Painfully spanked red

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The night was going along rather slowly, both Carly and Tucker struggling to find things to do, boredom was starting to settle in. While idly scrolling through her phone, Carly perked up as she read something, looking livelier by the second.

“Oh Honey, we have to get this!”

Hey, before you read any further. A couple of days ago, I found this kinky flirt site to meet people for kinky sex. It’s only for hooking up with people who are into kinky sex. I had 2 hook ups within the last two days. Never thought this was possible! So click the button below and fuck tons of people.

Leaning over toward Tucker, she let him finally see what she had been pouring over. Carly was enraptured by a new restaurant that had opened up in town, a special deal running at the moment for a ‘Rump Roast’ delivered straight to your door. Not wanting to rain on her parade, Tucker feigned enough interest for Carly to go ahead and order it.

“I can’t wait, it sounds so good~!”

As they waited for the delivery to come, she began pointing out all of the descriptions of their impending meal.

“Sizzlingly hot and delivered straight to your door!”

It was almost a little odd at how excited Carly was over a simple rump roast, but still, Tucker got up and began getting some plates ready for their meal. Before they had much of a chance to get everything ready, they both were startled by the sound of their doorbell ringing out. After exchanging a quizzical look with Carly, Tucker shrugged his shoulders, commenting on their quick delivery as he answered the door.

What was standing there outside wasn’t exactly what he was anticipating. A rather slender looking woman, smiling as she clutched a hairbrush in one hand. As if to make the entire situation even more confusing, the woman stepped inside of their home, waving one of her arms around as she began speaking.

“Now, which one of you ordered our special ‘Rump Roast’?”

Tucker was left standing with his mouth somewhat agape at what was playing out in front of him, Carly stifling a giggle from behind him as she came to investigate as well. Things became clear after a short conversation, the girl, whose name is Amy, worked for the restaurant, and was kind enough to explain the exact meaning behind their signature ‘Rump Roast’.

“So that’s about it! We show up, spank their ass until it’s burning red, then leave them to recover.”

The smiles and laughter soon fell flat between Carly and Tucker, but Amy still seemed to have some fire left burning beneath her. Giving the couple an experimental glance, she slowly raised the hairbrush in the air before lunging at Carly, trying to get a grip on one of her limbs as she chased her around the kitchen.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”

Tucker tried to get a grasp of what was going on, but Amy only continued chasing his wife, a faint smile on her face as she tried to capture her prey.

“I’ve met couples like you before, you’re like the submissives that ‘forget’ their safewords for a bit of fun!”

Amy ignored their protests, grabbing Carly roughly and bending her over the table without a care for her feelings.

“Stay bent over, don’t move.”

Her tone was harsh and cruel, yet still professional as she spoke, making Carly feel as though she had somehow wronged Amy, but with her desires still clouding her mind, she felt the first sting of many smacks against her ass. In an instant, she felt the flood of pent-up tensions released, not being able to hold herself back at the sudden assault, she eagerly arched her back to give Amy a better position to spank her cheeks.

Amy had noticed the eagerness, letting out a giggle from the sight of Carly submitting so eagerly. Without any more hesitation as to whether she was into this, Amy let loose, a myriad of smacks across her ass, listening to the ecstasy in her voice as she moaned out for Amy.

“That’s a good girl… Squeal for me~!”

Amy’s mocking tone only dug the sensation deeper into Carly’s skin, sending ripples of perverse pleasure across her body. Before she knew it herself, she was made painfully aware of just how much she was enjoying this, a cold shiver running across her body as she dripped her juices down her thighs, her arousal had grown so much that she was making a puddle of it between her legs!

There wasn’t a single moment for Carly to recover, the sadistic woman behind her taking great pleasure in her pained whimpers, doing her best to elicit more from Carly’s lips as Amy relentlessly spanked her backside.

“F-fuck! Thank you~!”

Carly managed that much from her lips, crying out a pathetic gratitude to the woman punishing her, placing the red imprint of the hairbrush across her cheeks more times than she could count. Amy couldn’t help but smile to herself, feeling a jolt of arousal sting across her chest, she felt herself give into it as much as Carly, letting loose on her own desires.

“You see? This is how you break a bitch like her!”

Giving Carly another smack across her ass, Tucker watched as the woman he spent each day with had been reduced to a mumbling, wet mess after only a few minutes at Amy’s mercy.

“You need to find the right spot that sets her mind on fire! Come here, look.”

Amy spent the next few minutes guiding Tucker through the motions she went through, teaching him exactly where the best spots for a reaction were, even a few weak spots that she had found while spanking his wife.

“Give her a firm spank here and she’ll practically melt into your arms afterwards.”

It was odd to have his wife’s fantasies and pleasure-based weaknesses exposed to him by a stranger, but it was a welcome one all the same, as it clearly worked. 

With her little teaching session over, Amy gave Tucker a gentle nudge to the side, asking for some space so that she could finish breaking his wife, after all, she’s still on the clock. With the area completely hers again, Carly looked up over her shoulder at Amy, getting a brief glimpse of the woman’s sadistic grin before she felt her face pushed back down onto the cold table, her legs forcibly spread for easier access to her cheeks.

That’s when Carly felt her spankings change, it wasn’t just the motions, she could feel just how badly Amy wanted her broken, her swats becoming so powerful that she lurched forward on the kitchen table with each strike.

Carly felt herself pushed down onto the table with each spank, even the air had begun stinging her cheeks, the feeling of Amy’s hairbrush had become like a fiery pain that she was readily addicted to. The pressure building between her legs was only growing, it almost felt as if she could let out her frustrations simply from this, Amy’s brush spanking her ass with each passing second, it constantly pushed her closer, lost in that haze of arousal.

Suddenly, Carly heard something from behind her, a sly giggle at first, but it quickly devolved into a maniacal laughter. Amy had well and truly sunk into her sadistic tendencies, savoring every second of her pain, she increased her pace, leaving Carly a quivering mess beneath her.

Ah~! Yes, more! More!!!

Carly’s moans broke out and echoed in the kitchen, almost drowned out by the constant assault on her cheeks, Amy smiling to herself as if lost in a trance. Finally, Amy saw the time, realizing how lost they had both gotten in their desires, and knew it was time to wind things down. Wanting to end things properly, she reeled back and delivered a final strike across Carly’s cheeks, listening to her squealing at the sheer force of it, then admiring the quivering, wet mess left on her table, then dismissing her.

“We’re finished now, feel free to regain your senses. What little are left~”

With her job done, Amy stepped back, savoring the sight of her work as Carly shivered from even the slightest brush of air against her bright-red cheeks. With Tucker right next to her, Amy expected at least some level of concern, but he stared just as intently at the sight of his wife trembling as she let out a faint hum of pathetic moans.

“Now that’s a roasted rump~!”

Twirling around on the spot, Amy gave Tucker a brief smile before heading for the door, glancing back toward them for a moment to speak.

“The hairbrush is on the house, I’m sure she’ll be craving it again soon~”

With her mocking tease taken care of, Amy made her way to the door, grinning to herself as she left, closing it behind her and leaving the couple to recover themselves. Inside, Carly could barely move, the only motions from her body were the occasional jitters from the residual pain coursing through her body. Tucker leaned down beside her, his eyes widening at her face, looking as if she was fucked silly, completely hazed over in a perverse arousal, eyes vacant.

“Honey… I-”

Tucker was almost instantly cut-off by Carly’s frantic moans and thrashing, leaving him in a panic before resting his gaze on his hand, which he had absent-mindedly placed on her still-glowing asscheek. Not wanting to cause her any more discomfort, he pulled it away, seeing her face soften as she fell back into her trance-like state.

He couldn’t deny that it was a beautiful sight, while he was concerned for her, there was still an incredibly strong desire to do the same thing to her some day, to see Carly reduced to nothing but a drooling bitch for him to play with. Regardless of his pent-up arousal at the display he was privy to, Tucker did his best to shake away the arousal, instead focusing on the wellbeing of his wife, reaching out to make sure that she was doing quite alright.

At a loss for what to do, he opted to simply leave her there until she recovered, saying he’ll come back in a few moments and regularly checking until she could at least somewhat talk again. Each time he could feel Carly respond a bit stronger, regaining some of her senses as the minutes went by, but still mildly out of it. Finally, after what felt like an hour, Tucker returned to his wife pushing herself into a seating position on the table, rubbing her forehead before she noticed him coming.

“Hey~ I still feel a bit woozy, but that was amazing!

Surprised at her chipper tone, especially with what state she was in only a few minutes ago, Tucker was lost for words as she finished speaking.

“Don’t worry, I remembered the name of the place and saved it for later!”

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