Willard’s first time gay sex

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An eighteen year old Willard strutted down the street towards his close friend's house on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Both boys had plans for the weekend, which included binge gaming as always. Willard was an athletic boy standing at the height of 5"6 with medium-length blonde hair and a constellation of freckles on his cheeks. True to his slightly quirky nature, Willard had never had a girlfriend as he was still a virgin, but he hoped to change his embarrassing status pretty soon, like his friend - Phil had after banging a cheerleader in the empty school bus last week. Willard hoped that perhaps his buddy could give him some tips on getting a girl and breaking his virginity. 

Arriving at his pal's house, Willard knocked on the door and waited a while before Phil's dad swung it open. "Hey, kiddo…" Phil's dad echoed in a friendly cheer.

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

"Uhm, hi, Mr. Drew. Is Phil home?" Willard asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, he's with his mom this weekend. But you can hang out with me for a change. I'm seeing the new Matrix movie." Phil's dad piped up with a grin. Willard's instinct was to reject the offer, but he didn't want to be rude to his best friend's dad, especially since he would be here in a few days. 

"Okay. I guess I could hang around for a while." He shrugged as he walked in, and Mr. Drew closed the door behind him, locking it. Willard sat on the couch beside Phil's dad as they both watched the first few minutes of the movie in utter awkward silence. 

Mr. Drew broke the ice when a kissing scene came up, and he noticed how uneasy it made Willard. "Do you have a girlfriend?" He asked, staring at him. 

Slightly startled by the question, Willard stuttered his reply. “Uhm... No... not yet.” 

Mr Drew shuffled closer to him on the couch. “Wow, that’s surprising. You don’t like girls?” He asked with a fixated gaze as Willard went red in the cheeks.

"It's not that. It's just…." Willard's breath trailed off once he felt Mr. Drew's firm palm on his exposed thigh in his shorts. He couldn't explain the tingling sensation that shot through him at the touch of the palm, and Mr Drew easily spotted his uneasiness.

"You know… There are other ways you could get pleasure asides from girls now, don't you?" Mr. Drew's hand boldly snuck up, so he massaged Willard's throbbing trapped cock in his shorts. "I could show you if you ask nicely." He teased on.

"Mm… Please do," Willard muttered with sharp breaths as his cock was squeezed tightly in his shorts. With one arm, Mr. Drew unzipped his flyer and whipped out his thick ten-inch veiny cock. 

Willard's eyes popped wide at the sight of the huge mass of meat before Drew slowly guided his head down to suckle on the bulbous fat tip of the thick cock. Drew let out deep grunts as he plunged Willard's throat down his thick cock. Willard gagged and winced aloud with more than half of the thick shaft down his throat. Drew kept fucking the boy's face at a slow pace, not wanting to startle him into changing his mind. 

"Wait..." He exhaled heavily after finally pulling out of Willard's tight wheezing throat. "Get naked, and I'll be right back." Willard flashed a smile at Drew as he moved towards the laundry room to get hold of a bottle of lube. He came back to see Drew stark naked with his shriveled pink cock between his thighs. 

Drew instructed a naked Willard to bend over and then poured the cool lubricant all over his ass, smothering the liquid all over Willard's puckered rim. Soft moans escaped Willard as Mr. Drew slid two lubricated fingers inside him and began to work his ass earnestly. "You like that?" He teased with the curling fingers in Willard's hole. 

"Hmm… Yesss, please...." 

Drew smirked, and asked. "Please, what?"

"...Please, fuck me!" Willard moaned as, despite this being his first time, the feel of having something up his ass was heavenly. 

Drew snickered as his fingers finally slipped out of Willard's lubricated ass, leaving him feeling empty. He mounted the couch above Willard's accentuated ass, then rested his thick cock against the crack of his ass. Willard squirmed under him in preparation for what was about to come. 

Raising his soft ass, he tried to press his penis against the tight wet hole and Drew let out a sharp gasp once the fat cock head plunged down the burning hole. 

"Ohhh, fuuuuccckkkk... I want you inside me. Pleeeaaase." Willard moaned loudly like a slut.

Drew snickered as he moved his hips down and grasped the shaft of his thick, shiny cock to press further into the clenching, tight opening.  Willard lifted himself as he felt the fat head slide deep into him and the shaft opened up his virgin ass.

"Does that feel good enough?” Drew paused to tease.

"Yes, yes, Ohhh… Just like that. Put it inside me.." 

Swaying his ass back a bit, Willard wanted to desperately try to engulf the thick cock down his greedy hole. 

Drew pushed himself deeper into him, so he leaned down and breathed on Willard's neck with strong hands curled up under his shoulders, pulling him back onto his cock. 

He slid deeper. Grunting and bellowing as he sank his monster length into Willard’s tight boy cunt.

"Yes. Yes, fuck me." Willard said as he felt Mr. Drew's weight squash his burning asscheeks while he ground his cock as deep as he could. 

"Hmmm… Ilove that cock inside my ass. Fuck me! Fuck!" Willard gasped with ragged breaths as the cock throbbed deep inside of him. 

Drew moved back and slid half of his monster meat out, then slammed down into Willard's hole again. Willard's hole embraced the powerful intruding member squashing his guts as Drew made sure to apply his full weight at each thrust, pressing his thick shaft against Willard's sensitive prostate so slurred moans escaped the boy whenever he rammed all the way down. He positioned over and over, steadily picking pace in the tight wet hole as he began fucking his greedy ass with steady pumps. Willard's body bounced back with Drew's strong pull to meet the pounding cock. His eyes rolled back as his body squirmed with euphoric sensations. "Hmm, Oh… keep going… faster…" Willard begged in a throaty slur. 

Mr. Drew did just that, ramming his thick ten-inch cock faster into the tight wet hole while breathing heavily like a bull. His glistening cock slipped out at a point, and Willard was surprised that he hated the sudden empty feel of his gaping ass as the wind howled across it. "Please put it back in." He squirmed as Drew gripped his shaft and plunged back into his depths. His hot breath washed the nape of Willard's neck as he positioned himself on his tippy toes so he could ram as deep as he could, exacerbating the latter's sensations. 

Drew began pounding hard now, slamming his crotch down so it clashed with Willard's lubricated asscheeks.

The fat cock stretched Willard farther than he had ever been as it slid in and out of his hole. 

Willard could feel his pelvic floor on fire, and he squirmed and moaned aloud, raising himself to meet Mr. Drew while still being hammered by his strong thrusts. 

"Ooohh… I'm going to cum. Your fat cock in my ass... is making me cum."Willard cried out as his tensed hole clenched tightly around the thick shaft drilling him. A shrill moan escaped his lips as he began shooting his cum down onto the couch as Mr. Drew rammed his prostate.

"God, yes, sweet ass boy. Cum while daddy fucks you." Mr. Drew hissed into his ear with hot ragged breaths. Willard cried through his orgasm as his cock leaked sporadically at each thrust of the thick meat inside his hole. 

Mr. Drew let out a tensed grunt as he shoved shove himself deeper and faster into my little ass. "Hold on, boy, it's my turn now." He sniggered.

"Yes, daddy, fill me up! Cum in my ass." Willard wriggled under him. Trying to help him reach his orgasm faster. Mr. Drew began snarling and growling through each thrust, pounding his body against Willard's reddened ass with intensity as he rammed his cock into the burning hot and tight hole. He pistoned faster and faster, grunting and hissing through each thrust into Willard that saw his cock bury down the wet hole to the hilt. He could also feel his pelvic floor and loins catch on fire as he drilled the sweet boy cunt. 

"Oh my freaking god, boy! You've got the juiciest and tightest ass I've ever had!" Mr. Drew hissed with tensed, labored breaths into Willard's red and sweaty face as he kept pounding furiously. A smile creased Willard's face as he felt proud at the compliment and resumed throwing his ass up to meet Drew's downwards thrust into his hole. Mr. Drew let out a slurred groan as his orgasm finally peaked before crashing down like a dam. 

"FUCCCKK!!! I'm cumming!!" Mr. Drew bellowed and groaned aloud as he tensed up and ground his cock deep into Willard's greedy hole. Willard shuddered at the first searing blast of semen that coated his rectum walls before the other blasts followed in quick succession, stuffing his ass to the brim as Drew kept pumping.

Willard moaned as he clenched his ass around the pulsing thick shaft lodged in his hole and spilling cum until his balls were drained down the slutty tight fuckhole. Mr. Drew finally slowed down with sharp, heaving breaths and pulled Willard's head back to plant a kiss on his lips. "Hmm… You're so sweet..." he exhaled sharply once they broke the kiss, "Sexy boy. You love being fucked". A smile formed on Willard's beetroot red face as Mr. Drew's compliments always made him melt with submissiveness. 

"Thanks, daddy… You've also got a thick fat cock perfect for my hole." He smiled back. 

Mr. Drew chortled softly as he pulled his smeared cock halfway out to view the mess Willard's ass had made. "It seems you're one dirty cock slut!" He spanked Willard's lubricated asscheeks, and Willard squirmed in delight.

“You think so?” Willard asked. 

"I know so!" Mr. Drew replied as he sent one last shove into Willard's body and watched in awe as the boy twitched all over again, jerking against him as he squashed his buttcheeks with a strong grasp.

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