A firm hand spanking

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It was almost an entire year ago that I experienced an absolutely mind-melting encounter with an older man, something that helped align my desires to this day. We had exchanged dirty looks in the past, but this day took things so much further than either of us thought...

As usual, walking into the library was the easy part. There was an unspoken signal between the two of us, or at least I hoped so. This evening might be the time he finally made a move, and I was craving for him to do so. 

Hey, before you read any further. A couple of days ago, I found this kinky flirt site to meet people for kinky sex. It’s only for hooking up with people who are into kinky sex. I had 2 hook ups within the last two days. Never thought this was possible! So click the button below and fuck tons of people.

Jack was one of the older librarians, and a complete silver fox. As part of my college career, I hadn’t exactly been a saint, and I'd discovered that I really enjoyed older men. Thanks to my upbringing, having a man who was confident and sexy because of his intelligence was a total turn on. As soon as I talked to him for the first time to ask a question about a periodical, I saw his eyes drift to my tight sweater and felt a tingle between my legs. 

It wasn’t like I was totally demure but having the innocence of youth inside me made me ignore the fact maybe he was standing a bit closer to me than he needed to, his hands gently on my lower back or my shoulder while he helped me go through the files on the library system to find what I was looking for. 

Impossible to resist, one time I'd intentionally worn a shirt that showed off an impressive amount of cleavage, and as he stood over me, I could almost feel the eyes burning into my breasts, especially because my bra cups were clearly visible. That outfit had caused a couple of guys to almost walk into poles on my way home. The outfit I was wearing tonight was even sluttier, and there was a reason for that. 

I wanted him. And I wasn’t going to be denied what I was craving. When Jack stood over me staring at my breasts and I caught his eye, I glanced down and saw a generous bulge under his pants. He quickly adjusted, but it was enough to show me what he was packing, and it was more than enough for me. If it wasn’t for the people around me the first temptation was just to unzip him and pull out his nice hard dick to start sucking it. 

Maybe that would be possible tonight. But more than likely, what I really wanted to do was find a secluded part of the stacks where nobody was around and see if I opened the door, how quickly he would walk through it. I've had sex in public before, and what Jack didn’t know was that it was the easiest way to make my pussy explode. The thrill of possibly being caught just fueled my libido to an out of control level. 

“Hi Jack, I’m really glad you’re working tonight.” I said as soon as he came over. “I need some more help and I’m hoping you can assist me.” 

His smile was devastating. I knew he probably had a line of co-eds out the door wanting to fuck a sexy older man, but I didn’t care. Tonight was my night. “I’d be happy to, like always Aline.  What do you need help with? More research?” 

It was time. “Actually…I think what I need is you to show me where a certain thing is. I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere private and I want to make sure I get it.” If that didn’t tell him everything he needed to know, then he was an idiot. The outfit plus the words were definitely enough. 

Thankfully he wasn’t a stupid man, and picked up what I was putting down right away. His smile broadened and when he slid his eyes down my outfit, I shivered. “I think what you need is probably up a few floors.” He said with a smile. It was melting me. “I can definitely show you where you need to look.” 

“Sounds good.” I sighed. Thankfully he was taking the lead and seemed to know exactly what I had in mind. Jack walked towards the elevators. Because it was still relatively early, there were lots of students still coming in and out, but I had intentionally arrived late enough that people would be leaving as well. 

He pressed the button for the top floor. Looking at me, he continued to flirt a bit. “I’ve seen you quite a few times before. You must be a really good student to spend this much time in the library.” His eyes lingered on my blouse, and I felt my nipples tighten. 

I giggled. “I don’t know about that. But I will try my best. Whatever my professor wants, they get.” It was an obvious innuendo of course. Standing so close to him, I could almost feel the tension between us. The elevator doors opened and Jack led me out. I was slightly disappointed that there were a few people studying at one of the large tables and a couple of people wandering around the stacks. It meant maybe my plan couldn’t be executed and I'd have to think of something else. 

“I think what you’re looking for is over here.” Jack led me across the massive floor and to a more secluded area. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw that the subject matter in the area was something incredibly obscure. There was no way anyone was likely to even be looking for books on 13th century furniture. 

We walked down an aisle together and finally Jack stopped, both of us trying hard not to make it obvious that we were looking around. I stepped back against the stack and locked eyes with him. “I hope you can help me find what I’m looking for.” 

Knowing that it was time, I trailed my hand down the center of my blouse, showing him clearly that I wasn’t wearing a bra. Jack gazed into my eyes with his sexy dark orbs and when he stepped closer to me, I could feel lust between us. 

“You can touch me. It’s okay.” my whole body was quivering with anticipation and when he smiled I knew that I had him hooked. 

He stood there silent again, and then I felt him step closer and his hands started to explore my body. Sliding down the front of my nightgown he grazed them across my hard nipples and hefted my breasts in his hands. Moving to my thighs he slid the skirt up my legs.   

My legs were spread just wide enough to give him access with his hands. As his hands explored my inner thighs, massaging them they eased closer to my lace covered pussy, which I knew was dying to be touched. But I still felt the need to play out my fantasy. 

“Please…touch me. Just be quiet…” As I gasped, his hands gripped me harder and he moved them up my thighs. Silently his fingers dragged against my swollen lips and I gasped. “Oh, please…yes…” 

He pushed a finger against my lips, my damp panties easily pushed aside, and because of how wet I was it easily penetrated me, sending a shockwave of pleasure through my pussy. Just having him use it like a come-hither motion, barely touching my inner walls was enough to almost send me over the edge after all the anticipation I was feeling. And the fact I couldn’t close my legs was incredible. 

“Yes…yes…more…” I moaned as he began to play with my dripping wet pussy with tantalizingly slow movements. When he found my clit I couldn’t help but release a loud gasp. He was good at listening. Finding my swollen nub with his fingers he began to circle it while he played with my swollen lips. 

“I…oh…fuck…yes…please, make me cum…” I heard myself moan. But just as I was about to ride over the edge and crest into a glorious orgasm he stopped and pulled away.

It was as if he already knew my body perfectly, the cues telling him when I was about to cum. And then he denied me every time. Gently playing with my clit until I was ready to scream and then pulling away. As much as I thrashed, trying to get him to complete my wave he kept denying me. It was torture of the most wonderful kind.

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