Licking my dessert

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Nick and Talia weren’t expecting the drive to be this boring. Everyone warned them the Midwest was nothing except cornfields and vast nothingness, but it still hadn’t prepared them.

Talia leaned her head back against the car headrest and let out a loud sigh. She shifted in her seat. “I swear I’m going to die of boredom. Can we at least stop and stretch our legs?”

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Nick shook his head. “Babe, if we stop, it’s just going to throw us off track. We really want to make it there before dark.”

Talia rolled her eyes. “I think a few minutes would be fine. I swear, just a quick stop.”

Nick sighed. “Fine.”

He pulled off the side of the road and wondered, when was the last time they had seen a car go by? Talia got out of the passenger side and stretched her body, lifting her arms up over her head. The movement revealed a slice of her midriff, and Nick couldn’t help but stare. The sun was starting to shift into that dusty evening light, making Talia look even more stunning in her tank top and skirt.

Nick walked over to her and took her by the waist. He lifted her by the chin and gave her a slow, gentle kiss. 

Talia smiled at him. “Someone’s mood changed quick.”

Nick shrugged, pushing back his shaggy dark hair. “Yeah, well, someone looks fucking good.”

Talia raised an eyebrow at him. “You know what else we can do with just a few minutes. . .” and Nick knew that tone immediately. 

That was how Nick found himself on his knees on the side of the road somewhere in Nebraska, with his girlfriend pressed up against the side of the car. He was pleasantly surprised to see that she wasn’t wearing any panties, making him wonder if she had been planning this the whole time.  Her skirt was bunched up around her waist, where she held it there so Nick could better access her pussy. 

“Fuck.” Talia closed her eyes and sighed happily. This was better than any truck stop. 

Nick licked her from bottom to top, pressing his whole mouth against her like she was a dessert he was savoring. His tongue darted inside of her wet, warm hole for a minute, before moving north to her clit. 

“Shit, there’s a car coming!” Talia said, a note of panic rising in her voice.

“They won’t see us.” Nick seemed unfazed.

Talia felt like she was holding her breath as she stayed still against the car, waiting for the moment to be over, for the vehicle to pass them. When it did, she relaxed again, shivering back into the feeling of Nick’s skilled tongue running against her most sensitive spot. 

Her fingers tugged at his hair, working their way down to his scalp so she could hold him just where she wanted. She loved when his face was pressed hard against her, his tongue completely splayed out. 

“Yes, keep going,” she moaned, bucking her hips now. 

Nick moaned back, as best he could. He wanted to feel her cum. He wanted to taste the salty stickiness of her. It had been a long road trip so far, with boring sights and little to do. There were only so many podcasts they could listen to. It was about time they had some fun.

“Ah, fuck, fuck!” 

As Talia came, every muscle in her body tensed up and then released. Her thighs shook uncontrollably, hardly able to keep her standing. But Nick’s hands held her strongly by the hips, licking her clit through the duration of her orgasm. 

Finally, Talia pulled Nick back up to face her, grinning widely. “Okay,” she said, “I take back everything I said about this road trip being boring.”

Nick gave her ass a playful smack as he began to walk around to the driver’s side door. 

“Wait,” Talia said, looking confused. “Aren’t you going to let me have a turn? You don’t want me to reciprocate?”

Nick smiled coyly. “Not yet.”

The two of them got on the road again, driving toward the setting sun. Talia relaxed and put her legs up on the dashboard, not bothering to adjust her skirt. It fell towards her waist, revealing her toned, tanned thighs. 

“I’m officially a distracted driver,” said Nick, looking between the road and his girlfriend’s legs, which she had now spread apart so he could touch herself.

“I’m soaked,” she said, running her fingers across her pussy. Nick could see the strings of wetness clinging to her. He held his breath and listened to the quiet, wet noises being made as Talia started to rub her fingers up and down in rapid motion.

Talia looked over at her boyfriend to see that his cock was pressing against his sweatpants, hard as a rock. Mission accomplished. She unbuckled her seatbelt and reached over to pull his cock out from his pants, stroking it in her hands.

“You know, this is dangerous,” said Nick, half-laughing, half-serious.

“So you better keep your eyes on the road then!”
Nick had no response to that. His hands moved higher up the steering wheel, making room for Talia’s head as she lowered her face down onto his lap. The cornfields went by in a blur, all while Talia wrapped her tongue around the tip of his cock, circling it in small motions. 

Nick’s breath caught in his throat. It had been so long since they had done anything like this. The last time Nick had received roadhead had to have been years ago, when they first started dating. It was a nice surprise, an exciting way to spice up this long drive.

Talia wanted to tease him and take her time. She used one hand to stroke his thick shaft, while her tongue continued to snake around the very head of him. She loved the way it made her boyfriend twitch. His breath started to get more shallow the more she licked his cock.

She finally began to move her mouth downward, taking him between her lips slowly. She wondered if a semi-truck might fly by, if the driver might look down and see what she was doing. She felt naughty and slutty, a flutter of thrill moving in her center.

“God, baby,” Nick moaned, “that feels so good. Yes, ooh, fuck. Just like that.”

She had found his sweet spot, that perfect combination of suction and speed. She steadily moved her face up and down now, not caring about the spit that was forming at the corners of her lips. 

“You’re so bad,” said Nick, clicking his tongue. “I like it though.”

Talia mumbled her reply. She lowered her face all the way down to the base of his cock then, taking breaths in through her nose. Outside, she thought she heard a truck go by them.

“Holy shit,” Nick laughed, his voice unsteady. “That truck driver totally saw us.”

Talia loved that. She didn’t care anymore. In fact, the thought turned her on. 

“Are you ready for my cum?” Nick asked, after another few minutes of Talia sloppily and eagerly sucking him off. 

“Mhmm!” she moaned. 

There was an enthusiasm to her muffled sounds that turned Nick on. His cum shot down her throat in a hard, fast stream, and Talia swallowed it all down. It was thick and hot, and she moaned the entire time he was cumming. The vibration from her lips only helped to make Nick’s orgasm that much more intense.

When he had finished, Talia sat up, cleaning off the head of his cock as she went. She licked her lips and sat back in her seat.

“Was that a nice distraction?” she asked.

Nick scoffed. “Um, I’ll say!”

They had planned for the rest of the trip to continue uneventfully, until Nick saw something that caught his eye. They had reached an overlook, where the last remnant of the sun was low in the sky. It was a beautiful, watercolor mix of pinks and golds. 

“Wow,” Talia breathed, as they got out of the car. “This is amazing.”

They spread out a blanket they had in the trunk, hidden from the road because of where the car was parked. 

Nick reached for Talia, pulling her down to lay on her back. 

“Baby,” she said, softly laughing. But that quickly dissipated into moans and sighs, as Nick began to lap her pussy, where his cum and her wetness had mingled into one sticky wet mix. 

His tongue found that perfect spot on her clit again, and this time, Nick was able to pull her thighs apart, holding her like that – spread and exposed. Talia quickly began panting, another orgasm crashing through her, just as a summer breeze crashed over the two of them. 

Talia let her fingers get lost in the messy curls of Nick’s hair, and she closed her eyes. The last of her orgasm was leaving her, and it was as though they were the only two people in the world. 

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