Story of tie up games: Covered in cum

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Some people drink a lot after a breakup. Some people join a new club and throw themselves into a hobby. Others might stay inside their apartment for days and watch sad movies. 

Me? I went to a sex club and let 12 men cum all over my naked body.

Horny and looking for a quick fuck? Can’t miss out on the best hook up site then!

Let’s back up for a second.

I wasn’t planning on going to a sex club. I had joined the fetish website just to see what was out there. My ex was pretty vanilla, and for the most part, I felt like I had to keep the kinky side of myself under wraps because I didn’t want to scare him off. 

Now that I was single, though? I was ready to explore. I joined the website and saw that the options were endless. There were plenty of local meetups where I could go and get spanked, sex clubs dedicated to nude dancing, and endless men willing to hook up with me.

So I did it all! I got my ass beat red at a sex party at a fancy hotel downtown, I had casual sex with five different guys willing to act out all my fantasies, and I went to a nudist dance night. It was all so fun.

But after that, I wanted something even more extreme. So that’s how I found myself at a local sex club, surrounded by a group of people all looking eager to have a new person at their event.

“Guys, this is Ava!” yelled a darkhaired woman over top of all the noise. “She’s a newbie! Let’s welcome her to the club!”

Everyone clapped and whooped, and suddenly, I was being carried by one large, muscular guy to the center of the room. I was laid down on a pile of pillows and blankets while him and the darkhaired woman began to tie me up. They used thick rope to pull my legs back, keeping my naked pussy exposed, while simultaneously tying my arms down by my sides. I felt like a ham, with all these ropes crossing my body, but it also made me totally soaked. 

“Well, I’d say that’s a good start,” said the muscular guy. He smirked down at me. “I’m Grant, by the way.”

“Hi,” I said meekly. I was nervous, but more turned on than anything. This was the sort of thing I had always fantasized about but never thought would actually happen. 

It seemed like everyone in the club came forward to have their way with me, feeling my tits and tugging roughly on my nipples. They quickly began to ache, and I loved every twinge of pain. Someone began to finger my wet cunt, roughly shoving a gloved hand in and out of me, laughing at how wet I was.

“We’ve got a soaker!” someone cried, making me blush.

Grant was the first one to break me in. With my legs and arms tied up, I was completely helpless, and since my thighs were forced apart by the ropes, I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. I had fallen onto my side from all of the forceful hands, but Grant rolled me onto my back so he could shove his cock into me. 

“Holy shit!” I screamed, the sounds coming from somewhere deep in my belly. “You’re so big!”

Ava began to laugh beside my face, where she was brushing my loose strands of hair out of the way. “Yeah,” she said, “Grant’s kind of a legend. As thick as a Coke can.”

Ava lifted my head up so that I could watch his cock use my poor, wet pussy. He was stretching me out in a way I never thought possible, every thrust of his cock plunging deep into my core. 

I felt like I could pass out from the pleasure. I was so dizzy and weak, and when Ava let go of my head, I dropped it onto the floor and just let the orgasms come. I came two times while Grant fucked me, unable to resist. I don’t know if it was his thick size or the rough way that he was manhandling me while I was tied up, but I loved it. I came in big waves, the kind that made me convulse uncontrollably, and the people that were standing around me seemed to love the show. 

Finally, Grant was filling me up with an unfathomable amount of cum. When he pulled out his cock, he was still rock hard, and I could feel the cum seeping out of me. 

After that, it was on.

Another guy, who was much less girthy, stepped up to my bound body and pulled me up. Him and Grant carried me over to a couch, where they placed me on my stomach. My face was forced into the couch cushion, and I turned my head to the side so I could breathe. 

“Such a good, pliant girl, aren’t you?” said the new guy, reaching up to gently brush the side of my cheek.

I couldn’t get anything out except a whimper. 

He started to fuck me from behind, and even though his cock was much smaller than Grant’s, this new position made my pussy feel tighter somehow. He rammed into me, hitting me at that perfect spot, so that stars appeared before my eyes and never left. I could feel everyone staring at me, cheering me on, but I could barely register it. 

The man didn’t last very long, which I took as a compliment. Instead of adding a load of cum to my already-filled pussy, he pulled out and blew his load all over my ass. The cum splashed against my skin, making the crowd of people erupt into cheers.

“Grant!” called the darkhaired woman, coming over to the couch. “Let’s get her back to the middle and finish her off.”

She moved her face so that it was level next to mine. “What do you think, Ava? How does taking multiple loads of cum on you sound?”

I swallowed hard. “It sounds amazing.”

She smiled. “I thought you’d say that.”

I was picked up and carried back to the center of the club, where I was laid on top of the pile of pillows. I was grateful they were there, because otherwise, I would have been rolling around on the hard linoleum floor. 

Grant was the first one to stand beside me, taking his cock in his hands. From this angle, I could finally see how big he was, and I couldn’t believe I had taken that inside me. 

Then the other men in the club began to gather around, some of them completely naked, and some of them with their cocks hanging outside of their pants. Either way, they were all jerking themselves off over top of me, and I laid there patiently waiting for their cum.

“Who’s gonna be the first to blow their load?” said Ava, like she was taking bets. 

“Quinton always cums fast!” laughed someone in the back of the crowd, making a short and stocky guy over top of me start rolling his eyes.

“Hey now,” he said, looking over his shoulder before returning his gaze to my naked body. His face quickly crumbled into a tense, slack-jawed expression that told me he was, in fact, going to be the first one to cum on me.

It shot out of his cock fast and landed right on my pussy. I felt the warm jizz spill down across my lips and against my asshole. 

The woman let out a loud cackle and threw her arms up over the air. “Quinton!” 

The group of people laughed. Clearly, they had some sort of inside joke about Quinton’s ability to hold back his orgasm. It made me realize these people were all regulars here. They probably partied together often, and I wondered if I might soon be a part of them.

After Quinton, two more men blew their loads at the same time. One of them was right above my face, so his cum splashed down on my chin and dripped off onto my chest. He came a lot, and it felt so thick. I desperately wished I could reach up to clean my face.

The second guy came across my tits. The cum spurted against my nipples, and I officially was beginning to feel like a human cum rag. 

But then there was more and more. Men started appearing from far corners of the club, all of them with dicks of various sizes ready to shoot their loads over my body. I knew I would love it, but I didn’t think I’d feel this aroused. I was getting completely coated in sticky white goo, from my tied-up legs all the way up to my hair. I could feel the cum pooling in my belly button.

“Anyone else?” someone called around the club. “No? Okay then!”

Grant helped untie me, and someone handed him a towel to help clean me up. He pulled me up to standing, taking my hands in his.

“I hope you’ll come back,” he said, though it sounded more like a question than anything.

My knees were shaky, so I was glad Grant was holding me up. 

“Oh, I’m definitely coming back,” I said, grinning wide. 

I could still feel some cum drying on my thighs.

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