sadistically to herself, rubbing her tits across his cock, gliding them along his shaft as he tries to pull away in his restraints.

“Oh, come on… I’ll let you cum this time, I promise~

Feeling her soft tits hugging his cock, Hugh looks up with a mixture of dread and excitement. On the one hand, he’s getting what he’s always wanted by the bucket, but on the other, he’s not able to cum from it!

Gritting his teeth, he tries to resist her encouragement, but can’t stop his cock from throbbing between her tits once again. With a wide grin, Sandy takes it into her mouth for a brief moment, savoring his frustrated sigh of pleasure.

“We just have to edge you properly this time~”

That sigh of satisfaction turned to frustration all over again, trying to pull away in his restraints, Sandy only laughs as she throats his cock for a brief second, laughing at his suffering. Looking down at her, Hugh can spy the sadistic glint in her eye, knowing she’s being serious, and that he probably wasn’t going to get to cum tonight, or anytime soon for that matter…

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