How we fucked a hesitant bartender

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Rebecca had just started her job in a bar after she finished Sixth Form. Her colleagues were nice enough, mostly wilder than her, usually going out to party after the bar closed. They enjoyed teasing her about her wide-eyed innocence and invited her to try new things with them; mostly she declined but she was starting to come out of her shell, slowly.

The bar managers didn't usually socialise after the shift ended as they had to count up the money taken that night, by hand, and usually they were less fun as they generally had to be the responsible adult.

PS, I like to share a story. I’m a 50-year-old man, desperately looking for sex with girls. I finally found this new hook-up site, and the best part is: almost all members are 18+ teens and women looking for older men to fuck. The last couple of days, I fucked 4 girls. It’s crazy easy. You should definitely try it (and be sure to keep this a secret between us).

This particular night it was a Wednesday, and the bar was running an Oktoberfest themed week. 

There was no one around and so she quickly wriggled out of her leggings and t-shirt and stepped into the corseted dress, using the hook eyes to go up the front. It was somewhat tight and she struggled to fit herself into it. She realised she had worn the wrong bra; it was on show and looked rubbish. She made a split second decision and decided to take it off. The corset of the dress provided sufficient support under her full breasts and the broderie anglaise 'modesty' top was enough to ensure she didn't flash any customers. 

Rebecca found a stressed bar manager on the phone at the far end of the bar. She hadn't worked with him before but she recognised him from the staff chart downstairs. His name was George. Wearing a costume; a white blouson shirt, tucked into leather lederhosen. The tight trousers gave definition to his muscular legs and arse. Rebecca had a sudden unprompted vision of his naked bottom, pumping up and down whilst he fucked. She licked her lips unconsciously.

Later that evening, Rebecca, was cleaning one of the beer drip trays and had misjudged the fullness of it and accidentally upset it as she picked it up to carry to the sink, leaving her covered in cold beer and dripping.

George jumped up from where he 

was counting the takings to see her soaked through, her nipples standing to attention underneath her white shirt. She looked up at him as he instinctively responded to her shriek by coming over to her. She was captivated by his grey stone eyes which held her gaze as he grabbed a towel from the side to help her. They both pawed at the front of her dress to try and save it from the worst of the beer.

 George lost all his sensibilities looking at the drops of beer running down her breasts and into her shirt. He wanted to lick them up, running his tongue down her breasts, tasting her and the beer together, continuing down to suck her nipples, feel her hard buds on his tongue and then kneel in front of her, push up her dress, roughly pull down her white panties, and then insert his tongue into her hot wet pussy and bring her to orgasm right there in the bar.

In the silent and darkened bar, George pulled her to him. Up against him, she could feel his hard lean body against her gentle softness. His cock was hard. His hand was still stroking her breast and she moaned as he pushed her top down and exposed her erect nipple to the air. 

He bent his head and kissed her, softly at first and then with more urgency. His lips were smooth and his tongue neat and precise up against hers. His gentle tongue sent her wild and she pushed herself up against him, her hands in his hair. His free hand that wasn't stoking her fire by teasing her breast, crept around her waist and down under her skirt, feeling his way through the under skirts to the pert bottom he had glimpsed earlier in the evening. 

 He suddenly stepped back, lifted her up by the waist and placed her on the bar. She automatically opened her legs to him and he picked up her stockinged leg, stroking along it, looking up at her as he went. He could see she was flushed, with her lips apart and glistening. Her pupils were dilated and she was transfixed by him. 

He reached her suspenders and started to kiss her bare skin, leading up her inner thigh until he reached her white panties. He could smell her horniness and how much she wanted him. His dick pulsated with desire. He moved his lips to her cotton covered crotch inhaling her and exhaling hot air onto the lips of her pussy. A moan escaped her mouth. 

He reached up and pushed her knickers to one side, inserting one finger to feel her wetness. She felt so slick and warm on his fingers. His calloused fingers and strong tongue inside her were driving her wild, and, throwing her head back as she sat on the bar, her tits bared, her boss brought her to an intense orgasm. As she came, loudly, George felt pre-cum starting to build on the tip of his penis. He needed to be inside her.

He let her recover and then when she had returned to earth, he helped her down off the bar. She stood facing him, looking up underneath her full eyelashes, quite dishevelled with flushed cheeks and full pink lips. She made an attempt to cover herself back up. He dragged one finger along her swollen lips and she was instantly horny for him again. She led him over to a table in the bar next to a mirror. She turned to face the mirror and bent over to present George with her delectable arse. 

 She watched in the mirror as he unbuckled the lederhosen and pulled off the shirt. His hard cock stood to attention and he guided it to the tip of her entrance before plunging into her. They both cried out, enjoying the feeling of each other and knowing they wouldn't be able to last very long. Rebecca was already sensitive from her first orgasm and George had already built up a lot of anticipation. It was all he could do not to come to her immediately. He came out of her before entering forcefully once again, enjoying seeing her breasts jiggle with his movement.

He stopped and pulled up a chair. She looked around wondering what was next. She looked down at him, sitting naked before her on the chair, his cock glistening with their juices and standing to attention. 

She was panty less, with her suspenders still held up, and her tits sitting outside of their normal blouse prison. He reached out a hand and pulled her towards him, burying his face in her ample cleavage, his tongue finding her nipples and sucking on them. 

She  sat on his lap, side saddle, her legs pressed together, avoiding his still hard cock for the moment. They locked eyes and he pulled up to top to cover her breasts. She pouted but he stroked her lips, and then trailing his finger down from her bottom lip, down her neck to her chest, he crept his finger inside her shirt and found her nipples. 

 He undid her corset, hook by hook, uncovering her glorious tits again, revelling in their swollen state, her nipples ravaged by his teeth and tongue. His erection was so hard and his need to come growing by the second. She kissed his neck and then, being the good girl she was, made her way down his chest, climbing off his lap so she was kneeling on the dirty bar floor in front of her boss and his hard dick, her tits high and exposed. 

George groaned in anticipation. He watched as she opened her sweet little mouth, and licked her lips and she eyed his hard cock. He was mesmerised as she leant forward giving him a perfect view of her tits dropping either side of his cock. 

She used his cock to tease her nipples further, growing in hardness. She stroked them herself, feeling her hard nipples. She lowered her wet tongue to his hard veiny dick. It felt so good in her mouth, meaty and hard. He looked down at her, eyes glazed with desire. Her warm mouth on his cock felt incredible. She worked hard on his cock, moving her mouth back and forth. She was ready for his cum to hit the back of her throat and she was eager to swallow it. She thought about sucking cock as she writhed in her sheets in the dark at night, hot with lust and now it was really happening.

 She loved having his hard cock in her mouth and she felt for his balls, stroking them gently and then, without warning taking a firmer grip and squeezing lightly. George lost control and finally came into her mouth.

 His cum came in spurts and he grunted as he came, drawing back slightly and then accidentally coming and dripping on to her chest. Rebecca was so turned on she reached down and felt the hot cum on her tits, stroking it down onto her nipples and then reaching with her other hand into her hot wet pussy. Within seconds she brought herself to orgasm kneeling in front of her post- orgasmic boss, throwing her head back and crying out as a flush ran up her chest with the intensity of her orgasm.

Sated, and still breathing heavily, they looked at each other, wondering what would happen now.

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