Wife Sucking Huge Cocks “Glory Me”

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After being married for nearly two decades, Marcia and Brandon decided to spice up their love life. They have talked about swinging before, but both of them preferred sleeping with someone neither had any connection to. Thus, they made a vacation of it and boarded a flight to the Netherlands in search of a red-light district with a brothel that could fulfill their needs. 

After a few hours of touring, they found somewhere promising settled at the heart of the adult entertainment district in Amsterdam. After paying an admission fee and going over the rules, the two of them were separated in different rooms. Nervous to leave eachother’s side, at first, they wished each other luck and a fun night. Marcia wondered what her husband would get up to without her. However, as the attendant opened the door to her booth, Marcia was suddenly more concerned with her own situation. 

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“Enjoy your night, ma'am.” The usher motioned for her to enter, then shut the door behind her. 

Marcia awkwardly shifted into her seat and scanned the room. The booth was darkly lit and richly painted in sensual red and black hues. As she relaxed in her seat, she took note of several holes cut into the walls around her. They came about shoulder height with Marcia. Almost claustrophobic, the private booth was only slightly bigger than a restroom stall. Sultry music played over the intercom, but there wasn't much else that drew Marcia's attention. 

Her focus returned to the holes around her. Her imagination filled in the blanks as she pictured bulbous cockheads sliding through the holes on her right and left. Her heated imagination left her squirming impatiently. Marcia's body hummed in anticipation of what was to come next. The nervous electricity in her body coursed from her head to her toes as she heard rustling next to her. 

Shifting in her seat, she sat up straight, chewing and licking her Ready lips. From the hole on her left, heavy fabric was pulled out of the way from the other side. Then, from the shadow of the wide tunnel came a familiar sight. A round, fleshy helmet shaped head protruded through. At first Marcia was impressed by its girth, but as it stretched further into her booth, she was shocked by its huge length. It looked as long and thick as her forearm. 

Stunned, she watched it defy gravity as it stood fully erect and waiting. Her eyes bounced along its shaft as it twitched and drooped, as if inviting her for a taste. Marcia's blue eyes twinkled with lust as she reached out and ran her hand over its hot length. The throbbing cock jumped and pulsed faster. She loved seeing the excitement of the man at the other side of the wall. 

It must have been so thrilling and risqué, feeling to be touched by an unknown lover. It made her yearn to touch him more. Whoever the stranger was, she wanted to feel him unravel between her fingers. She craved to see him spill at her touch. 

Infatuated with the huge healthy cock, Marcia grasped it. Palpating his heft. She could feel the coursing lava beneath his skin. Slowly and sensuously, she began to stroke him. The feeling of his skin was akin to velvet, pulled loosely around heated stone. Marcia watched with lewd fascination as his tip began to drool. 

The glistening tip tantalized her, and growing more aroused her loins began to burn with dizzy want. Her breath grew to a pant as her body became warm all over. Her heart throbbed in tandem with her hungry cunt as she watched the drop of precum dribbling from the clefted crown of his cock. Salivating, she leaned forward and licked the salty dew from his tip. A carnal thrill washed over her as she savored the taste. Her body burned for more. 

Throwing caution to the wind, Marcia pushed the fat bulbous head into her mouth. The amazing size of it nearly made it impossible, but Marcia managed after some effort. Her lips stung, pulled taut around the barrel of the hose like cock. She could feel it grow firmer as she began to lick and flick her tongue around the end of it. 

A muffled groan issued from the room adjacent. She could almost picture the stranger standing there with their pants around their knees, head and shoulders, leaned back in reposed rapture as he offered his cock. She drew her lips tightly around his girth and began to bob, taking much care to avoid her teeth as she sucked and massaged the parts that didn't fit into her mouth with her hands. 

She felt so exhilarated and sexy. It was empowering, being allowed to live freely as she pleased. Encouraged by the masculine groans of passion, Marcia continued sucking his tip, lathering his entire length with kisses. Her perfect makeup smeared as she let loose, marking the offered cock with rosy stripes. 

Emboldened by the steady throbbing of his heated sex, Marcia tested her limits. Shoving more and more of his hose-like cocking. Switching her breathing, she pushed her breath out through her nostrils as she prepared her throat. Then slowly, she relaxed her esophagus and began sliding his hot length into her gullet. At first, her body naturally rejected the intrusive length. She retched and nearly vomited, but determined, she stubbornly calmed herself. Throating him deeply, Marcia was in ecstasy as swallowing him back came more easily. 

Insatiably desirous Marcia lost herself in carnal lust. She longed to worship every inch of the huge, beautiful cock in her mouth. Humming in delight, she rose from her seat and leaned against the wall. Propping herself along the wall with her with her hands, she angled her body and neck to take more of his offered sex. The clock drilled deeper into her stomach. The sensation took Marcia to heaven. Her body was on fire. She could feel her pussy melting in her panties. 

As if summoned by Marci’sa surging passion. Something hard prodded from her from behind. The sudden poke at her undercarriage startled her, but also sent a wave of fire through her body as it firmly grazed her clothed labia. 

“Oh!” Marcia mewled. 

She peered over her shoulder and was greeted with another cumbersome cock. Though darker in shade. It was just as huge as the first. Draped through the hole on her right, it laid like a fat lazy slug along the curve of Marcia 's luscious ass. Enamored with both of the giant glans, Marcia split her attention between the two. Alternating from sucking to stroking, she savored each cock. 

Overcome with heat, she shed her clothes and began to caress her naked tits with the slick cockheads. Her core ached and howled to be penetrated. Unable to hold back any longer, Marcia leveled herself with the holes again. This time she throated back the ebony length while allowing the alabaster one to grind against her bare ass. 

She felt so dirty for letting herself go like this, but even the shame added to the thrill. She had no time to focus on what her husband could be up to. Her thoughts remained ravenously lustful. A soft moan left her lips as she rocked away, allowing the paler penis to drop and angle into her soaked trench. Her hole throbbed against it as if affectionately kissing the intrusive cockhead—inviting it into her warmth. 

Driven to erotic delirium, she resumed passionately sucking the cock in front of her while grinding into the one behind her. The slippery mess between her legs began to drip into a pool of arousal between her feet. She could sense that both thick snakes were about to spill. Each one began to twitch and shudder incessantly. The very thought of their cum on her body made Marcia shiver with excitement. 

Doubling her effort, she sucked and grinded them intensely until finally the girthy length in her throat seized and then erupted like a fire hose straight into her stomach. The sensation of his huge cock suddenly pumping semen down her throat forced Marcia over the edge. She swallowed back as much she could, but the massive load splashed on to her tongue and chin as the man dragged his dick for her abused gullet. 

Orgasming powerfully, she squirted hot juices onto the cock rutting against her pussy. The release was like an avalanche, taking the grinding appendage with it. Throbbing rapidly, the cock between her legs came hard, dousing her dripping pussy with gout after gout of milky semen. 

Marcia sighed and collapsed into her seat, exhausted, allowing the spent Dicks to recoil from the wall. “That was amazing!” she panted, catching her breath. However, the night wasn't over yet as another pair of huge schlongs appeared through the holes in the walls.

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