MILF in Stockings Doggystyle

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She hadn’t done anything wrong, at least to her knowledge. Still, Jessica couldn’t help but think that her boss was about to reprimand her for something she had forgotten, or didn’t complete on time. As she stood there by his door, she hesitated, but soon grew the courage to grasp the handle, twisting it and opening the door as she stepped inside.

“You wanted to see me?”

He was already there at his desk, typing away at his computer whilst she nervously stood in the doorway, heart pounding in her chest. There was an awkward silence as he finished up his work, but then James snapped his eyes to look at her. She was as stiff as a board, waiting for his first words to break the tension.

“Oh, and one more thing… wear those stockings again.”

“I didn’t wait for more than an hour to arrange a hookup date with a pretty hot woman. In this website I could browse young but also mature women that were looking for the same thing without compromise. 100% recommended.”

– Steven C.

MILF pulled over the desk

Except he didn’t speak, he silently stood from his chair and walked over to her confidently, a subtle grin on his face that sent shivers down Jessica’s spine. It was bad enough she was getting reprimanded like this, but she’s also at risk of losing her job, which isn’t something easy to come by in Soho. She’d been dreaming of being able to move here in London, and now that she’d finally secured a job in such an amazing area, she didn’t want to lose it.

As she was lost in thought, James had closed the gap and was now standing right in front of her, staring Jessica down as he was mere inches from her face. With their eyes locked, she doesn’t notice as his hands reach toward her waist, but flinches as she feels his rough hands caress her curves, gliding up her body as he leans in to whisper into her ear.

“Tell me, Jessica… Why do you think I hired you?”

With those words said, Jessica shivers with an odd excitement. There’s no denying that James is an attractive man, but with the way he’s acting, it seems as though he’s suggesting something rather perverse! Before being given a chance to think any further, his hand moves down behind her, squeezing at her ass gently before he grabs her butt with both hands, lifting her up off of the floor and into his grasp. Just like that, her skirt was lifted and her pantie-clad crotch was pressed against James’, all sense of control in Jessica’s mind had melted away by this point, as the pent-up arousal she had from working under such a man came to the surface.

There wasn’t any more time to think about anything but his hands running across her thighs, tracing across her stockings his heavy breathing in her ear, and the growing bulge pressing against her crotch.

“It was to keep you for myself!”

That sentence elicited a deep throbbing across her entire body, no space to think about anything but the obvious, he wanted her, and in this situation, there’s little more she can do but give herself up. It’s not reluctant, more like a fantasy come true, as Jessica had fantasized about this for some time, but had pushed those thoughts back in her mind to not obstruct her work, but to hell with that now!

To James’ surprise, Jessica wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling herself in for a deep kiss as he continued teasing her body. This confirmed any doubts in his head as to how badly she wanted this as well, and he walked to his desk, Jessica in his arms, and placed her across it, bending her over doggystyle. Looking down at her, he couldn’t help but get excited, his eyes glancing across her sheer stockings, enjoying the sight, also that he could see how wet she had gotten and wanted to feel inside of her. Without delaying any more, James pulls out his thick, veiny cock, and slapped it against Jessica’s naked pussy, listening to her squeal from the sudden heat of it. The both of them realize what’s about to happen between them, they smile before James leans over and pulls Jessica into an intense kiss again.

James wastes no more time, pushing his hips forward and spreading Jessica’s pussy around his cock, enjoying the whimpering next to his ear as he kisses her neck. She hadn’t taken something this big before, and spasmed slightly from the overstimulation, her eyes rolling into her head as she adjusted to the intense pleasure of being taken by a younger man like this.

His rough, experienced hands relentlessly teased her body, eliciting squeals as he massaged her tits, and moans as his tongue explored her mouth. All the while, she was brought closer to the edge of orgasm through his constant grinding into her wet pussy, dripping onto his desk without a care as he continued on. Before she had a chance to fully adjust to his shaft, she felt her orgasm building, forced to the edge of pleasure as she tried to speak up to him, only to be silenced by his tongue down her throat. Without warning, Jessica cums hard around James’ cock, milking him with her spasms, her pussy squeezing around him intensely as he continued thrusting through her forced pleasure.

As her twitching died down, he pulled back his kiss to look at her well-fucked face, eyes vacant with a blank stare of pleasure, she clearly hadn’t had the chance to cum properly in some time. Nevertheless, James wasn’t done with her yet, still hard and wanting to see her spasm more, he continued his thrusts. Jessica couldn’t hold herself together, and over the next few minutes, was completely lost to the overwhelming pleasure being wracked across her body, orgasm after orgasm took hold over her. Without any strength to hold them back, she eagerly came beneath James and his experienced movements, clinging to him tightly through every screaming orgasm she felt, unable to stop her body from trembling as he continued.

As Jessica was lost in a sea of pleasure, James was soon to join her, riding through her spasms had brought him close, and his pace quickened until he was roughly pounding into her pussy, despite her trembling. Suddenly he slammed into her, his cock twitching deep inside of her as a torrent of cum filled her up, once again Jessica cried out in a lustful moan as her sweat-soaked body spasmed beneath him. After a few moments, the two simply held one another, trying to recover before doing anything more, the experience having drained the both of them.

“I’ll.. see you tomorrow.. Good work today.”

James speaks down to her in a breathless tone, hinting at this not being a one-time thing, and more of her constant duties to perform. The thought leaves her with a bit of a smile as she cleans herself up and prepares to leave work after being dismissed by James.

Jessica felt a shiver of arousal at those words, smiling to herself as she left.

Avoiding the gaze of her co-workers was difficult, but thankfully there wasn’t much time left in the work day, and she was soon able to gather her things to prepare for heading home. Not a single moment went by that her pussy didn’t throb with excitement as to what just happened, still feeling the ache of being stretched by him so recently. She struggled to keep these thoughts in the back of her head as she prepared to leave, avoiding all eye-contact as she left the building and made her way home.

The memory of the afternoon stuck with Jessica as she made her way home, not being able to forget, as his cum was still dripping down her thigh. Once inside her home, she couldn’t hold herself back from furiously fingering herself, throwing herself onto her bed and stripping herself down as her other hand was buried in her pussy, eagerly reliving the day’s events. It was a desperate and lust-filled act that she could hardly believe herself, but the ache between her legs was intense, there was no way to resist the urge to touch herself, the faint memory of James growing stronger at every movement of her fingers, until she could close her eyes and picture him there, holding her down as she began spasming once again.

She didn’t get much sleep that night, instead spending it either in bed, on the floor, or in the shower, every place she could find comfort in desperately fucking herself to the thought of her new role. She would go to work from now on with the knowledge that there was a younger man there, waiting for her to walk in so he could use her. Not a single day would go by that she wouldn’t walk home with shaky legs, dripping with his load until she’s ready to be used the next day.

These thoughts fill her mind for the rest of the evening, as she continues fucking herself until she finally passes out in her bed, a sly grin on her face as her dreams are filled with much the same thoughts. It’s no longer difficult to get motivated to leave for work, every day from now on she left with a spring in her step, though she often didn’t bother wearing underwear, opting to stay ready for her Boss to use her at any opportunity.

She began to really like her new job~

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