Undertaking chapter 3

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The party had been going on for several hours now. It was in full swing with plenty of chatter, laughter, and everything else in between. As lively as it was, I was bored as hell. I was probably on my third drink, but I wasn’t totally counting. All I knew was that the alcohol was light, and the conversations were boring. Even with my reservation of being in public I had to participate for the sake of the family. If I wasn’t there like my siblings, Dad would have a cow because some tabloid slandered him as a terrible father . . . again.

And so, I presented myself as present and engaged when necessary. I tried my best to chat with people I knew I could relate to on some level that wasn’t geared towards business or politics. That’s why I was standing with a group of trust fund kids around my age. It just so happens we were all children of wealthy parents. Each of us had some stake in our respective family businesses once we graduated from higher education. Being born into the inner circle of ancestral corporate families entitles certain benefits. The most important being gossip.

“STOP! Hey mate, now that I got your attention I’d like to share with you this new site I found with literally anything you can think of, ranging from orgies, grannies, teens, incest and you know.. the kinky stuff. I made this review just to help a brother out. Peace.”

– Jake A.

“Did you hear they still haven’t figured out who stole all that money from Harris Enterprise?” Jason stated as if taking out a pot to stir.

Randy lit up at Jason’s comment, “Really? I heard Mr. Harris’s son was fired as collateral damage.”

“What a pity,” Rebecca said frowning at her drink.

“I know, right? Poor guy.” Jason said going off Rebecca’s comment.

She looked up at him confused, “Oh, I didn’t mean Zach. He’s a slut born into wealth. Everything was handed to him. It’s about time he got hit by reality.”

Jason gave her a disapproving look, “Damn, Bex, isn’t that a bit harsh?”

She shrugged her shoulders, “Not really. When’s the last time Zachary Harris did any of us a favor?”

“Since the Prince family’s murder.” I chimed in reminding them I was present and listening.

Randy shook his head thoughtfully, “You’re right, Kyle. It’s been years since they were killed overseas. Wasn’t there another victim unrelated to the family and crew? I forget . . .”

“Regardless, even before then Zachary just used his friends.” Rebecca had stated with a tone that changed gears as she continued with, “Enough about the Harris’s, have you heard what going on with Richard Warren?”

“No?” Jason said cocking his head.

Randy shifted in closer to hear her, “What’s happening with him?”

Her tone went quiet as she explained, “It’s not public yet, but word is that Mr. Warren is having another prostitution scandal.”

“Ah, everyone knows he screws whores.” Jason said, crossing his arms.

“This time is different. There’s a rumor it’s a was a man this time!” Her voice rose in pitch at the end.

“No way!” Jason gawked.

“Oh shit!” Randy put a hand to his mouth, “That could destroy his entire political career. He’s a key figure in the Republican party here. Who could believe the man who advocates anti-lgbt would be a homo himself.”

“I know right!” Rebecca was ecstatic, a stark difference to a conversation ago.

I rolled my eyes, finding myself disinterested in the conversation. This kind of crap is usually appreciated by those on the inside, but I could care less. I check in when the information has been confirmed. Speculation is just throwing opinions into the air, and I obviously couldn’t care less. Instead of maintaining my attention, I drifted across the crowd looking at all the rich assholes smiling and pretending to be kind to one another.

Then my eyes suddenly stopped on one individual. A tall, bearded man was standing at the other end of the large room looking right at me. He had a devious look on his face and his eyes were telling me something. Even from that distance I could see the devilish smile playing across his perfect lips. Giving a tilt of his head he turned into the crowd but kept eye contact as long as he could before disappearing.

I didn’t even bother excusing myself from the group and immediately sifted through the crowd. For a short moment I thought I had lost him until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see the man looking down at me with a cool expression. The way he wore his tailored suit made me want to be the fabric itself. My throat went a bit dry at how hot he was.

He smiled down at me as he said, “I couldn’t help but stare at how cute you look when bored out of your mind.” He held a hand out to me, “Name’s Daniel Smith.” 

I could already feel the blush on my cheeks as I shook his hand, “Kyle Salazar. Am I that obvious?” I motioned to the rest of the room, “I usually don’t care for these kinds of parties.”

That devilish smile returned to his lips again, “Well word is your definition of a party is a bit more physical.”

Looking at him I knew what he meant. I was known for my slutty side just as Zachary Harris. Everyone else condones whores and sluts even though they are ones themselves just because they envy them. I was more casual about it to the point my exploits get buried in the pile of gossip that circulates the upper class.

“Well, if it were up to me, I’d be at a party for two right now.” I gave him a look that was definitely an invitation.

That expressive smile stayed on his face as he took a step towards me only to grab my ass with a firm grip. “I think I’d have to crash that party.”

I bit my lip and looked around noticing no one was paying attention to us, “How about we get that party started upstairs.”

“Lead the way,” he let my ass go with a playful smack.

The two of us stole away from the party downstairs. We immediately attacked one another once we were up the large staircase and out sight. He was assertive and knew what he wanted to do to me as we stumbled down a hallway. I blindly lead the two of us towards a private room. We couldn’t keep our hands off one another. His hands were grabbing at my ass while I held our faces firm enough for our tongues to properly dance with each other.

My back hit the door and I fumbled for the handle. Letting us in, we stumbled backwards into the room. One half open glance had me worried. I thought I was taking us towards the room I keep at my parent’s estate, but I must have turned the wrong way. We weren’t in my room, but Dad’s office! I couldn’t think in my current state of why his door wasn’t locked as always.

“Shit! We need to –” I didn’t get to finish as Daniel captured my lips again.

Pulling back, he whispered, “We won’t be long, promise.”

“I know, but –” I was interrupted again and defeated by his kiss.

I wanted this more than I thought I would have ten minutes ago. The door was silently shut behind us. We were pressed against one another as close as possible as we turned to the plush couch situated in my dad’s large office. There wasn’t any light, but the moonlight shining through the large windows. It really set the scene when I placed myself between his legs.

We were crunched on time given the mass of people currently inside the estate. Without time to undress, I had Daniel’s cock out and in my mouth in a matter of seconds. I tasted the precum already leaking from his tip. He was enjoying the feeling of my mouth as he ran a hand through my hair. Daniel bucked his hips several times when I tried taking as much of him as I could into my mouth. It was tough work as his cock was not your average hunk of meat.

I was enjoying myself there between his legs until I was suddenly pulled off him. Turned around faster than ever, my ass was exposed and devoured promptly. His tongue snaked up my hole with expertise. The way his hands encompassed both of my cheeks made me want him to spread me farther apart than I could handle. With my hips rocking into him, he probably took that as a sign.

Daniel retreated from my ass and pressed the head of his cock against my wet hole. He slipped in easier than I thought, bringing me down on his lap. The pain that followed was expected. I’ve had my fair share of monster cocks, but this was different. He stretched me wider than I had been in a while! I backed up against him as soon as the pain subsided enough.

With both hands on my hips, Daniel took control and bucked his hips into me. I could feel his balls and the edges of his zipper hitting my taint. The assault on my ass had me moaning which was still too loud for where we were. A hand covered my mouth as Daniel dug himself deeper in my ass. The two of us rocked into the couch making it creak a tune that matched our rhythm.

When he suddenly pulled out, I collapsed onto the couch feeling like I was crippled. I turned around to look at him, “What are you –”

Daniel pulled me up from the couch, “Let’s fuck on that desk.”

I looked at the desk and saw how orderly it was, “No, that’s my dad’s. He’d be pissed if he found out someone other than him fucked on it.”

A snicker left his lips, and I could just see the whites of his teeth, “What sweeter than to do so without him finding out. Come on.” A single kiss was all it took for me to hop onto the edge of Dad’s desk.

We were behind the desk with my legs over his shoulders.  He pushed his cock back into my hole. Once seated inside he fucked me into the woodwork. I couldn’t help but agree that screwing on my dad’s desk was really hot. Especially so, when knowing he doesn’t approve of the company I kept.

At one point Daniel laid himself on top of me pressing out lips together. There was some shuffling around us then both hands were holding my face. He kissed me deeply and retreated to further plow me. I couldn’t even tell he was ready to cum until he sighed loudly and roughly pumped himself into me.

Daniel grabbed my dick and jacked me off. While he was still inside me, I felt myself clench around him as my own climax rocked through me. In a quick act Daniel captured every drop that fired from me. I rode out my body high only to feel thoroughly ravaged by the time we had put ourselves back together. 

When leaving the room, I was at the door faster than Daniel was. He apologized as he was fixing his shoes and joined me in exiting the office. We went down separate ways when getting back to the party. It was perfect timing as my father was just giving his speech.

Oddly enough, I couldn’t find Daniel afterwards. I was hoping for a round two, honestly.

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