My Rough Threesome with Two Bi Men

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Seth and Sebastian immediately stood out to me on OkCupid. Most of the “couple” profiles were a man and a woman. They usually said something along the lines of, “wanting to surprise my man with a threesome for his birthday!” but I wasn’t interested in unicorn hunters. I wanted a threesome the way I had always dreamed about.

Hey, stop reading for a second. I’m looking for dicks to suck. Any guys interested? Subscribe and find my with CatrinaXscksDicks1. Please only serious replies from older man with loads of cum. Love hearing from you in the chat Xx 😉    

I wanted two hot, bisexual men having their way with me in bed.

“Hey guys!” I typed in the message box to Seth and Sebastian. “You two are both very hot. Hope you like what you see of me. Interested in meeting up? Let me know!”
They were both slim and toned, with Sebastian being slightly taller and covered in tattoos. Seth was shorter with close-shaven dark hair. I could already picture myself being used by them.

I was excited when they messaged back right away, and the three of us made plans to get drinks that Saturday night.

I strolled into the bar in my cutest, most form-fitting black dress and heels. My light blonde hair was done in thick curls, and my lips were covered in pink gloss. I felt sexy, and I hoped they’d agree, too. 

The three of us hit it off. We chatted and flirted for a couple of hours, and it was like we had instant chemistry. I hadn’t necessarily been expecting to hook up with them the same night we met, but when Seth asked if I wanted to go back to their apartment with them, I couldn’t resist.

Thirty minutes later, I found myself getting the grand tour of Seth and Sebastian’s nice loft apartment, which was a spacious two-bedroom decked out in the best furniture. 

“And this,” said Sebastian, turning on the light in the room we had just entered, “is our bedroom.”

He adjusted the light so that it was dim and golden. 

“What do you think, Kylie?” Seth asked, grabbing me gently by the waist. He sat on the edge of the bed and held me in between his legs. 

“It’s so nice here.”

“Could you see yourself getting fucked on this bed?” he asked, his dark green eyes piercing mine. His tone was serious and no-nonsense, and it made me blush. 

“Yes,” I replied quietly. “A lot.” My pussy was throbbing.

While I began to make out with Seth, Sebastian stood behind me and unzipped my dress. He took off all my clothes, making me shiver on the spot. His large hands caressed my body. They ran across my ass cheeks, up my spine, and around to my tits. He squeezed them together, massaging them, while Seth’s tongue slipped into my mouth.

“Get on your hands and knees and suck my cock,” said Seth suddenly. He stood up and got undressed quickly, his cock already halfway hard as it sprung out of his underwear.

While I began to lower my mouth up and down Seth’s big cock, I could hear Sebastian undressing behind me. He gave my naked ass a few good smacks, making me squirm.

“Focus,” said Seth sharply, as his cock slipped out of my mouth briefly. 

Sebastian ran his fingers over my pussy, prodding me. The cold, harsh nature of his touch made me horny, and when he finally pushed apart my lips, he found me very wet.

“Someone’s a good little slut,” Sebastian said approvingly.

He pressed his cock inside of me, slowly and intentionally. I reflexively arched my back, which pushed my ass out so he could have even deeper access to my pussy. 

“Good girl,” Sebastian sighed with a click of his tongue. “That’s what I like to see.”
I was stuck in between two cocks for the next ten minutes of my life. Several times, I was close to cumming, but the minute that Sebastian realized it, he backed off. He told me I wasn’t going to get to cum without permission.

Finally, we all crawled on top of the bed. My pussy felt empty without cock in it, and my jaw was deliciously sore from sucking off Seth for so long. I was grateful when the guys started to fuck me again. This time, Seth got behind me in a spooning position and began to fuck me passionately from behind while Sebastian laid in front of me in a 69 position, eating my pussy while he fucked my face.

I had never had sex quite like this before, with nearly every part of my body and all of my senses being used by two men. 

“Fuck, that’s hot,” groaned Seth into my ear. His hand had a firm hold on my waist as he fucked me. His cock sunk into me and stretched me out in a way that Sebastian’s skinnier cock hadn’t. 

I wasn’t sure what all the guys had in store for me. We had talked about some ideas while chatting at the bar, so I shouldn’t have been so surprised when they both pulled out of my holes, spread my arms and legs apart, and tied me to the bed.

I was completely restrained and spread eagle for them both, and I watched in horny agony as Sebastian and Seth began to make out in between my legs. It was sexy to watch them kissing and caressing, as they each stroked their cocks. 

“Okay,” said Sebastian, turning his gaze back to me now. “What should we do with you now?”

“Would our little toy like to cum?” asked Seth, smiling evilly. 

I nodded. “Yes, please!” My voice was dripping with eagerness. The sensation of nearly cumming had been building up in me the entire night. I was more than ready for it.

Sebastian opened up the nightstand and pulled out a vibrator. He turned it on high and pressed it against my clit, immediately making me pull and yank at my restraints.

“I think she likes it, baby,” said Sebastian, laughing as he looked at Seth.

When I came, it was uncontrollable. I was a shaking, dripping mess. The guys leaned over to play with my nipples and tits as I orgasmed, only prolonging the intensity of my climax. They knew just how to tease me and drive me mad.

After I was finished cumming, with my body still weak and shaking, Seth plunged his cock into me while Sebastian got behind him to eat his ass.

“Since you’ve been so compliant for us,” said Seth, “how does receiving two loads of cum up your cunt sound?”
“I would love it,” I said. My voice was so breathy and frantic. I could have done this all night with them.

Sebastian’s tongue up Seth’s asshole must have made my pussy feel even better, because Seth didn’t last very long. He pumped into me a few more times, hard strokes that hit my very center, and then he was flooding me with cum. Seth threw his head back and moaned, his jaw opening and closing with pleasure. My toes curled.

Finally, Seth pulled out and it was Sebastian’s turn to have his way with my sloppy pussy.

“Goddamn,” he said, pulling apart my pussy lips to observe the amount of cum gushing from me. “She’s really been properly filled up.”

I bit my lower lip. I felt like a true sex toy. 

Sebastian was not as gentle as Seth. He bucked his hips wildly against me, slamming his cock over and over into my pussy. He only slowed down when his boyfriend spread apart his ass cheeks and stuck his tongue into his asshole.

“Shiiiiiit,” moaned Sebastian. “You ready for this cum, little slut?”

“I am! Give it to me! Please. . .” I whimpered, trailing off as Sebastian wiggled his hips, making his cock sweep every inch of my pussy.

Sebastian had just as much cum built up as Seth did. It gushed inside of me, hot and thick. I could feel is splashing against the walls of my pussy, and when he finally pulled out, a big gush of cum went with him. It began pooling underneath me.

The guys began to undo my restraints, rubbing my wrists and ankles as they went. Sebastian brought a pillow under my head while Seth went to the kitchen to get us all some water.

“What did you think?” asked Sebastian, his lips quirked up into a half-smile. He was tracing light circles around my breasts.

“You guys are fucking fun.” I giggled and shook my head. “Seriously. Where did you two come from?”
“Are you guys talking about me?” asked Seth, when he came back with the water.

“I didn’t want to speak for you,” said Sebastian, “but I was just about to tell Kylie that we might be interested in having a lot more fun with her very soon.”

Seth crawled onto the bed, on the other side of me. He scooped me up in his arms, and suddenly, the three of us were in one big embrace.

“No, I agree,” said Seth, breathing against my hair. “Lots more fun, very soon.”

A blissful smile crept up my face. I couldn’t believe my fantasy had come true.

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