Eating pussy of a MILF

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Lia was a very busy woman. There were days she would travel for months on a business trip. When she would return, she would still end up working on her laptop and sometimes, she would sleep throughout the day. But today, she had two days to rest; a little vacation. 

Today was going to be day one of her two days vacation. As she sat up from her bed, she grabbed her phone and scrolled through her social media apps to catch up on what was currently trending online. She spent thirty minutes online before getting out of bed and making her way to the bathroom. 

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The first thing she noticed from the floor length window made of transparent glass was the gardeners cutting downstairs. She approached the window and leaned against it, watching them keenly. Her attention shifted to another one who stepped into he field of vision. Lia was stunned how gorgeous he looked. He was not wearing any shirt, only shorts and his strong and muscular upper body made her heart skip a beat. 

His hair reached his shoulders, framing his beautiful face. The man was a sight to behold. He was so beautiful that she found it hard that he was working as a gardener rather than walking on a runway. The way he smiled and the way he stared at the other gardeners made her sudden attraction for him to spiral.

Suddenly, she felt her nipples hardened behind her shirt when she took a better look at his glistening skin. She felt bad that she was sexualising him. Her pussy throbbed a little and her body was getting heated just from the picture of him towering over her, giving her pleasure.

In annoyance, she blinked and stepped away from the window. In her head, she cursed herself and went over to the shower cubicle.


Lia had lost. After she had taken a shower, the droplets of water during her shower had made her feel so turned on from still thinking of the man that she came out of the bathroom, laid on the bed and started rubbing her clit while pinching her already pebbled nipple. The picture of the gardener and wondering just how big he was made her push her finger into her already wet pussy.

Feeling frustrated, she sat up and grabbed the phone on the side table then dialed the workers station. A few seconds later, someone picked.

"Hello, ma'am?" It was the gardener. She knew he was the one on the phone.

"Charles," she said, and cleared her throat. "Come upstairs to my room, please."


Lia dropped the phone and quickly laid on the bed. She spread her legs and cupped her breast while her other hand went down to the juncture between her legs. She felt her wetness and moaned.


Ever since he started working here, he had first seen Lia, his boss. Since then, he had grown an annoying crush on her. Even though he knew she was far older than him by ten years, it did not stop his growing feelings for the woman. 

Now, he was feeling nervous after she had called him up to her room. He had rushed to the workers station and took a quick two minutes shower as he was too covered in dirt to go up to her personal room.

As Charles got to her room door, she knocked once and pushed it open only to freeze when he saw her legs spread and fingers inside her pussy.

"Oh!" Lia sat up and stared at him. 

Charles felt his cock twitch and his heart skipping a few beats the more he stood and stared. When she saw a copy smile on her face, be swallowed.

"Come here, Charles," she said and parted her legs more.

Charles gulped at how wet she was between her legs. Her pussy was so moist that his cock grew harder in his pants. Her big breasts and hard nipples burned in his brain. The way she was breathing with a dark look on her face made it hard for him to focus.

"Come closer," she said and he did, stopping at the edge of the bed.

"Ma'am?" He said.

"I called you here to help me with something. You an say no if you want," she said and cupped her breast.

"Okay," he said and gulped.

"I've been noticing you for sometime now. I want you," she said.

Charles swallowed and glanced down at the tent in his shorts. His cock was erect already. 

"Want me?" 

"Hmm," she moaned as she rolled her nipples. "I want you to make me feel good. Just tell me you want to then you can do anything to my body."

Without waiting for any more words, Charles knelt on the bed and smiled with a nod.

"I want this," he said.

Lia laid down and widened her legs more.

"Make me feel good."

Charles' mouth watered just a the thought of tasting her. He hummed and laid on his stomach then cupped her ass. He squeezed it and came close with his lips parted. He ran his tongue along her entrance and she moaned. He opened his mouth and started sucking hard. She was so wet and tasted so good. His cock was already harder as he sucked her pussy more. 

"Oh! Yes! That feels good!" She screamed out and grabbed his hair.

Charles swallowed her essence, loving how sweet she tasted on his tongue. He lapped on her pussy lips, and nibbled on her clit. She quivered under him as he ate her pussy faster. 

"Please! That feels so good! Please, Charles!" 

He chuckled at how she sounded. He loved it. He brought his fingers to her pussy and slowly pushed his fingers into her pussy. She was so tight, slippery and warm. He moaned at the thought of his cock sliding in her. He curled his fingers and fucked her pussy with it. Her pussy tightened around his fingers as he curled it, touching her sensitive area, making her shake under him for a second.

"Please!" She screamed. "Please, just fuck me! I want your cock in me, please!"

He chuckled and pulled back. He brought his wet fingers into his mouth and licked it dry. He smacked his lips and quickly untied the straps of his shorts. Once his shorts was lose, he pulled it down to his knees and wrapped his hand around his big and hard cock. She eyed his cock with a hungry look. 

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Just fuck me."

Charles nestled between her legs and lined his cock at her entrance. He moaned at how her wet pussy made his tip feel. With an exhale, he pushed into her. They both moaned as he did until he filled her completely. Charles held her legs and began to thrust slowly. He stared at her breasts, feeling more turned on at the sight of it. He increased his thrusts, loving the way she clenched and unclenched around his thick shaft.

"Faster!" She said, cupping his ass.

Charles groaned and started slamming in her. He was going rough, hitting her insides, making her leak with her come more. He groaned and cupped her breast, squeezing it hard. He leaned down and wrapped his mouth around her nipple, sucking and chewing it softly. 

"Oh. Charles! You feel so good! You're so big!"

That made him go crazy he started thrusting at a faster rate. Feeling her insides tightened and keep his cock warmer. He groaned, feeling his back break sweat. He pulled away from her nipple and pulled out of her pussy.

"Turn around," he said and she quickly did, arching her ass. He smacked it and pushed her back then he stood on the floor.

Charles entered her pussy again and started pounding into her. The slapping of their skins filled the room, her wetness spread around her pussy and his thighs. He held her hips tighter and shut his eyes, his lip between her teeth. He felt so good. Her pussy was so wet and tight. He drove in and out of her pussy faster and harder. 

Their moans filled the room. Charles smacked her ass and it jiggled. He cupped her ass and fucked her quicker.

"Oh, my God! I'm so close! Charles you feel so good! Please!" 

Charles thrusted in and out, giving himself more pleasure as well as hers. He moved his hand to her front and fished for her clit. She was so wet down there that it was hard for him to. He found it and pressed her clit hard, she screamed out in pleasure. He rubbed her clit faster and she tightened around him. 

Charles could feel that he was about to come and he increased his thrusts. After a few more thrusts, she clenched so hard around him that she came, prompting him to come too, shooting his come deep inside her. 

Charles moaned as he came more into her pussy while she screamed. After some seconds, he pulled out and dropped on the bed beside her. The next thing he did was chuckle when she laid her head on his chest.

"That was so good. Thank you," Lia said.

"Thank you too," he replied and kissed the crown of her head.

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