My cumslut wife story

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We have been married for several years and have always had a pretty good sex life. Nothing amazing, no fireworks and flashing lights, but we have both been satisfied. And right now we were in the middle of sex. She had my cock in her mouth and I felt my orgasm approaching somewhat faster. I knew I would have to time it well but within minutes I could feel myself getting to the point of no return. Just when I couldn't hold it any longer I pulled out of her wet pussy and quickly shuffled up the bed. She opened her mouth and I held the tip of my penis just outside it and pumped my load straight between her lips. The first shot went between her open teeth and into her mouth, probably going straight down her throat. As the second shot was coming I moved slightly nearer and slid the head of my cock into her mouth, pumping out everything I had into her waiting mouth. She closed her lips around it and I could see her sucking on it.

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She still had a mouth full of my cum and seemed to be holding it there. Eventually she swallowed it with a loud gulp and gasped for breath. "Oh my God," she said.

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"Wank yourself off into my mouth," she suddenly  said. "I'll keep the head in and you pump it into me. Please, I really want this. I want to know if I will feel the same thing."

Well, I didn't need to ask twice. I worked at my cock as she gently sucked on the head, stroking and flicking the tip with her tongue. In just a few minutes I was ready and could not hold it back even when I tried. Another bolt of hot jism shot out into her waiting mouth followed quickly by several more. Again she stiffened up and groaned in her throat, her eyes closing. I could see her throat moving as she gulped down my cum, swallowing everything I could give her.

She is my cumslut wife

So, that was how it started. From then on whenever we had sex she would ask me to pull out at the last minute and come to her. Today was another day of her cum thirst. We were sitting next to each other on the couch when she said the not so unexpected. 

She looked at me, her expression sheepish. "You know what happens to me," she said, "when you come in my mouth." I nodded. "Well, sometimes I feel like I have to have it. It just takes over me, overwhelms me. My body seems to ache and I just have to have it. Today, I was feeling that and the postman just happened to be here at the right, or wrong, time. I almost dragged him in when he delivered a parcel. I told him I couldn't carry it and asked him to bring it in. Before he knew it I had his pants down and his cock in my mouth."

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I stared at her wide eyed. "What are you telling me?" I said.

She shook her head. "I think I am an addict," she said. "I just have to have it."

It took me some time to process this. On the one hand I felt that she had cheated on me, though she insisted that she would never have actual sex with another man and only needed them to come in her mouth so that she could replicate the feeling she got when I did it. She told me that although I was happy to do it, that I could not really keep up with her needs in this respect and that she had to have it more and more.

I certainly did not want to break up our marriage over this. I loved her and didn't want to lose her, so I would have to find a way to deal with this so-called addiction of hers.

We talked it over and came to a compromise. I did some searching on the internet and found a couple of sites that put people in touch with each other. People with, well, certain needs shall we say. After some research we decided to get in touch with a few and messaged each other back and forth, telling them our requirements. In the end we set up a get together for the following weekend at our home. I arranged for four guys who I had been communicating with to come around and we would see how we got along.

They duly arrived on Saturday evening and we all sat in the living room having a couple of drinks and getting to know each other. Despite my preconceptions they were all decent types and seemed nice enough. I could sense that Sara was becoming more and more excited, and I have to admit that I was also getting somewhat aroused, probably helped by the loosening effect of the alcohol.

Sara suddenly got up and said, "look, what are we waiting for? We all know what we want so why don't we just get on with it?" With this she pulled her dress up and over her head, revealing her body clad only in a tiny pair of white panties.

Well, one thing led to another and before I knew it she was laid out on the floor rug and I was sliding myself into her. My cock was as hard as a rock and it felt amazing slipping into her dripping wet pussy. I started to fuck her with all I had and she was responding in kind. I took a look around us and saw that the guys had all stripped off and were working on their cocks, getting them stiff.

As I continued to fuck Sara the foursome were pumping themselves, watching our performance intently. It carried on like this for a while before one of them, a well hung young lad, moved over to us and knelt down next to Sara's head.

"Open your mouth pretty lady," he said. "It's feeding time."

Sara opened up and he slid the bulbous head of his cock into her mouth, her lips closing around it. He continued to pump at the shaft until a glazed look came over his face and he jerked, gripping his cock tightly. I could see the shaft pulsing and knew that he was filling her mouth with his cum. Sara looked as though she were in a dream world, her face one of delight and satisfaction. She held his cum in her mouth for what seemed like ages before gulping it down in one large swallow.

No sooner had he pulled his deflating member from her mouth before it was replaced by another nicely fat and hard one. No sooner had the guy slid it in before he too was pumping thick streams of hot juice into her mouth. There was so much of it this time that a thin stream ran out of her lips and down her chin. He kept pumping away and I could feel her pussy clamping tighter against my cock as she orgasmed again and again.

He pulled out and the next candidate dropped to his knees beside her. This time he did not put it into her mouth but held it just slightly above her open lips. She held her mouth wide and put out her tongue.

He looked at me and said, "just wanted you to see what she was getting." With that his cock pulsed and throbbed and a truly enormous jet of white, creamy jism shot from the end directly into her mouth. He pumped at the shaft and another equally huge shot went in. This was followed by at least another three or four squirts of his juice. Sara held it all in her mouth and when he had finished she swirled her tongue around and played with it before finally gulping it all down.

The last guy knelt down and put his cock into her mouth. He did not come at once but instead spent some time fucking her mouth, almost in time with me fucking her cunt. His expression was one of pure pleasure as he slid his thick shaft in and out of her mouth. Sara kept her lips moist and sealed around the shaft as she revelled in the face fucking he was giving her. Eventually he could not hold on any longer and released his load into her groaning, moaning mouth. Again I felt her pussy shudder as she climaxed massively. This spurred me on and I shot everything I had into her dripping wet pussy.

So, that was how our love life went from then on. Although we would have sex fairly regularly, Sara was really only happy when we had our special evenings. We have a set of regulars who come round and give her what she needs while I get mine. It works for us and seems an ideal way of dealing with her rather strange addiction. And, let's face it, I can't really complain can I? After all, it was really my fault in the first place.

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  1. Jack Stay
    March 27, 2023 om 11:36 am

    Thank you for sharing. Do you think you will ever get around to allowing them to fuck her? It might be a surprising turn-on for both of you.


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