Spanked by My Ex-Boyfriend

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I was single and ready to mingle. Zander and I had broken up two months earlier, and even though I had spent several weeks being super sad, I was finally feeling better. I had a good outlook on things lately, eager to get back out there. My girlfriends and I especially loved spending our weekends at this huge club downtown. We’d get dressed up and go out dancing until all hours of the night.

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

“Raven, it seems like you’re finally over Zander for good!” cried my friend Brandi, over the loud bass of the club music. “I’m proud of you! He had such a hold on you for so long.”

I sipped my drink. “I know! But yeah, I’m completely done this time!”

The night was going as well as I could have hoped for. We were all having such a good time, a typical girls’ night out, but then I saw someone standing across the dance floor, and my heart dropped.

“What the fuck is Zander doing here?” I said loudly into Brandi’s ear, pulling her in towards me.

Before she could stop me, I was marching in his direction. He saw me coming, his eyes locked on mine. I even noticed a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth. I swear, he was here on purpose to bother me.

“Suddenly, you love dancing?” I said angrily. My face was only an inch from his.

“Do I look like I’m dancing?” he said, in his smooth voice. “I’m just standing here.”

“Why? Why are you standing here, of all places?”

“Raven,” he said, his hands gently grabbing my waist. “Can’t we talk? Please?”

I swallowed hard and scanned his face. I was just starting to get over him, and now here he was, pulling me back in again. I couldn’t do it, but I wanted to. I’ll admit that I wanted to.

Before I could stop myself, I was following him by the hand out the front door of the club. My high heels clacked on the sidewalk outside as the cool night air took hold of me. Zander pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around me.

“Let’s go,” he said, ushering me towards his apartment. He lived only two blocks away from the club. 

In the elevator, we stared at each other, and I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have long to think about, fortunately, because before I knew it, he was kissing me. It was such a hot, familiar kiss, and it made me swoon internally. Those lips were so kissable and soft. I had missed that kiss.

“Zander, is this a bad idea?” I asked, pulling away. The doors to the elevator opened up.

He looked at me and smiled. He was being genuine when he said, “if you want to leave, I don’t mind.”

But I didn’t want to.

We crashed into his apartment with a frantic eagerness that I didn’t remember having our entire relationship. He pressed me up against the wall as soon as we got inside, his hands groping me over top of my skimpy dress. He squeezed my breasts, hard and rough, but I loved it. If you’re going to hook up with your ex-boyfriend, I think “hard and rough” should be the energy you go for.

Suddenly, Zander was picking me up, and his strong arms felt familiar and comforting. Something inside me stirred. 

“Zander,” I said breathlessly, staring into his eyes as he carried me into his bedroom.

Everything was exactly how I had remembered it. 

He tossed me onto the bed and started to unzip his pants. I sat up and shimmied out of my dress before rolling over to all fours so I could take Zander’s cock into my mouth. He had only just stepped out of his boxers when I lowered my lips around him.

“Fuuuuck, Raven,” he sighed, and I knew how much he had missed me.

He held the back of my head while I sucked his cock, hard and sloppily. Drool spilled out from my mouth, hanging down my chin in strings of wetness. Zander met me halfway and started to fuck my face, so that both of us were thrusting.

Finally, he said, “come here,” in that dominant way of his.

He was flipping me around easily, like I was just a doll, and it made me so horny. I wasn’t sure any other man would ever be able to fuck me the way Zander did.

I was in a thin black thong, and Zander yanked it off of me. I yelped.

“You love it,” he said, and I did.

With me on all fours, his hands started to run smooth circles across my ass. It was sweet and sensual at first, but I knew (and hoped) it wouldn’t last.

Out of nowhere, he began to spank me. It was something he knew I loved and was one of the biggest things I missed about him. His large, strong hands came down firmly across my ass, making it bounce. The smacks got continuously harder, and my skin was quickly becoming red and hot. Each spank stung in that delicious, burning way.

“Fuck!” I squealed, after a particularly hard spank. “Zander!”

“Yes, Raven?” he said, but he never stopped smacking my ass. “Have you missed me?”

I took a sharp inhale. “Yes—OUCH—I have.”

I couldn’t deny it. 

At one point, I fell forward, unable to keep myself upright anymore. But Zander wasn’t having that. He reached under my belly and brought my back to the original position.

“Stay just like that,” he ordered, and the tone to his voice made me want to desperately obey him. 

I forced myself to stay on all fours as Zander’s hands smacked down against each stinging ass cheek. My skin felt so inflamed now, and each spank made it worse. The pain rippled through me in a sharp wave, but it also turned me on so much that my pussy was soaked. 

“Do you want this cock?” Zander asked, in between spanks.

“Yes please.” I had never been more desperate for it.

My ex-boyfriend pushed me down onto my stomach and crawled on top of me, his cock sliding into my wet pussy in one easy motion. My hole was sticky and eager for him. He started to fuck me in deep thrusts while I lay on my belly. This position had been a favorite of ours because it made my pussy feel so tight. Every plunge of his cock sent shockwaves of pleasure through me. 

Plus, he was able to spank me as he fucked me. Each thrust meant one spank. He alternated hands and intensities. Just when I thought he was backing off, he was flailing against me again, causing me to cry out with each spank. My ass was throbbing by this point, but along with the pain came a familiar swell of pleasure, and soon. . .

“Holy fuck!” I screamed into his bed. I remembered Zander having light sleepers as neighbors, and one time, they had come over in the middle of the night to tell us they could hear our whole sex life. It was mortifying.

But it was hard to hold back. I bit my teeth against his duvet as I came, my entire body shaking through my orgasm. Zander never stopped spanking or fucking me once, which only prolonged my climax and made it feel so much more out-of-body.

“Yesssss, Raven,” he moaned. “I love feeling that pussy cum for me. So tight on my cock.”

When I had finally finished cumming, Zander went all-in and started to use my pussy harder than he ever had. The entire bed rocked back and forth, squeaking with each thrust, and my body rocked right along with it. All I could do was moan and grip the blankets, completely weak from Zander’s cock.

His hands gripped my ass, each finger pressing down on my tender skin. It made me wince. 

“I’m so close,” Zander said. It sounded like he was talking through gritted teeth.

I could picture his face so clearly, that tense and taut expression he always made when he came.

Right on cute, Zander smacked my ass hard—once on each painful cheek—before I felt that warm sensation of his cum flooding my pussy. He slammed into me as deep as he could manage, his body falling against mine while he came.

“Holy shit,” he groaned against my ear. His breath was hot against my skin. 

“Mmhmm,” I laughed. 

He stayed on top of me longer than he normally would have. I loved feeling his body weight against mine. When he finally rolled over and pulled me up against him, I breathed in the faint smell of his cologne on his neck. 

“Your ass is so red,” he said, against the top of my head. 

“Good.” I smiled. “It’s just like old times.”

“Yeah. . .so, what do you think? Are you down to try again?”

I sat up and looked at him. “Try us again? Or try this again?”

“Whatever you want.”

“I’m always down to be spanked by you.”

I could see Zander’s face drop slightly with disappointment, but he said, “alright then. More spanking it is.”

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