The week before our wedding my southern wife told me she had to talk. I knew what was coming was not going to be easy, but I sat and listened intently, determined to handle whatever the problem was. "Before we go through with the wedding, there is something you have to know," she said with a serious expression that made it clear it was going to be even harder than I expected. She took my hand in hers and looked deeply in my eyes. "I love you dearly, but I also love black cock," she said candidly. "Since the first one I had in college."
She was quiet for a moment, letting me process what she had said. "The bigger the better," she said with a grin. "Many men share their wives with other men. Lots of guys get sexual pleasure from seeing their wives with other men”, and I listened to her telling me about what it was like to suck a big black cock.
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I could not stop thinking about her request that I marry her but allow her to continue to give oral pleasure to black men. I had never heard her even say the word cock and I had never thought of watching as my wife did anything sexual with other men. She said some men enjoy watching their wives, but I couldn't imagine that. I could not imagine getting pleasure from seeing her with someone else. Them being black did not make it worse, but the racial element confused me. If she liked having sex with other men, I guess I could understand that, but that they had to be black was beyond my comprehension.
I had not thought of black men as being superior, sexually, but then maybe that was naive on my part. I had heard they were larger, on average, than white men, but I really hadn't thought about it much and didn't know if it was true. Strangely, I did want to know about just how she got started, other than what she had told me. I even imagined the first time she gave oral to Michael, One of the Men she talked about, and thought about what had actually happened, what they did and what the particulars were.
Michael is well over six feet, probably close to six seven or eight, and I was sure he most likely was very large, maybe seven or eight inches in the male organ department. I had seen him a number of times and never realised he had a history with my bride. My wife is from Georgia, honestly I thought she was really innocent and shy and almost traditional, but I guess not.
"Is there going to be a wedding?" she asked, interrupting my thoughts.
"Of course," I said, surprising even myself. "I love you," I said, "enough to share with you. I will do my best to find a way to allow you the freedom you need." Her smile told me I had at least made her happy, now if I could only do that for myself. She kissed me and she made me feel I had at least started on the right track. I could see myself kissing her for the rest of my life. I thought at that moment about her continuing to have the liberty to engage in the kind of sexual activity she desired, and in that moment it occurred to me that I just may be able to handle her doing it.
It was actually an exciting realisation, and I looked at the happiness in her face and smiled. I then pictured her with Michael and told her I thought I might like to watch her with him. "I have thought about it and I think I might just ask if I could watch you with him. What do you think?"
And of course I agreed.
Once in the room she began removing her clothes, then she started on mine. I stepped out of my pants and stretched out next to her on the top of the bed. She turned and got to her knees, then threw one leg over my hips and centred herself, easing down on my erection, pushing me up into her and wiggling to get me deep in her vagina. I began moving slowly in and out, keeping my pace leisurely and steady.
She put her hands down on my hips, holding herself steady, then began bucking up and down rapidly and calling out my name, fucking me like a tigress. After we fucked more than thirty minutes, she scooted down and gave me a preview of what she would do with Michael.
She twisted around and took a hold of my erect penis, holding it in front of her face, putting out her tongue and swiping across the tip. Then she kissed it and licked from the bottom to the top, moving her tongue slowly up the shaft, mashing it flat against the broad underside. After teasing it with deliberate swipes up and down she took me into her mouth and slowly pulled it to the back of her throat, her tongue mashed against the underside of my dick as she sucked.
By the time Michael was to come over I was as excited as she was. When she answered the door, he took her in his arms and kissed her. It was a hot and sexy kiss that had my heart pounding as I watched. She was wearing a short dress, almost to her panty line if she had been wearing any, which she wasn't, at my suggestion, and he picked her up, putting his hands under her naked ass and lifting her off her feet. He massaged her ass right in front of me with his big hands as he held her and they kissed.
I watched him carry her inside, and followed them to the bedroom like a kid at the circus. He put her down on the bed and she reached out to him, putting her arms around his big neck. Her expressions showed that she really wanted to feel that big dick of Michael's in her pussy. He then opened up his zippers.
He expected her to take hold of him and bring his cock to her mouth, but she surprised him and guided the tip of his dick to her sweet pussy and inserted the head between her pussy lips, working it back and forth, parting her labia with the big head. He looked down at her questioningly, but she nodded, simply saying, "it's okay."
He pushed with his hips and slid his great girth into her, clearly pleased with the unexpected development. He happily fucked Claire intently, forcing his massive cock repeatedly into her wet and very willingly pussy, driving her body forward with each thrust, bringing a delighted grunt from her each time he hit bottom.
She turned her head over to me and grinned as he fucked her, blowing a kiss in my direction as her big black lover fucked her for the first time thrusting into her in a tempo that amazed me, that pleased me. I was astonished at how aroused I was at seeing my wife getting fucked by a huge black man with a dick close to a foot long. It was better than any porn I had ever seen, and my cock was hard as a brick.
He then literally picked her up and spun her around and put her on her knees. He parted her thighs from behind and sunk his entire cock in her pussy as he knelt in back of her. My heart rate sped up to near maximum and I was dizzy with desire as I watched my wife being fucked like I had never thought I could, but it was wonderful seeing her speared like a piece of meat on a spit, taking his long, thick cock into her tiny pussy without a care in the world, as if she was two feet deep and had a cunt as cavernous as a cave.
I could not get enough of seeing her fucked like a whore on a battleship of sailors, savouring the feeling of his cock inside of her. They fucked for nearly an hour and I was amazed that she did not seem to tire, although after he left she slept until noon the next day.
She came out of the bedroom the next day at twelve in one of my shirts and nothing else, and she looked positively scrumptious. "Did you have a good time with Michael?" I asked, clearly not needing an answer. She smiled and simply nodded, as if it was the silliest question ever asked.
"Did you enjoy it?" she asked. I took her into my arms and told her it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. "Then you might like to see it again?" Again, I nodded without a word.
"I did not think I could do that, but it was incredible," I confessed.