A casual blowjob: Perverted delights

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I sat at my desk trying hard to focus on the book in front of me, but it was a losing battle. Miss Ross's amazing ass kept distracting me.

The biggest turn on of all for me was that she knew it! When she was writing on the board she'd made it a point to reach up several times to make notes above her original sentences. Each time she did her skirt raised even higher. 

“The best site i ever visited for kinky stuff. I do like BSDM and was searching for this niche since a long time ago. Finally i can say that i have found what i was looking for.”

– James M.

 Taking advantage of her head being turned, I stared at her long legs. She had them crossed and the skirt had ridden up the leg on top to the point I could see a hell of a lot of thigh. Miss Ross was slowly kicking her leg back and forth and was letting her sandal dangle from her toes.

That move screamed sex to me and staring at her deep red nail polish I swore I would suck on those toes if it would give me the chance to work my way up. My eyes wandered up and I sighed in appreciation as the top was hot as the bottom. Miss Ross was wearing a short sleeve black blouse that was unbuttoned to reveal a red shirt underneath that was so tight her full tits looked as if they were ready to fall out. I licked my lips at the tops of her tits and the little bit of black lace that was showing. I wondered if she were wearing some nice lacy black panties to match that bra.

 Suddenly, Miss Ross turned towards me and said, "You will stay in your seat when the bell rings Todd, you and I need to have a little talk."

I could feel the heat in my face as I blushed furiously and slumping down in my seat managed to whisper. "Y...yes ma'am."

I sat there with my head down staring at the book in front of me, but not seeing the words. I put my head down and almost jumped out of my seat when the bell rang.

The other students all filed out of the classroom. When it was just the two of us, Miss Ross said quietly, "Go lock the door."

I did as she asked and walking over to her desk stood in front of her. Miss Ross stared at me and unable to hold her gaze, I lowered my eyes and found myself staring at her impressive chest.

"Like what you see Todd?"

"Huh?" I snapped my head up, "I..."

"As much trouble as you're in, and you're still gawking at me?" She asked.

"No, I...."

"Well here, let me help you out."

Grabbing her blouse, Miss Ross slid it off her shoulders and removed it. The shirt beneath was sleeveless and as I took in the smooth skin of her shoulders, she shoved her chest out at me.

She turned around so that her back was to me and seemed to be waiting. I stood there unsure of what to do and looking over her shoulder she said, "Well?"


"Get on your knees Todd."

"What?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"You can't very well kiss my ass while you're standing now can you?"

Reaching back Miss Ross grabbed her skirt and as I watched stunned, lifted it up over her hips.

Dropping to my knees so quickly I banged them hard on the floor, I placed my hands on her hips and began kissing her left ass cheek.

I began not only kissing, but licking and sucking her warm firm ass and sliding my hands down, started fondling it as well. I trailed my tongue down her ass and began sucking on the bottom of her cheek. Miss Ross started to wiggle her ass back and forth and I was aware of a painful throbbing in my jeans where my hard cock was bent at an angle.

"Pull my thong over and spread that ass Todd, just like you said you would!"

Grabbing her thong I pulled it from between her cheeks and sliding it to the side stopped and admired the sight of her smooth pink pussy peeking out at me from between her thighs. I felt something brush my hand and saw that Miss Ross had reached back and grabbed her ass, spreading her cheeks wide open for me.

"Go ahead Todd, give me that rim job you wrote about."

I licked my lips and leaned forward, eagerly sticking my tongue into my teacher's asshole. She emitted a squeal that caused a shiver to run through my aching dick. I teased my tongue around her rosebud, and then growing bolder pushed it into her ass.

"Oooh, you weren't kidding were you?" she asked as she shoved her ass back into my face. "You do like that ass!"

I removed my tongue and taking a chance she wouldn't care slid my tongue down and plunged it into her pussy. Miss Ross cried out and I moaned at the taste of her in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around inside her and then slowly slid it up through her wet lips until I found her hard clit.

"Stop." Miss Ross snapped and I reluctantly did as she said, sitting back and removing my tongue from her delicious pussy.

Standing, she turned around and sitting on the desk, said, "Take that shirt off."

I yanked the t-shirt up and over my head so quickly I heard it rip, but could care less. As soon as I tossed it to the side, Miss Ross raised her legs and placed her soft feet on my shoulders, reached down and spread her pussy open for me.

"Come and get it Todd, let me watch my hottest student lick my pretty pussy."

I just about dove into her pussy. Placing my hand on those firm creamy thighs, I fastened my lips to her clit and began gently sucking it into my mouth. Miss Ross placed her hand on my head and as she began playing with my thick black hair, said, "Look up at me Todd, let me see those big blue eyes while you eat me."

I looked up into her eyes and saw that they were wide and bright. There was a look on her face that was one of pure lust and again my cock fought for release. I started swirling my tongue around her pussy and as she moaned she reached up and pulled her shirt and bra down far enough to cause her huge tits to pop out. While I continued tonguing the pussy I'd been stroking to for two years, she cupped her tits and started playing with her hard pink nipples. She sighed softly and spurred on by that sexy sound I brought my hand up and slid two fingers into her wet and very hot pussy.

"You are a good student aren't you Todd?" she purred as I started pumping them in and out of her.

"Yes ma'am." I whispered around her clit.

"Well good students should get rewarded shouldn't they?" she asked.

"Whatever you say Miss Ross." I answered in between sucking her clit into my mouth.

"Good answer!" she cooed, "Now stand up so I can give you something a lot better than a gold star!"

As much as I was enjoying her pussy I had no qualms about standing up, hoping she was thinking what I was thinking. I had no worries as the second I was on my feet; Miss Ross slid off the desk, onto her knees and immediately unsnapped my jeans. Looking up at me she licked her full red lips and as she pulled my dripping prick out, smiled,

"So tell me, Todd, am I a tease?"

"No...no ma'am." I moaned as she slowly pumped my cock in her hand.

The sight of her long slender fingers around my swollen cock was incredible, although it quickly became a second thought as she lowered her mouth to my oozing tip. Looking up at me, she said softly, "Tell me what you want."

"Miss Ross would you...." I swallowed, "Suck my cock?"

"This beautiful cock?" she asked, "This nice young hard cock?" she blew on the tip causing my hips to twitch, "I'd love to, Todd, know why?"


"Because I love sucking young hard cocks and I'm going to swallow every fucking drop!"

"Oh goddamn." I moaned as her tongue flicked across my cock.

"That's right Todd, I am going to give you the longest hottest blow job you ever had, and then after you suck me off I am going to let you fuck the shit out of me right over my desk!"

"T...thank you Miss Ross." I moaned.

It sounded lame, but she giggled, "I like that! Very respectful, now where were we?" she again teased her soft wet tongue around the head of my cock. "That's right I was going to blow you!"

Miss Ross opened her mouth wide and lowering her mouth wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock and started to suck my cock aggressively. I didn't last long and shot my load into her mouth. She got up and gave me her address to meet her if I wanna fuck and then she fixed her dress and walked away.

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