Lunch Break with gay couple

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“May I come in?” A muffled voice comes through following a light knock on the door of the director’s office. The man inside the room calls out for him to come in, and the young man on the other side of the door slowly swings the door open, making eye contact with his boss sitting at his desk. After receiving a nod and a hand gesture to come in, the young man closes the door behind him to walk through the spacious room, stopping in front of the polished, wooden desk at the end of the room.

“There are a few documents that need your approval, Mr. Branson, I’ve sent them to you in an email, but I came to get your signature on some hard copies, and also, there were a few calls that came through while you were in your meeting earlier, and I took down their information, and their message, so that you could …” The young man’s words seemed to run away with his thoughts as he successively listed the reasons for his visit, awkwardly flipping through gray paper folders, swiping on the tablet in the crook of his elbow, while restlessly brushing his hand through his disheveled brown, curly hair.

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“Noah, haven’t I said you can call me Henry when we’re alone?” the older gentleman interrupted, as he reclined in his dark brown leather chair looked up at his young assistant, an amused smile clear on his face. He could see the subtle blush heating up the cheeks of the young man’s suddenly shy face.

“Not when we’re in the middle of work,” Noah said in a quiet voice, throwing a glance behind him, as if to reassure himself that the door was closed. He had recently started a relationship with Mr. Branson, or Henry as he liked to be called, but considering the complications brought by their work relations, they decided to keep it a secret from the company for now. He wasn’t sure what the exact consequences were for secretly dating his boss, but he was not ready to find out. “Did you hear everything that I just -”

“Yes, yes, I heard you the first time, and if you leave the stuff that needs to be signed on my desk, I’ll get to it when I can,” Henry replied, then got up from his seat to walk to the other side of his desk, leaning into a seat at the edge of his desk, facing Noah.

“W-what are you doing?” Noah asked, taking a small step back. Henry said nothing, and confiscated the stack of folders and the tablet from Noah’s grasp, and plopped them down on his desk. His thick arms extended around his assistant’s slim waist, drawing his body closer towards him, entertained by the reddening of his cheeks and the resisting writhing of his body as he let out a loud whisper, “W-we’re at work!”

It had only been a couple months since they had met, and only a couple weeks since they had decided to formally date, but they were drawn to one another by their physical chemistry, and though their personalities seemed to contrast, they found that they related quite well in their values. While Noah seemed to be more high-strung, serious, and shy, he was no less willing to accept Henry’s affectionate advances. Henry found great amusement in teasing his cute partner, rescinding his affection whenever he acted shy, because he would be pulled back by an embarrassed Noah, pleading with him to continue, letting him know that he wanted him just as much. Henry had the impression of a cool, suave, social butterfly himself, but even his inner personality differed from his appearance, as he quickly tired from socializing, and with Noah, he tended to lose his calm and collected manner. 

Though they presented very differently to the public, in the privacy of their own intimate moments, they shared the same core values, preferred the structure of a routine day to day, and enjoyed the pleasure of peaceful relaxation outside of work. This compatibility seemed to be a great benefit to their relationship, but ever since they had started dating, seeing each other more evenings and weekends, the balance between their work and personal boundaries had begun to gradually crumble under the weight of their accumulating lust. Feeling a renewed vigor with the passion he felt towards his partner, Henry had become more touchy at work, and though Noah seems reluctant, he holds a suppressed desire to give in to temptation, motivated only by fear of having his achievements written off as nothing more than reward for sleeping with the director. As much as he tried to resist, however, he could feel his own will weakening in the embrace of his handsomely playful boss.

“We’ve got the privacy of my office,” Henry’s hands roamed down to the outline of Noah’s softly rounded bottom, perking up at the generous touch. At his height, Henry was able to set himself to even eye level with Noah while sitting this way at the edge of his desk, and tightened his arms around his body to slowly bring his face closer, hovering his lips just a few inches away from Noah’s face. “Besides, I think everyone is off on their lunch break. You need to learn how to take breaks, Noah.”

“I-I don’t want to hear that from a workaholic like you,” Noah refuted, his hands struggling against Henry’s firm hold, feeling his breath becoming unsteady at the proximity of Henry’s gorgeously gleaming green eyes looking straight at him. “You should learn to actually do work during work hours, instead of working overtime.”

“Mmm, you’re right, we should take our lunch break together so that we can properly get back to work,” Henry nuzzled his head into the nook of Noah’s neck, inhaling his scent while tickling him with his heavy exhale onto his skin.

“Th-that’s not what I said! Are you … listening?” Noah was beginning to lose the strength in his body, except for the lower region between his legs, where the strength of his arousal continued to increase in a dangerously developing erection. It awaked further at the tantalizing tease of Henry’s lips hovering over, but not touching, Noah’s skin. He now craved the touch of his lips, but Henry seemed determined to deny him any kisses, until Noah surrendered fully to his honest desire.

“All right, if you insist, I’ll just go out and grab a quick lunch,” Henry straightened his arms, about to rise from his seat, when he realized Noah’s fingers clenched in the folds of his shirt sleeves.

“... at least let me lock the door,” Noah mumbled, a rosy flush pigmenting his light olive skin, his dark eyes looking away in embarrassment, before he dashed to the door to swiftly turn the lock. He came back to Henry’s waiting embrace, throwing his arms around his broad shoulders to meet his lips in a desperate, hungry kiss. Henry lifts him by his thighs to settle Noah into his lap, his hands exploring every area of his toned, slender body, even pulling out his tucked shirt and sneaking his hand in to feel the heat of his skin directly.

Noah keeps his mouth over Henry’s lips, consistently sucking on the supple softness, licking up the drool sloppily slathered around their mouths, and then inhaling another deep kiss. He kept his eyes closed, but he suddenly felt his entire body move upwards, realizing he was being carried towards the couch at the center of the room. Their lips came to a sudden separation when Noah was dropped flat on his back on the couch, as Henry hovered over him, keeping his legs raised. Henry dexterously unbuttoned his pants, pulled them down to his knees, then continued to raise his legs further up, Noah’s back set on Henry’s thighs. Henry hid his face, embarrassed to have his recently shaved bottom in the palm of his boss’s hands.

“Looks like you were expecting something …” Henry smirked, and proceeded to press his palms over the springy skin of his butt, massaging it while enjoying the soft sensation.

“N-no, I just happened to …” Noah could not finish his sentence, both of them knowing how poor of a liar he was, but also because it was obvious from the rosy hue on his face that he had indeed prepared himself holding some sort of expectation.

“Well, I’ll try not to disappoint you,” Henry kneaded the skin around Noah’s bare asshole with his thumb, stretching the skin and pulling it wide. He let the saliva on his tongue drip down, covering the area with a slight layer of lubrication before gliding his finger over the clenched circumference of his anus, using his thumb to continue kneading the skin to stretch, until Henry’s forefinger is able to slip past the rim inside him.

“Noah … you’ve been playing without me, hm?” Henry acted as if he was scolding the young man, but felt his own cock throb harder at the thought of his boyfriend teasing himself to prepare for a moment like this. He felt his heart skip at seeing Noah’s face deepen in a darker shade of red tinting his cheeks.

“... ‘cause you’re always working late …” Noah mumbled, his hand covering his flushed face, twitching at the continued touch of Henry’s mischievous finger. When a second finger eventually fit, his hole completely drenched in a viscous layer of Henry’s saliva, his other hand moved to Noah’s stiff length, simultaneously stroking it within the robust grip of his hefty hand.

Noah’s body convulsed from Henry’s invasive touch, but highly aroused by his determined movements, feeling pleasantly surprised that he knew so well where he wanted to be touched, now looking forward to having more than just his fingers inside him. “Henry, are we really … here? … in your office?”

“We can stop if you want,” Henry flashed a smile, and Noah was certain that it was his way of playfully teasing him, but a part of him was afraid that his typically straightlaced boyfriend would simply zip him up and go right back to work.

“No … I want to …” Noah said weakly, still feeling an overwhelming sense of embarrassment from partaking in their usually wild night activities in the middle of the day, in the middle of their usual workspace, where any of the other employees could come by and knock on the door at any time. Despite his embarrassment, there was an even stronger sense of desire, one that might have been stoked by a week of lonely nights, and it was currently taking front seat to any of his other emotions and thoughts.

“What is it that you want? This?” Just by straightening his body upright, Henry’s impressive cock towered over Noah’s raised bottom. Enthusiastically nodding his head, biting his lip in anticipation, Noah stretched out his hands in an adorable gesture asking to be embraced. Henry’s hands were quick to envelop Noah’s body in an embrace, and his lips crashed down into a ravenous kiss, feeling his patience rapidly disintegrating.

Adjusting their bodies between them, Henry pushes just his sensitive, circumcised head against Noah’s dampened hole, provoking a sharp groan muffled by their kiss. Pushing more of his length into him, Henry worked slowly for him to take in his girth in small increments, retreating when Noah’s voice sounded more like a cry, and forcing forward when his voice hit a sweeter note. At some point, Noah had not even realized how far Henry had reached inside him, only that this feeling of being so filled was what his body had craved, and it was now greedy for more. Noah’s legs hooked around Henry’s back, tightening around his back as leverage while he raised his body forward, his hole greedily swallowing the entirety of his erection, then moving in steady strokes, letting Henry know that he no longer had to hold back.

It did not take long for Henry to pick up on Noah’s unspoken request, understanding through simply the tear glossed gaze of his eyes, and the eager clawing of his hands across his back. The long, drawn out moans and paced thrusts eventually escalated into dangerously loud vocalizations of pure pleasure and violently erratic pistoning of raw animalistic mating. When they finally felt their sexual appetite satiated, they weren’t sure how much time had passed, but they could hear the bustling noise of people packing up to head home. Managing to evade getting caught, ignoring every knock and every call, fully engrossed in their scandalous surrender to pleasure, they both knew they’d both be clocking in overtime at the office that night. 

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