A rough entry (part 1)

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My day finally starts as Miles leaves for work. I’m going to miss him today, sure, but I also do enjoy the small break from it all that comes with having the house to myself. A long, relaxing bath to clear my head and soothe my body, a nice lunch and a movie to waste the mid-day away with! After I’ve had my afternoon to myself, Miles should be home, and I’ll have dinner ready for us both to enjoy, as well as the rest of the night together.

Movie picked out and the food was already in the fridge. I couldn’t help but gleefully smile to myself as I made my way over to the bathroom. An evening like this was long overdue, a chance to emotionally unwind and sink into a pleasantly hot and bubble-filled bath. I let my pants slide down my legs, kicking off my underwear before pulling my shirt up and over my head, fumbling slightly. The sound of the hot water filling the bath was a tantalizing tease to my morning, I couldn’t help but kneel by the side of it, swirling my hand in the slowly-rising waters of relaxation, getting lost as the room gradually steams up, and the smell of my bubble bath fills my nostrils.

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

Before long, I found myself a tad lost in the almost dreamy scene that had taken over my bathroom, so much so that I had almost not realized the waters had come up my arm, practically beckoning me to soak myself! It didn’t have to be a very persuasive argument, I was already eager, rising from the floor and tentatively testing the waters again with my toes, then my foot, and then I couldn’t help but let myself slowly drift amongst the bubbles, and I was now almost entirely submerged in liquid heaven.

I can’t help but just enjoy myself for the first few minutes, gliding my hands across my skin under the water, soaping myself up and just letting the suds wash away as I lounge here. Soon I had nothing left to do but relax and unwind, folding a hand-towel to rest the back of my head on as I leaned back and gently sighed whilst I allowed my body to soak.


Ugh… Whatever that just was, it’s a problem for ‘future’ me..

Right now, I’d rather not let anything spoil my morning, and that includes broken glass, a book on the floor, or whatever else that could’ve been! It’d be too much of a mood-killer to have to get up and deal with it, I’d just rather continue to let myself soak and enjoy my day..

Many more minutes pass away in that tub, I idly hum to myself whilst I massage myself to ease my aches, and even feel as if I drifted off for a moment, signaling that I may be getting too relaxed, and perhaps it’s time to begin the rest of my day. As I slowly rise from the tub, my skin tingles from the change in temperature, maybe a bit less steaming next time? Mildly-scalded skin aside, I felt almost dizzy from how much my body had entered relax-mode. I clumsily dry myself off, wrapping a towel around my waist before walking on shaky legs to see what the heck fell over outside.

I twist the lock on the door before turning the handle, pushing the door open and stepping outside. That first step was the only free one I could take, as my wrist was suddenly snatched from the handle, pulling me forward past the door as a hand clasps over my mouth. It barely felt like an instant, but all of a sudden I’m struggling meekly in a stranger’s grasp, held with my back against their chest. I couldn’t even think, on autopilot, I just screamed into the hand clutching at my face, kicking my feet frantically in hopes to break myself free, but all of that was silenced when the man bent over and spoke into my ear.

“Awh, someone’s excited to see me~”

Although in a mocking tone, I recognized it immediately.. My kicks died down, and I let out an involuntary whimper into his hand. Jason.. He’s always been obsessed with me, but I never thought he’d go to such lengths as this, and he shouldn’t even know where we live!

“I’m awfully upset that you didn’t invite me to your little spa day! But we’ll make up for it..”

Then, he leans in closer, his lips practically touching my ear as he growls his next words.

“Ruin this afternoon, play up for one second.. And I’ll make you fucking regret it.”

With that, he lets go of my wrist hesitantly, even letting his other hand’s grip on my mouth loosen. Bewildered for a moment, I slowly turn to face him, almost not sure of what’s going on, but there he is. He’s always been bigger than me, of course, it’s hard not to be, but there’s a certain aura about Jason that makes me feel… small. It feels like an age has passed, the two of us staring at one another, until he reaches towards me, and in one swift motion, tugs at my towel to let it fall to the floor. Suddenly exposed, I instinctively clutch at my crotch to hide myself, stepping backwards in fear until I feel my back touch the wall, at which point Jason starts closing the gap again, agonizingly slowly as he speaks to me.

“I’ve been trying to call you, honey. Why do you keep trying to hide from me?”

I try to answer carefully to avoid provoking him.

“I love my husband, I’m sorry Jason, but you need to leave us alone!”

As he’s mere inches from me, he clutches at my head again, pushing me down to my knees until I’m face-to-face with the now quite obvious bulge in his pants. He moves his hand down to the back of my head, clutching at my hair as he forces my face against it, grinding me against his crotch.

“It's hard just from seeing your pretty body in front of me~ Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it too?”
I don’t know what to do, but fight-or-flight finally kicks in. I shake him off before pushing him aside, making a break down the hallway towards the window at the end. What little confidence I
i was shattered when I heard Jason chasing after me, it was as if a football player was about to tackle someone. My focus shifted from escape, to not getting my body crushed beneath him, and I instead duck into our bedroom to avoid him. I’m barely able to take a breath before clambering to my feet to close the door behind me, but all too late as a hand reaches from the side and forces it open, slamming it against the wall in the process.

“I fucking warned you, Leo!”

Tears well in my eyes from the sudden shift in atmosphere, it was only minutes ago that I was in heaven, now plunged into hell!

“You ruined my day, and now you’re going to make up for it!”

He steps into the room, slamming the door behind him in a fit of rage before lunging forward and grabbing me by the neck, lifting me from the floor. I gasp for air in a panic, my sense of control shattered as he so easily lifts me like a toy, kicking my feet in a useless effort, his smirk fills me with fear for what’s to come. Jason likely realizes I can’t breathe, and drops me to the ground, where I desperately gasp for air, before it’s knocked right back out of me with a swift kick to the stomach.

“I tried to show you how much I love you, but maybe that’s not enough…”

He leans over me, picking me up with ease in his rough hands and tosses me onto the bed, still coughing from both lack of air, and the agonizing pain in my stomach. I hear something out of my view, but I can’t help from clutching my body, doubled over in pain. When I finally get a glimpse, it’s to see that Jason has stripped himself off, and with something in his hand. The sight alone is confirmation of my fears, despite everything, I know I can’t fight him. In that moment of thought, I hadn’t noticed the extra step Jason had taken toward me, and suddenly my mouth was forced open, a fabric ball placed between my lips and wrapped around the back of my head.

“This’ll keep you quiet, sweetie, I can tell you’re a bit of a squealer~”

It’s like watching a train barreling towards me, there’s nothing I can do to stop him, but the knowledge of what’s going to happen is petrifying… Miles… Please come home! Unfortunately, as much as I love him, Miles can’t be a superhero, instead I’m left here, at my captor’s mercy as I watch him rip apart a set of my sheets and wrap them into a rope. When he flips me onto my stomach, I reside myself, openly sobbing into my fabric gag, whimpering and crying as he paws at my arms, placing them behind my back. Though when I feel him wrap the first piece of fabric around, I can’t stop myself, I let out a final, frantic thrash for freedom, wildly flailing my limbs whilst tears stream down my face.


I didn’t scream, and my crying stopped, all that was left was the stinging pain on my ass, and what is likely a very defined imprint of Jason’s hand. All I could let out were whimpers, I buried my face into the sheets to hide my pain, but my entire body was trembling from the brutish strike.

“I don’t mean to hurt you, babe, but you just make me so mad.”

He reaches for my arms again, but I don’t offer any resistance, meekly submitting to his plans as I succumb to despair, slumped over in my own bed. With a final pull of the knot, Jason lets out a deep chuckle at his work before laying on top of me, bringing his lips to my ear.

“I’m going to make you scream louder than Miles ever has before~”

Even after thinking I had been lost to my pit of despair, Jason somehow digs it deeper, adding the horrific thought of having to face him to the mix. I barely react as Jason pulls back, lining up the head of his dick to my ass. I do my best to dump my emotions, letting myself empty to hopefully lessen the pain of what’s to come. It didn’t last a second, the first inch is painful enough that my eyes snap open and I flinch instinctively from the sensation.

“Oh, tightening yourself up for me? What a good boy~”

I muffle my protests into my gag, but am quickly silenced again as he mercilessly rams every inch of his thick cock into my ass. My legs quiver from the overwhelming stimulation, and my own dick stiffens involuntarily, sandwiched between the sheets as it points down to the base of the bed. Jason stays inside of me for a moment, letting his cock twitch in my ass before pulling back, starting his thrusting for real this time, driving it home with force, eliciting a squeal from my lips, my body now joining my legs in the involuntary quivering.

“See? You like it too, don’t you, you little slut!”

There’s no break this time, his thrusts have become a constant assault of painfully pounding my asshole without a hint of mercy, as if I was some fleshlight to be used and abused. I can’t forget where I am, I can’t stop thinking about Miles, or what’s happening whilst he’s at work…

The thoughts become too much, and I’m brought back to my own situation, and begin crying loudly, in rhythm with Jason’s thrusts, I whimper and sniffle in utter disgust with myself. Not just from being unable to stop this, but from what’s happening between my legs. I don’t want to think about it, but Jason is much bigger than Miles, not just physically, but… I’ve never been fucked this hard by something this big, and I can feel the unwanted pressure building, but I don’t want it… I just want to be away from here, I want to stop crying, I want to be with Miles and I want to stop being raped in my own home!

I can feel it coming closer, but I refuse to just let this happen, in another desperate attempt to save what little dignity I have left, I try to push away from Jason, to do anything to escape his fucking grasp! I just can’t… There's no way, even my struggles just get him more excited. Suddenly, he grabs me by the hair, pulling my face out of the sheets, my screaming more vocal to him as he continues pounding into my ass.

“I’m about to fill your fucking ass with my load, bitch! Be a good boy and squirt that little load out with me~”

Pleased with his taunts, he pushes my face back into the sheets forcefully, raising my hips into the air to pound at a different angle, my own cock swinging between my legs pathetically from the ruthless assault. I try to reason with myself between his thrusts. It’s not my fault! It’s just my body, I hate this! It’s not my fault.. It’s..

I tried to reason with myself, but as Jason’s pace quickens, my own whimpers turn to moans as pressure in my cock builds. When he finally rams inside of me one last time, clutching onto my hips, I feel his cock pulsing deep in my ass, throbbing as he unleashes a torrent of cum that quickly fills me up. That unwanted pressure sends me over the edge, and my moans grow desperate and frantic, as I paint my own sheets with my cum, dribbling from the tip of my cock between spats of sobbing.

“Such a cute little load~ I’m sure Miles will be really proud of you when he gets back!”

Jason pulls out as he speaks down to me, a final whimper escapes me, both in relief, and in utter defeat. He steps around beside me to speak, gripping my hair to force me to his gaze.

“When you crave me again, just call. I know you need me deep down as much as I want you.”

With that said, he nonchalantly smears his cock against my tear-soaked face as if cleaning it off with a tissue, and collects his clothes before leaving. Now left there, alone with my thoughts, I let everything process before slumping into the sheets, feeling my cum smear against my dick, a mark of shame that I can’t deny, not only was I just raped, but I came from it as well…

Emotions began overflowing inside of me, and I couldn’t help but start crying, madly crying. I’m completely disgusted with myself at what had happened, how I acted, and how things have ended up. I don’t know how long I’ve spent just… crying here, lost in my abject horror of how quickly my day has turned to awful, but then things become worse, as I hear the front door click open, and someone steps inside, a familiar voice calling my name.

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