Luxury Spanking

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Armando and Khloe had a beautiful life, there was no denying it. Armando’s start-up had taken off a couple of years ago, and he had been really fortunate to find a lot of financial success from it. Khloe had been with him since the very beginning, when things were tough for them, money-wise. 

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And now here they were, newlyweds on their honeymoon. It was the sort of honeymoon both of them had always dreamed about but had never thought possible. Armando had rented them out a beautiful beach villa that looked like something out of a movie. 

Khloe was taken aback when she saw it in person, the large front doors that overlooked the bright blue water, and the floor-to-ceiling luxury details throughout. The place was massive.

“Oh, we are definitely fucking everywhere in this villa,” she said, her eyes wide as they walked around the place. “Can you believe this is reality, that we can afford something like this?”

Armando raked his fingers through his wavy black hair and beamed at his new wife. “Isn’t it amazing? We can take trips like this whenever we want. Hell, maybe we can buy a villa.”

Khloe leaned into him for a deep, long kiss, suddenly so grateful and appreciative of everything Armando had done for them. 

“Maybe,” she said into his ear, “I can go get changed into something a little more appealing, while you test out our big bed.”

“I like the sound of that,” said Armando brightly, as he flopped onto the biggest bed they had each ever seen. 

The bedroom was sprawling, with a huge four-poster bed and a large balcony overlooking the sunset. Huge plants grew in every corner, making the space feel like an extension of the outdoors.

Khloe pushed open the door to the attached bathroom and stood in the doorway wearing a black silk robe. She began a sultry walk towards the bed, causing Armando to sit straight up. She looked beautiful already, with her golden blonde hair in waves that fell against her face. Her make up was perfect, topped off with a pale pink lip gloss that made her mouth look so kissable.

When she reached the bed, Khloe stood beside it and shimmied out of the robe. The silky material slunk off of her and dropped to the floor like it was made of water. She stood in front of her husband wearing a white bra top that only really covered her nipples, along with a miniscule plaid skirt. On her legs were white knee-high socks, and a pair of black boots. 

“Wowwww,” breathed Armando. He moved to the edge of the bed and grabbed Khloe by the waist. “Don’t you look like the naughtiest student ever?”

Khloe bit her lip. “Yes, I’ve been slacking off and haven’t been studying.”

“I can tell. You might need someone to teach you a lesson.”

Khloe wrapped her hands around his neck and leaned in for another kiss. Before she could get much further, however, her husband was picking her up and throwing her over his lap, making her squeal. She hadn’t been expecting it, but it turned her on just the same. 

She hung there suspended over his legs, her fingers grazing the ground. Meanwhile, Armando had flipped up the bottom of her barely-there skirt and was massaging her naked ass.

“And with an outfit like this, it’s amazing that you get any work done at all,” he said. 

The golden glow from outside was coming through the blinds and filled the room with a hazy light that only a beach sunset could bring. It cast down right against where they sat, highlighting Khloe’s perfect, taut ass.

Armando squeezed his hands deep and hard against her skin a few times before finally beginning to spank her. The smacks were gentle at first, but quickly became increasingly hard. Khloe had a high pain tolerance, but this spanking was intense. 

“Fuck,” she groaned, wiggling on Armando’s lap. 

A few times, she tried to reach back to stop his hands from connecting with her ass, but he quickly grabbed her up by both wrists to keep her hands in place. 

“Behave,” said Armando, sternly. 

Hearing that made Khloe’s pussy pulse. A luxury honeymoon was exactly the place for them to act out all of their fantasies, and this was one of them. But the more she saw this dominant side of Armando, the more she wanted to continue this sort of energy when they got back home. 

Her ass was quickly starting to feel like it was on fire. Armando didn’t know where to look more—Khloe’s bright pink ass cheeks or her desperate, flailing arms and legs. 

He smacked her hard. “I told you to stay still.”

“Sorry,” said Khloe, her breath unsteady. “It’s hard to!”

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to remind you who’s in charge, huh?”

Khloe was soaked now. Armando really began giving it to her, smacking his palms in fast, steady whacks against her stinging skin. Every spank made Khloe yelp and cry out in pain, her eyes feeling like they were close to brimming with tears. She hadn’t expected to have such a strong reaction to being spanked over the knee, but here she was with both a soaking wet pussy and a face burning with tears.

“Alright,” said Armando, finally slowing down his smacks. “Let’s see what this ass looks like now. I think I’ve gotten my point across. Stand up.”

Khloe stood up and immediately felt shaky. Her ass burned, and the pain only got worse when Armando started digging his fingers into her cheeks. He was clearly doing it to get a rise out of her, one last moment of torment, and it was working.

Khloe took a sharp inhale as Armando squeezed her sore skin, but finally breathed a sigh of relief when he let go and instead began to rub her ass. He was soft and gentle.

“So red now,” he said, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “It’s such a beautiful sight. I think we should be spanking you more often.”

Suddenly, he was picking Khloe up and tossing her onto the bed. Khloe let out a shriek, but she was also laughing giddily. 

“Is my punishment over, teacher?” she asked, her voice thick with lust.

Armando crawled on top of her and leaned his head down for a kiss. His dark eyes stared into hers. “We’ll have to see. Get on all fours.”

Quick and eager to do whatever Armando wanted, Khloe changed positions. Once she was on her hands and knees, her husband began to massage her ass again, but this time he used one hand while the other one reached around to play with her clit. The combination of pain and pleasure was intense, and it made Khloe barely able to keep herself on all fours.

“Fuuuuck,” she moaned. “Am I allowed to cum?”

Armando made a noise of approval. “Very good for asking. Let me think about it.”

He gave her ass a hard smack, causing Khloe to jolt forward.


He laughed. “Yes. You may cum. You’ve been a good girl, and you took your punishment perfectly.”

Khloe focused her attention back to Armando’s fingers massaging gentle circles against her clit, and it wasn’t long before she was cumming. She hadn’t expected this orgasm to feel so powerful, radiating through every inch of her body.

She had barely finished when Armando pressed his cock into Khloe’s pussy in one swift motion, filling her up completely. He had never felt her so wet before. She was literally dripping, the strings of wetness pouring out from her with every thrust of his cock.

“Do you feel how wet you are?”

Khloe giggled shyly. “Yes. I guess I like being spanked.”

She fell forward so she was face down, ass up, giving Armando an even better view of her freshly spanked, bright pink skin. The color had faded only slightly, but he could still see the outline of his hand and fingers on her ass cheek. 

“Here’s a few more, for good measure.” 

And with that, Armando gave her a couple of quick, playful smacks right before he pulled out from her and started jerking his cock off over top of her ass.

“Mmm, yes, baby,” moaned Khloe. “Cover my ass in cum.”

She reached around to hold onto her ass cheeks, with her tiny skirt flipped up around her waist. She spread her cheeks apart, giving Armando the perfect view for him to cum on.

His load shot out from his cock in a long, fast stream and splashed onto Khloe’s sensitive skin. It stung a little bit, Armando’s jizz coming into contact with the spots where he had really spanked her, but she didn’t care. 

It took Armando awhile to finish cumming, and when he did, he fell onto the bed next to Khloe, who was laying on her stomach. The sun had just about completely disappeared from the sky, washing the room in navy blue.

“The night is young, you know,” said Armando, looking adoringly at his wife. “We can go for a beach walk or explore the hot tub. The downstairs bathroom has that massive rain shower.”

Khloe sat up and ran her fingers across the scruff on his face. “I really just want to explore you.”

Armando made a low whistle. “Oh, it’s on, my beautiful wife.”

And he went to go get Khloe a towel, his mind already racing with ideas. 

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