British gangbang slut

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It had been a wild night out in London, Wendy having outlasted all of her friends, she was looking to end her night on a high note. Scouring through the local bars, she only found closed ones, or ones that turned her away due to it being late.

Entering the wrong door

Frustrated with her night ending like this, Wendy looked for the nearest building that seemed to still be open. She wasn’t planning on ending the night sober, so she was desperate for something to turn up. Just as Wendy was losing faith in her night, she spied a building that still had their lights on, though with no sign out front, she assumed it was a private club of some kind. Still, they wouldn’t likely turn her away, and she just wanted a few drinks…

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Opening the door slightly, Wendy looks through the crack, seeing a bunch of normal looking men, she opens it fully, stepping inside, feeling relieved. Though her relief was quickly stripped from her, a man from behind the door grabbed Wendy and tackled her to the ground in a quick scuffle.

“Well fellas, look like we’ve caught one!”

Her eyes widened in shock, each of the men quickly stripping their clothes at the sight of her, stroking their cocks without a care.

“W-wait, I’m not a pa-!!”

Wendy’s protests were silenced by a stranger’s cock, the man having forced it into her mouth, now gripping tightly to her hair as he forced it down her throat.

“You’re a part of it now, whore. Now choke on my cum!”

After only a few thrusts, the man inside of her mouth exploded across her tongue. His load filled Wendy’s mouth quickly, eliciting retches and gagging from her, but the man quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

Swallow every fucking drop, or it’s your ass!

Panic setting in, Wendy obeys, loudly swallowing his cum, wincing at the taste.

“Good! Now, swallow theirs, too~!”

British slut getting gangbanged

Still recoiling from the stranger’s load, Wendy looks over at the crowd, realizing their dirty trick, she simply slumps onto the floor, tears well in her eyes as they hungrily grab at her body, fucking her throat. Wendy’s clothes don’t last long, torn from her body as she retches without control, flailing as they fucking her tight throat, fucking her face as if she was a fleshlight.

It was an endless wave of torment, her poor throat stretched to its limit, Wendy couldn’t find the strength to fight back, letting the crowd greedily abuse her mouth. Their loads surged down her gullet as if they were trying to force-feed her their cum. As each man took a turn at her throat, other men simply enjoyed the sight, stroking their cocks next to her face, covering her as they each exploded onto her.

Her body ached, her mind was in tatters, and she could barely see past the absurd amount of cum covering her face. Even as she groggily tried standing up, men were coming over, jerking their cocks and squirting their loads across her face. It was humiliating, being treated like an object for their pleasure, even the slightest show of emotion was disregarded, she felt more like a fleshlight than a person. This feeling was only emphasized as one of the taller men grabbed Wendy by her arms, lifting her into the air with ease and sliding her onto his shaft.

Though instead of a pained squeal or protest, Wendy let out a sultry moan of pleasure, feeling his thick cock stretching her pussy, she instinctively began grinding her hips to feel it even deeper. She realized then that she had actually become aroused from being treated like this. Being on her knees for so long and manhandled triggered something inside of her, and it was disgusting.

The other men saw this display, seeing that Wendy had succumbed finally, they descended upon her, the tall man turning her around to face him, bottoming out inside of her pussy as he forced her into a kiss. Another man came in from behind, pressing his cock against her virgin ass before forcing it inside, listening to her pained squeals as he thrusts forward, only encouraging him.

“F-fuck! Aahhh~ S-stop!”

Even Wendy couldn’t convince herself between the whorish moans. Still barely able to see past the cum in her eyes, the only stimuli she could focus on was the constant pounding into both of her holes, sending her closer to the edge that she so desperately tried to stay away from. Before she could get used to the odd sensation of both of her holes being assaulted at once, the tall man holding onto her suddenly tenses up, filling her pussy with his load, surging inside of her. Wendy cries out, kicking her legs and trying to escape from his firm grip, not wanting a stranger unloading into her pussy.

Though her protests are quelled by the man simply letting go, leaving her in the hands of the stranger fucking her ass, focusing on making her squealing like a bitch. He manages just that, cum still leaking from her pussy, Wendy cries out to the ceiling from the fiery pain spreading from between her cheeks, the man’s cock painfully stretching her. In her delirious state, she doesn’t notice the next man taking his place in front of her, grinning down at her before grinding his tip against her oversensitive pussy. In a single thrust, he forces his entire cock inside of her, letting Wendy feel it throb with each thrust of the man behind her, making Wendy instinctively tense up, effectively milking both of the men for their cum.

Before the men even finished, she felt herself fall to the ground, the man fucking her ass from behind as the stranger inside of her pussy thrust into her from beneath. At the same time, she looked up, seeing the huge crowd of men, each stroking their cocks, waiting their turn to use her. The first steps up, slapping his cock against her cheek, then smearing his precum across her face, sliding it between her legs for her to choke on.

“That’s it, take our fucking cocks you little whore!”

His words melted away any sense of pride she had left, choking on a stranger’s cock, Wendy felt tears beginning to run down her face. Dread and shame welled in her chest, imagining how she could be home right now, but instead, she’s found herself at the center of an endless gangbang!

Wendy could barely be seen beneath the mess of flesh, each man taking their position to fill her holes, she simply went limp, no strength left to resist, or a desire to. She had long-since lost herself to their relentless assault, the wet smacking of their hips, the taste of their loads still on her tongue, the aching from her holes from being so brutally fucked. Wendy hadn’t just gotten used to it, she had become forcibly addicted to it!

“Look, the little cunts smiling!”

They could see how well they had broken her, and the line soon thinned, the men losing interest in their prize. The last few people make sure to really drill into her head what a useless whore she had become, pounding into her with such intensity that her pussy became red and bruised, each thrust causing a mixture of pain and pleasure. Soon enough, they were done, the men having finished using her, they each took a turn spitting on her limp body.

Finished with their whore for the evening, the men pick up her tired body, carrying her over to the back door and tossing her outside into the night, laughing as they prepare a round of drinks for themselves. With the door shut, Wendy is left in the dark alleyway alone…

Although she’s not quite alone, a few mumbles from around her give way to the fact that the alley was a hub for other drunkards, spying the cum-glazed and overfucked prize delivered straight to them. Without any thought, they descend upon Wendy, pulling her legs apart and forcing their cocks down her throat. As they begin their clumsy thrusts, Wendy smiles faintly, feeling another orgasm creeping up on her, she hoped that the men surrounding her had even half as much as the men inside did.

Even after that night, Wendy continued heading back to that same bar, every night, she would savor the sensation of being passed around like a cheap whore, abused to the point of breaking, then thrown to the scum outside. She looked forward to the feeling of their cocks finalizing her evening, degrading her further, until she saw herself as nothing more than a cumslut to be used by the men who own her holes.

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