Milf fucked in the face

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“What is this?” Peggy asked, her large blue eyes widening as she flipped through my exercise book. 

The brunette woman was standing in front of me in my white-themed home study, her sexy body enclosed in a corporate white long sleeved shirt and a pencil skirt which was only a few inches above her knee. When she looked up at me, her gaze hardened. 

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My toes curled in my shoes as I locked eyes with her. But I could only stare for a brief moment before I turned away, frantic for a way out.

“You didn’t even touch your home work,” she said, her eyes shooting me an unimpressed stare.

Her voice was soft as ever, but that didn’t change the fact that she was reprimanding me. And I hated the feel of it.

“Maybe because I don’t like it!” I snapped. 

My voice was a yell, way louder than what I had gone for. At 18 years of age, I shouldn’t be yelling at a woman who was old enough to be my mother. But at the moment, the frustration welling up inside of me was too much for me to bottle up.

Peggy advanced toward me, her steps slow and calculating. While she walked, her sexy body caught my eye. Although she was properly covered in her corporate outfit, I could still see the curves and contours of her body. 

The woman was beyond perfect. From the rumors I'd heard, she had a six-year old daughter. But her sexy figure gave her the appearance of a young adult—well, one with huge breasts and a heavy backside. She wasn’t big in the height department. Even her high-heeled shoes couldn’t do much to salvage the situation. But her sexy body effortlessly made up for her lack. 

With a body like that, I could only wonder why she’d chosen to he a home tutor. She could easily have gained popularity by showing off that sexy body as an actress, a movie star, or even a MILF pornstar.

As the word “MILF” crossed my mind, my cock instantly sprang upright in my pants. Mature images of MILFY Peggy popped up in my head. My eyes literally undressed her, and I could see her naked body in my mind's eye, from her huge bouncy breasts to her bubble ass and everything else.

When she got to where I was sitting, she placed the book on my desk, and then she bent over so her face was directly in front of my eyes.

“Maybe we could do things differently,” she offered.

“How?” I asked.

Once the question left my lips, my gaze dropped down to her chest. Her present position opened up her chest to me, giving me a juicy view of her cleavage.

“You can have them,” she said.

“What?” My heart slammed hard in my chest as I looked back up into her eyes.

The woman was smiling at me. She grabbed her breasts and wiggled them.

“Yes, Connor,” she said. “We’re gonna try something different.”

She turned my notebook to face me, and then the tapped it, wordlessly demanding my attention.

“There are two math problems here,” she said. 

“And?” I asked.

“And…you’re gonna have to attempt each question, right here. Right now.” 

She straightened her spine, and then she walked around my chair. Once she stood behind me, she bent over. She reached forward and pulled the book closer.

I could feel something soft pressing into the left side of my head. I could recognize it at once. I sat frozen, afraid that if I moved even an inch, she would move away from me and I would no longer feel the soothing caress of her breasts.

God! They felt so soft.

So good…

“For each correct answer…” She leaned forward some more. 

Her breasts pressed harder against me. A soft moan slipped through my life.

“…you will get a reward,” she added.

“A reward?”

“If you get the first answer right, I’ll let you kiss me, darling.”

My head snapped in her direction. A kiss?

Her face was barely an inch away from mine. Her pink, pouty lips called out to me, making my chest heave with desire.

“Yes, darling,” she said. “I'll let you kiss my lips. Good boys need to be rewarded. So, yes, I’ll let you have your reward. And when you get the second answer right…”

She dragged her finger down the page on the book, returning my attention to it.

“I'll let you touch me,” she said. “You can touch me wherever you want. It is your reward, my darling.”

My cock twitched in my pants.

“Oh, this is the final answer,” she continued, “so I'll give you the freedom to do whatever you want. You can ask me to do whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want with me, all through the rest of today's class.”

“Fuck!” I mouthed.

She giggled. And then she stepped away. She returned to the front of my chair, where she stood, watching me with gleaming eyes.

“So, are you ready to be a good boy?” She winked at me. “Don't keep me waiting, darling. I can’t wait to see what you’ll have me do!”

The thought of having Peggy all to myself propelled me to act. I grabbed my pen and my calculator, and then I started to solve the math problems. It only took a few minutes, and then I was done. Peggy returned to my seat and picked up my book. She glanced at it, and then she smiled. 

“Good job!” she said. “You got the first answer right. Ready to come get your reward?”

She winked at me, and then she tapped her lips, inviting me over.

At that point, my cock was the hardest it could be. I rose to my feet and walked around my desk to meet her. She ran he tongue along her lips as she waited for me.

My left hand went around her body and I tried to pull her close, but she playfully smacked it off. 

“No touching,” she said. “Not until I confirm your second answer is correct.”

“Ugh! Okay, fine!” I leaned forward, my eyes instinctively closing as I prepared to kiss her. 

My lips met hers, crushing the in a heated kiss. The kiss started fiercely. There was no building up. I kissed her so hard, she quickly ran out of breath. She moaned in-between kisses, and even as she struggled to breathe, I didn’t pull away. The intensity with which I kissed her forced her backward, and I stepped forward to meet her. We proceeded in that manner until her back slammed into the wall. I glued my hands to the wall, trapping her body so I could kiss her as long as I wanted. My tongue slithered out of my mouth and slipped past her lips. It roamed the dark, wet confines of her mouth and soon met her eager tongue. 

She suddenly broke the kiss, and then she ducked beneath my left arm. “Okay okay. That’s it for your first reward, hun! Now, let’s see if you get to touch me!”

She walked over to my desk and glanced at my book. 

“You are so desperate to touch me, aren’t you? You got the second answer as well, you naughty boy! Come on now…” She wiggled her fingers at me. “Come get your reward.”

I walked over to her and kissed her again. This time, I went for her breasts. I caressed them as I kissed her. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own. They kneaded breasts with so much aggression, and then they yanked them out. I tipped my head down and wrapped my lips around her left nipple, sucking hard while I caressed her other breast.

Jesus! I can’t believe this is happening.

She moaned into my ears. “You can do whatever you want with me. Whatever…”

I stepped back, my eyes roaming her body. Her clothes were wrinkled now, her naked breasts out in the open. But that wasn’t nearly enough for me.

“Undress,” I said.

“With pleasure.” She winked at me as she slowly undressed, peeling off her clothes, one at a time.

Once she was completely naked, she stood there in front of me, waiting for my next move. 

“What will you have me do?” she asked.

I smirked. “I’m gonna fuck you, that’s what.”

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