Mysterious pleasure with cocks

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Well, being in a frat definitely had its perks on campus. I'm Eden and I am in the best one. We had the best parties, and our frat house was known to be wild. Too wild at times. But it was always fun. And this weekend seemed like it was going to be extra good. We had a big party getting going and with the semester about to let out plenty of sluts from the sororities would be ready to get drunk and put out.

At my frat, we always had girls coming over and then you'd see them leaving the next day having been fucked by a couple of my frat bros. Of course, they would claim they couldn't remember anything or say they were tricked into it, but we all knew these girls wanted it. They just couldn't be caught being too much of a slut or the sisters would kick them out of the sorority and word would spread.

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

But tonight was going to be a special treat. My buddy Jay told me we had a guest in the basement Boom Room. It wasn't really a room, but sort of a small closet where one of the guys had hung a dirty old sheet up with a hole cut in it. And one of the sorority girls from down the street was in there and wanted to suck some frat cock tonight. 

I went downstairs and found the sheet with the hole. It wasn't a small hole, you could probably fit your whole head through it, so that's why the girls always wanted it dark. I didn't hear anything but was drunk enough to just go for it. I slid my dick out and put it in the hole.

"Hello, is anyone there?"


Then I felt her grab my dick. I couldn't believe we actually had someone in there. I started to get hard right away. But she didn't start sucking it.

"Don't worry, I know the rules" I said.

We had three rules. We couldn't look to see what girl it was, if we guessed who it was, we couldn't tell the other girls and if a girl was willing to actually suck dick, you had to warn her and not cum in her mouth.

After a minute of being jerked off, she finally put it in her mouth. I'd only been lucky enough to have this happen twice my whole time in the frat. I reached my hand in through the hole to kind of guide her on my dick. She had the usual towel over her head like a hood, so I couldn't tell who it was by feeling. She got going and started sucking me deeper, but then she suddenly stopped.

Me: "What the fuck?"

Her: "I can't do this."

I recognized her voice. It was Kris. She had hooked up with a couple frat bros over the years but was single now. 

"I'm not a slut. I can't do this"

"Okay, If you need to leave, that's fine. I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you!"

And she ran out the basement door that leads to the back yard.

Then I heard voices coming downstairs. It was Jay and Tim, one of the other brothers.

"I'm telling you, she came down here."

"You better be telling the truth. I haven't had anything all semester and I'm ready to blow before I pass out"

"Are you passing out this early? I can't see shit down here."

I just froze back in there. They'll hear there's nobody down here and then just go back to the party.

Jay said: "Eden must have already gone back up. He ran down here the second I told him. Lucky bastard. She better still be down here. This dick ain't gonna suck itself"

They both laughed. I could tell they were a little drunk as they walked to the other side of the sheet, but it was still totally dark, and I just stayed quiet and still as they felt around on the walls. They'd be gone soon enough.

Jay kept laughing "Anyone home? Are you scared? Nobody will know. Hello?"

I didn't say anything. I just reached up to make sure the sheet was still there. I didn't want them walking in. But my hand didn't touch the sheet. I felt what had to be a semi boner poking through the hole.

Jay: "OK, she's still there. I just felt her. Maybe she's shy. But she touched my dick. Tim, maybe there's still a chance. Come on baby, don't be shy. We came all this way down here. I'm almost done as it is. Just hold it for a second. I'll take care of the rest on my own. Just get me started. I don't want to turn on the light and see who you are. Your sisters won't know."

Fuck, how was I going to get out of this. If they caught me in here Jay and Tim would tell everyone. Probably tell them I touched Jay's dick. Maybe I could just do something to get rid of him long enough to get out of here. I couldn't believe I was doing this. And wouldn't have done it sober. But I felt in the dark and found his plump dick.

Jay: "That's more like it. OK, now get me nice and hard. Just pull on it"

Tim: "She's really doing it? Holy shit, this is amazing"

I started to jerk his dick. Feeling like an idiot for even getting in here and letting Kris go. Jay started getting hard right away. OK, this wouldn't be so bad. I guess. Jay and Tim are both cool. They're on the football team with me, so it's not like I haven't seen them naked plenty of times. And I walked in on Tim hooking up with a girl at a party a few weeks ago up in the bedrooms of the frat. I'd just get him started and then they can go upstairs and I can get back to the party. I let go and Jay kept saying "just keep going. Faster. Hold my dick tight." My eyes were adjusting to the dark and I could make out Jay's cock. It was a solid 6.5. He never had a problem getting girls. But I still couldn't believe I was on my knees in the Boom Room, jerking Jay's dick. But I did as he asked, kept going faster and harder.

He started moaning and I could hear Tim laughing. Asking how it was going, but Jay didn't say anything to him.

Jay: "That's it. MMM That's it. OK, here's the warning. You did too well. I don't need to wait and finish it off."

Then he started shooting. I had just jerked off my friend. This went from the best party of the year to the worst.

Jay: "She's amazing. She made me cum so hard. I'm going to pass the fuck out after that. Thanks Babe. If you change your mind and want to hang out, I'm Jay R. I'm one of the brothers here. I won't tell anyone you wanted to try being the basement slut."

He pulled his dick back and I could hear him zipping up. 

Tim: "Guess it's my turn"

And he shoved his cock through the hole and it touched my face and my lips. OK, grabbing Jay's dick in the dark was one thing, but Tim's dick actually touching my face was too much. And he was completely hard already. He seemed about the same size as Jay, but definitely harrier. Fuck, how did I get into this?

Tim: "Come on. Jay fucking loved it. I'm Tim. I play football too. Maybe you know me? She's not doing it. I think I felt her kiss it at the start, but now, nothing. Maybe she wants to come up and join the party with us. Is that what you want?"

Tim was clearly drunk. He'd started early. But he knew no girl would want to come up from being in the slut room. No way. OK, I can do this. I just closed my eyes and grabbed his dick. He was already hard as a rock. He can't last that long. I can just do the same thing and be done with this nightmare.

Tim: "OK, here she goes. Jay, where did this girl come from? She's working my cock so hard. I love it. Yeah, that's it. You want some frat cock and you're getting it. You can suck it if you want."

What the fuck? No. I was so shocked I stopped jerking him off. But I started back up. I didn't want to make this last too long. Tim's dick had more of a curve than Jay's and I tried to angle it so I could go faster.

Jay: "See, I told you. She's welcome here every weekend."

Tim: "Dude, I'm gonna cum. She's gonna make me cum. Mmmm Here it comes!"

He started shooting everywhere. More of a spray than Jay's streams. Some got all over my hand which freaked me out. Never had someone else's cum on me, but I just wiped it on the mattress. I could hear Jay and Tim laughing and high fiving each other. Saying thanks as they stumbled up the stairs back to the party. I was stunned. I had just jerked off two of my friends from the frat. I was done. I can sneak back to the party. Then I hear a familiar voice.

Jake: "So I hear we've got a real slut down here. Are you ready for Jake the Snake?"

Damn it. Jake is one of the biggest assholes in the frat...

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